Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 292: negotiation

"We meet again!"

The tall interstellar giant first landed on Jura Island, followed by fifteen star mechas. m

At this time, the interstellar giant was only a kilometer high, and the other star mechas were all 500 meters high.

"We are about to hit the moon, and you are here." Fang Que turned five hundred meters high, all his clothes were torn apart, and at the same time, the golden armor condensed by the power of gold wrapped his body like a piece of gold. Mars.

"Thirty-three Heavenly Profound Girl, this bad guy always wanted to abduct me." The little fairy pointed at the interstellar giant and whispered to Xiao Qi.

Xiao Qi was surprised: "Why did he kidnap you, with such a low IQ, he couldn't kidnap you?"

The little fairy was pure-hearted and nodded frequently: "Yes, he gave me a few more Star Mechas to eat, so he could abduct me, but I didn't tell him, he didn't even know, she was stupid enough."

Although the two women were whispering, they didn't pay attention to keeping it secret. Everyone naturally heard how hard they were.

Prince Taksin spit fire in his mouth and nose, Mahler Gobi, he had communicated with the little fairy before his strength was restored, and his mouth was broken, but it didn’t make sense. He said that he would send two starry sky mechas to the little fairy to devour, let her follow, she If you think it tastes delicious, consider it.

The devil prince reluctantly sent out two of them, and the little fairy had finished eating, and she said that she would come again.

The devil prince quit, thinking it was meat buns hitting the dog, he would never give it back.

Now, the little fairy said so, if it was true, he would not be depressed to death. Not to mention a few, he agreed to send the Star Giant out.

"Little mother emperor. You are willing to follow me now. I can give you food on the interstellar giant. After returning to the star field of our Tacos, countless minerals can be eaten by you." The devil prince resisted the urge to vomit blood and abducted again. Little fairy.

The little fairy bit her finger, thought for a while, and shook her head: "One Star Giant is not enough. I am already a star now. Five Star Mechas like the Star Giant are needed."

The devil prince’s face was dark, without the Interstellar Giant, he couldn’t go back to the Tuck Star Territory. He was thinking about robbing the Green Starren’s A-class space battleship. The little fairy doesn’t have a big appetite, but it also depends on the target and the status quo. what.

Five? Where can he find it?

"Can you have this?" Xiao Qi asked for the little fairy.

The devil prince wanted to get angry, but finally got a chance to negotiate. He swallowed the blood in his throat: "Nothing right now, there will be a meeting in the future, let's change other conditions."

Prince Tuckstar is too greedy, a mother of the starry sky can make a race rise, and it will be no problem to squeeze from the ninth-level power into the second-level power.

The Taco giant is in the cosmic racial power. It can only be regarded as a fifth-class force.

It is as difficult for a racial power to rise to the next level.

The pinnacle power is a race with living gods; the top power is a **** who has ever appeared. But the missing or fallen race; the first-class power requires at least one race to dominate; the second-class power. At least one race where the Venerable is sitting...

As long as the resources are sufficient and the time is long enough, a starry sky mother wants to grow to be the overlord without any difficulty at all.

The overlord starry sky mother queen can create overlord fighters, and has the power of racially bound dominance level, and she doesn't dare to provoke the overlord starry sky mother queen at all.

Even if he dared, he was worried that the overlord-level Star Empress suddenly opened up another world, and thousands of overlord fighters flew out.

In that case, it would be too awkward to die.

"When people are in a hurry, others will throw peaches in return. We now need something like the Star Giant to increase our strength and create more star warriors. If you don't have it, don't kidnap it. The little fairy is already It's mine." Xiao Qi said old-fashioned.

The little fairy nodded frequently, suddenly realizing something was wrong, and corrected: "I am already Dad's person, Dad will not agree to let me out."

Everyone covered their foreheads, Chi Wu stepped forward and held the two little girls: "Don't talk too much."

Chi Wu is the highest-ranking mother among all the mothers, and the two children hurriedly shut up.

The devil prince’s liver and lungs are about to explode. Don’t the people of the earth, especially the Chinese people, value ethics the most? Qin Lin, who was so kind at the beginning, is now the godfather of the little mother emperor?

Beasts are inferior, how long was the little mother emperor born, and this little seven, not too old, has also become Qin Lin's goddaughter?

"What's so good about the earth? This may be a place cursed by gods. If you stay for a long time, it won't end well. Little Mother, you should follow me early and go to a wider world. The prosperous star field, there is A continent a few light years away, there are superstars light-years in diameter... there is a paradise where the monks are fighting for the flow.” Prince Tucker fought again, with a bitter heart, if he were not worried that the old **** stick would appear when he did it himself, he would have long been there. Rushing up, snatching the little fairy and ran away, the earth felt really evil to him, and he didn't want to stay longer.

"Mom left me here for my good. I don't believe you." The little fairy said, biting her finger.

The devil prince was startled, looking around, and the eldest mother.

The Devil Prince didn't know how the Little Mother Empress appeared, even if he was an old **** stick, he didn't know.

No matter what, if the old mother emperor has the ability to break through the space storm and throw the little fairy to the earth, it must be the existence of the ruler or even the god.

That kind of existence is honing one's own children, and can't protect them for a lifetime. Even if he enslaved the little fairy, it is estimated that God would not do anything to him, at most he would forcibly release the little fairy and take the little fairy away.

Since there is no life worry, then why not fight it?

What's more, the little fairy was thrown here, who knows that it was the mother emperor deliberately, or was forced to do so.

Maybe the old mother and the emperor died long ago. Life is full of gambling, and the eyes of the devil prince are flickering.

Qin Lin sat cross-legged behind, quickly absorbing light energy, and his soul sank into the ground, reaching a depth of several thousand meters underground.

Originally, it was just right for his soul to escape from the ** and sink into the ground for a kilometer, but now it is an extraordinary period. Before the consumption of divine power was too great, he had no other way but to feel the earth's pulse to the limit to quickly absorb the divine power in his mind.

He had already sent a message to Xiao Qi just now, so that this little guy could delay as much as possible.

The little guy lived up to expectations and walked with the little fairy by the nose, and the little fairy followed with the devil prince's nose.

This little guy wants to be male. When he grows up, I don’t know how many girls will stumble because of him. If it is female, the male compatriots will suffer.

The loli of the Isla God Realm geared up. The two sisters died because of Prince Tuckstar. If he hadn't directed the giant family members to besiege the Qin Lin camp and the Little Fairy camp, their sisters would not have died.

Especially the little monkey, when he saw the interstellar giant, he knew that the culprit was the person inside, so he couldn't wait to rush up immediately.

But Chi Ying and Si Ruo didn't take any action, and the little monkey had to endure it.

Besides, the little monkey can't deal with the interstellar giant now.

Not to mention the Interstellar Giant, even those Star Mechas, she couldn't deal with it either.

That is a product of half magic weapon and half technology. Star-level fighters control them, and their combat power in star-level is at least medium-to-high.

"So, you refuse to go with me?" Finally, Prince Tuckstar pointed at the little fairy and said to everyone: "And you, you insist on protecting her, don't you? I say it again, the previous thing was completely wiped out. , I just want to take the little mother emperor away, I hope you don’t stop me, otherwise, you know the consequences. Don’t think that you are all promoted to stars, we dare not do anything. Last time I did not help allies to completely repair the warship~www This time I helped them repair most of them, and eight more Star Mechas were created. You should know that the combat power of Star Mechas cannot be dealt with by those of you who have just been promoted to stars and bare-handed."

The devil prince didn't know that there were seven laws of constitution in Qin Lin's camp.

Fighting in space, the Five Elements Rule of Constitution does not have any advantage, because in space, there is almost a vacuum, there is no matter of the Five Elements, and naturally there is no power of the Five Elements.

But on larger planets, it's different.

Even if most planets do not have a formation, relying on their own gravity, they can attract the five elements forever, and even attract the power of the five elements of the dimensional law world.

The monk's world, almost any living planet, will condense a lot of five elements, wind, thunder and lightning.

Because you live in the five elements at all times, it is easier to perceive the laws of the five elements, wind, and thunder and lightning.

.(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.qn to read.) 9

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