Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 299: Turnaround

The Interstellar Giant, one hundred thousand meters high, was already terrifying at first, but it continues to grow bigger, changing the colors of the sky and the earth, and the tri-color light illuminates thousands of miles, dispersing the black light of the black iron chain. M

Everyone was shocked and backed away.

The Interstellar Giant is desperately trying to pour the power of law into the iron chain, trying to burst the iron chain.

Once the iron chain explodes, the power can be imagined, and the stars on the side are estimated to be seriously injured and dying.

The black iron chain creaked and was broken tightly. The sound was very harsh, and everyone was uncomfortable.

Qin Lin directed everyone to stay away, only Li Liang did not retreat, grabbing one end of the black iron chain, his face was full of madness.

"Blast it, scum, I don't believe you will be fine by then." Li Liang laughed, his face was full of blood and tears, the giant family was wiped out, and all his brothers and sisters who had followed for more than ten years died.

The devil prince's face was gloomy, and Li Liang was right. Breaking free from the chains requires a price.

"That old thief, insidious and cunning, has let you out long ago, right." The devil prince stared at Li Liang coldly.

Li Liang's face was distorted, and he said bitterly: "Yes, I have seen everything that happened on the battlefield that day. When Huang Teng led the brothers and biochemical giants to come, he turned on the light brain screen for me, and they brought the camera. Show me a remote live broadcast. They want me to see a big victory, but what do I see? I can’t wait to swallow you alive, this hatred is not shared..."

The devil prince sneered: "They are useless. Once they know that they are abandoned, they give up on themselves. They have no fighting spirit. Suicide is the behavior of the weak. If they have some fighting spirit in their hearts. Maybe I will protect them. What a pity."

"Shut up! Ah... blast me!" Li Liang yelled. I don't expect to die with the devil prince, I just hope to hit each other badly.

On that day, after seeing all his brothers buried in the sea, Li Liang was already desperate and had no love.

The old **** stick appeared, giving him hope of survival, and gave him an invisibility talisman, allowing him to approach the interstellar giant silently and without being detected by the demon prince's divine power.

Although he knew that the old **** stick was going to send himself to death. But Li Liang agreed without hesitation, only this battle.

"I am a powerful void warrior, the star magic weapon detonated by my side, I was bitten by a dog at most. Li Liang, you are in vain." The devil prince continued to pour the power of law into the black iron chain, and at the same time , The Star Giant is still getting bigger. It has become three hundred and thirty thousand meters high, and the black iron chain is swelling, entangled on the Interstellar Giant, making the Interstellar Giant look very terrifying, like a demon who broke free from hell.

"Arrogant! It's not the old chain of locks anymore." Li Liang grinned, and the power of the law in his body was poured into the black chain.

The devil prince's face changed. This iron chain was originally the magic weapon he gave to the giant family to lock the star Li Liang, and he knew its quality very well.

Normally, with so much power of law, it should have exploded long ago. But up to now, it shows no signs of exploding.

"The old thief moved his hands and feet. Damn it!" The demon prince was angry.

"Haha..." Li Liang laughed wildly, with bloodshot from the corners of his mouth, he was desperately trying.

Qin Lin and others were silent, no matter how abhorrent Li Liang and the giant family members were before, but now, the giant family members have been wiped out, leaving only Li Liang.

And this Li Liang is desperately fighting the Interstellar Giant.

Everyone's aversion to the rebels disappeared.

The world is unpredictable, and the rebels want to make Qin Lin's giant army and the little fairy camp lose both, so that the fisherman can benefit.

I don't want Qin Lin's giant army and the little fairy camp to become allies from mortal enemies, while the giant family has fallen into this field, the family is ruined, and there is only one left.

And the rest of the man became a mortal enemy with the rebels behind the scenes.

"Blast, burst, burst..." The devil prince was a little frightened. The once-star magic weapon now seems to be definitely a cave-level magic weapon.

The cave-level magic weapon exploded, and it could already seriously hurt the demon prince in this state.

"Ahhhhh..." The devil prince is going crazy. He is a quasi-tian arrogant of the void. Since he came to the solar system a thousand years ago, he has been in bad luck. Into this.

"This magic weapon is so terrifying."

Qin Lin and others were surprised, and the devil prince was scared.

The green star's complexion is cloudy and sunny, and the aura is coming fiercely, is it going to come home again?

If the devil prince is seriously injured, this battle probably won't need to be fought.

He is such a cautious person, he will definitely take the lead.

Once he drove away, the Green Stars, Huang Feiyong, and Xu Hui could not stop the group of Qin Lin.

"I knew this before, so I saved the second child of the giant family first." A green star with green skin and a bare head was very regretful. A little selfishness made the trend become like this and it was out of control.

On the same day, they saved the second star of the star, they will have an extra general, and the giant family will not despair. If they continue to fight for the Takstar, Chi Wu may not be promoted to the star...

Chi Wu has not been promoted to star, so thinking, Chi Ying may not be close behind.

"Yida, don't regret it. Who would have thought that the original Qin Lin camp would pop up four stars one after another." A green star said to the bald Hulk in the starry sky mecha.

"If it doesn't work, we will leave with a half-damaged space warship. If we are lucky, we will encounter a broken space warship within a few hundred years, and continue to repair the collection equipment, or happen to encounter a natural wormhole to leave and enter the territory of lower civilization. I can continue to return to my hometown," said the bald Hulk.

"Okay, let's take a look at the situation here first. The Taksin shouldn't be seriously injured so easily, he is a Void-level warrior."


Qin Lin's eyes flickered as he watched the black iron chain growing stronger and more terrifying with the backlog of energy.

"Qin Lin, don't hurry up!" At this moment, Li Liang suddenly shouted.

Everyone was taken aback and didn't know what was going on. Qin Lin and Li Liang had plans in advance?

Qin Lin hesitated for a moment. In fact, he and Li Liang had no plans.

Before Li Liang appeared, he didn't know what would happen.

"This old **** stick is getting more and more **** stick, and the calculation is so deep." Qin Lin hesitated.

"This is the best time!" Li Liang roared.

Qin Lin's eyes were red, and he couldn't care about so much. He gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, Jijit, invade!"

Suddenly, the interstellar giant, which had been breaking free from the black iron chain, stopped struggling and stopped growing.

The roar of the demon prince came: "Asshole, Starbaby, what's the matter with you, how can the Star Giant malfunction? It's not under my control."

"Good job! Jijit, good job." Qin Lin was happy.

As early as a few days ago, Gigitte had returned.

With the help of Qin Lin's light energy to transform energy, and the help of the old **** stick, the little guy successfully transformed and became an intelligent life that can continue to evolve, and he can even practice in the future.

The one who sank from Qin Lin's chest and escaped into the ground before was Jijit.

The intelligence of the little guy is very powerful, at least not inferior to the intelligent life StarBubu of the Tacos.

"Gigit, you..." In the interstellar giant, Starbaby's voice rang and disappeared completely. The former subordinates returned strongly, destroying their own programs.

"The thief of the grass and mud horse!" The demon prince roared sadly, and a big hole was knocked open on the head of the interstellar giant, and a giant wearing a black armor, more than a thousand meters high, and a face covered with black stripes flew out.

The Star Giant has fallen!

The devil prince abandoned him and escaped.

Naturally, Qin Lin was reluctant to let Gilgit detonate the Interstellar Giant and be buried with the Demon Prince, but the Demon Prince was even more reluctant to take his own life. He didn't dare to take the risk and escape quickly.

If not, the black chains explode with the Star Giant, and he will also lose half his life.

"Want to escape?" Seeing the devil prince escape, Li Liang laughed, and the black iron chain quickly broke away from the interstellar giant and drew towards the devil prince.


With a scream, a starry sky mecha was broken to pieces and was swept by a black iron chain several hundred thousand meters long, but the demon prince avoided it with a grim complexion.

"Do it!" Qin Lin shouted.

Qin Lin's giant army roared with excitement, the situation seemed to have reversed, and immediately started to deal with the remaining starry sky mechas.

However, before they took the shot, everyone discovered that the dozen or so Star Mechas remaining in the Tuck Star camp were attacking each other.

The giant sword shone brightly, the sword cut through the sky, and the organic armor was cut down in the Pacific Ocean.

"what happened?"

Everyone was stunned.

.(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.qn to read.) 9

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