Ridan III is very embarrassed. Both parties have their own arguments, and it is difficult for him to favor either side. Suddenly a familiar figure appeared in front of him, and he called out:’Your Majesty. ‘

Those who can be so honored by the king are the only incarnation in the Spirit King country. Luka Titov and the others stared blankly at the three-flowered calico kitten sitting on the long table. It… He tilted his head and looked towards the other old elves. “Meow.”

‘Your Majesty, do you have a purpose to convey when you appear here? ‘

“Meow meow meow.” The kitten sitting on the long table barked hurriedly and quickly, while the short forelegs kept beating the table, as if to say something.

‘Your Majesty, don’t be so excited, speak slowly. ‘

“Meow!” After a cry, the kitten stood up straight. The dark pupils suddenly released rays of light, and a screen-like plane was projected in front of Ridan III, with countless words flowing through.

Perhaps the Spirit King country is relatively closed compared to the outside world. However, the senior officials of the Kingdom are not unfamiliar with forums that are quite beneficial for the transmission of information. Although what I saw is not the water mirror screen used in the forum, it has the same effect.

Despite the things used by human beings, as the king, Ridan III is not too cold, he just probably didn’t pay attention to it after seeing it. But since this was what Your Majesty showed, he watched it seriously, and then simply admitted that he couldn’t understand it at all…

For safety reasons, the young king might not leave. He has been through the palace, but his education is a complete wizard version of the elite education.

The knowledge of all elves inheritance, the knowledge of magic, the history of elves, the history of the lost world, the spell of the druids, the martial skill of the elves, the arrow technique, riding, etiquette, governance, military Slightly, all imaginable and unexpected things were stuffed into the head of this young king. The bad guy is just using all of this skillfully.

But this kind of person, for the content displayed by this Your Majesty, only recognizes the characters in it, but can’t understand the meaning, even if it’s just a fragment. After thinking about it for a while, the young king suddenly woke up, said with a bitter smile:’Your Majesty, you mean, can’t we learn these things? ‘

The kitten who stopped the projection shook the head to this somewhat discouraged king.

‘It doesn’t mean that you can’t learn, what does that mean? ‘

The variegated kitten used its forelimbs as a gesture to plan on the table, and then used a meat ball to point the spot where it was trying to plan, and patted it a few times.

‘Digging? What to dig? ‘The young king is puzzled.

At this moment, Luka Titov suddenly interrupted and said:’My king, maybe Your Majesty means something deeper. ‘

“Miu Miu.” The kitten yelled a few times, and at the same time showed a satisfied expression nodded, indicating that the old elf guessed right. The young king also suddenly realized, and said: “It means that the knowledge needed is actually something more in-depth, not the ones that I see now. ‘

The kitten was nodded like pounding garlic, and desperately stretched out his forelimbs and pointed at the young king, indicating that he was right. Then he changed his movements again, pushing the door open with his left and right feet, but pacing in place.

‘Is this afraid to enter the door? ‘

The kitten shook his head and was nodded. Several elves guessed several words in succession, but they all exchanged the same expressions.

In the end, Luka Titov guessed:’Does this mean not even entering the door? ‘When the kitten heard it, nodded and agreed. The prime minister of the kingdom said again: “It means that the knowledge that we can know, in fact, does not even count as an introduction? ‘

After showing a satisfied expression, the kitten gestured for approval, then tapped the distance with his forelimbs, suddenly making the appearance of pinching his neck and then turning his belly. Then came the action of naming all the elves present, and then pushing the door open and pacing in place.

Now everyone does not need to guess what they mean by Your Majesty. That is to wait until the human magician dies, maybe the elves don’t even count as a beginner. Everyone was silent with this naked contempt.

If someone is there, he will never be surprised by World Tree Lahti’s evaluation. The knowledge he has learned is the essence of Earth’s generations and many scientists. He teaches by himself, how many things he can teach to a group of people who don’t even have the basics. Then they develop on their own, and how long will it take to catch up with Earth. Even if there are geniuses like Fern and Jermaine, they still have limitations.

And such a small game of comparison between a kitten and a few elves, not everyone can join. The few elves who did not participate in the morning meeting with the human magician stared blankly at their colleagues and the king talking about unfathomable mystery.

Among them, Prime Minister Luka Titov’s biggest political opponent, and War Secretary Maxim Stache, is most disgusted with the scene at hand. Because he couldn’t understand what the elves were doing. He has always been outspoken, not afraid to offend anyone, he directly yelled:’What are you doing with the king! Do you think we are fools? ‘

The young king who was being reprimanded felt a little wronged. He flatly said:’This is because of Lahti Your Majesty…’ When he mentioned the name of the kitten, he meowed, while young The king finally found something was wrong. He looked towards his prime minister in surprise, pointed tremblingly, and wondered:’You can also see Lahti Your Majesty? ‘

Although helpless in every possible way, Luka Titov still represents others and said:’We do see the shape of Your Majesty. If he looks like a variegated kitten in three colors. ‘

When these words came out, not only the young king was shocked, but even several elves headed by War Minister Maxim Stasi were also shocked. You can see the figure of Your Majesty, which has always been the patent of the Royal Family and the honor of being an excellent member of the divine wood guard. Other elves have what skills and abilities can admire the style of that Your Majesty, let alone describe it as unbearable: three kinds of motley kittens.

‘There is nothing wrong. But why? ‘I haven’t got the answer yet, the young king thought of another thing first, stood up excitedly and said:’If Qing Titov can also see that Your Majesty, then I can give you the throne. Up. Anyway, the reason why I am a king is to communicate with Your Majesty. ‘

It’s too late to say, it’s fast then. The kitten, who was licking its forelimbs and grooming on the long table, suddenly leaped hard and took the young king, who was anxious to shake the pot, back into his seat with a meat ball in his palm. Then the man stood up, meowing with his forelimbs akimbo.

Looking at this Your Majesty’s reaction, Luka Titov couldn’t tell good from bad and said:’My king, Lahti Your Majesty has always only been willing to communicate with the bloodline of the Royal Family. This is a duty that you cannot get rid of. It was an accident that the ministers could see Your Majesty’s figure. It should be noted that the human magician-Gabrach ‧ Tripwood, he is the other person who can see Your Majesty. ‘

This series of actions is not only the elves of the prime minister of the kingdom who have realized. Even the elves of the Minister of War, because of the sudden movements of the young king, saw the three-flowered kitten that patted people with the paw of the cat. All the elves present suck in a breath of cold air.

As if realizing that he was showing up again, the kitten threw his head in dissatisfaction, not even looking at a group of normally old-fashioned elves.

For this unexpected news, about his unexpected development, the first person who could not sit still was the Secretary of War Maxim Stache. He asked:’What is going on here? Why can the human magician see Your Majesty? Why did we also see Your Majesty? ‘

Explain the process of meeting with the human magician in great detail. Luka Titov smiled helplessly and said:’The explanation of that human magician, I am a complete statement word by word, without adding or modifying anything. Because honestly, I don’t understand it very well either. ‘

This is how a group of elves aimed at what they observed, trying to explain them with the knowledge they knew. But most of the time it is a piercing association, or it is a variety of “how do I feel” or “I think it should be”. The Sanhua kitten, who could not listen anymore, let out a scream like protest, interrupting the discussion of the other elves.

He then walked in front of the young king, turned to face all the elves in the meeting, waving his right forelimb, just like a dictator’s speech, using exaggerated body language, but only There was a meow.

The young King Zidan III knew something and set the tone for this discussion, saying:’Since the human magician was appointed by Your Majesty, I don’t think we have any reason to oppose it. With qualifications. So I asked Zhuqing to continue this decision and approach Tripwood magician. Let him be willing to help Lahti Your Majesty’s promotion. ‘

‘Yes! “Meow!” a few elves and kittens who were biased towards the prime minister of the kingdom replied in unison. Although the elves of the other series had many doubts, they couldn’t find any reason to object, so they could only agree.

Summer nights are a bit boring. Heat waves may not be as virulent as during the day, but they can still make it difficult to sleep. In particular, the perception of all aspects of the new body is very keen, and the feeling of discomfort is of course also multiplied. Tonight, a certain Lich rarely sleeps.

Sitting by the window, the occasional cool breeze couldn’t dissipate the irritability, which made this one look lazily and didn’t want to do anything. Even though there was the sound of footsteps that shouldn’t be here, she didn’t have the idea of ​​moving herself.

When the door was opened, Fen was lazy to even look back, but said directly: “Although you are trying very hard to hide your whereabouts and want to enter the state of stealth. But honestly, you Not suitable for being an Assassin. Would you consider quitting? I am a bit lazy to beat you now. If you are looking for another one, he lives next door. You can go by yourself and I will treat you as if you had never been before.”

The female elf Liena Titov is standing in front of Lich’s room in a cool summer outfit. She took the door of the room and leaned against the door panel. In the same summer and at the same night, the familiar hometown weather seemed to ignite the fire in her chest, and the inexplicable emotion was only the last trace of rational defense guarded.

But like this, she said: “Do you feel like looking at a country once destroyed by you?”

“Want to hear the truth? The truth is that I have no feeling at all. I have no impression of what I have done to this place. I don’t know which Corps Head did it. I have never personally led an army to fight in such a remote place.”

The location of the Kingdom of Peyat Jaime was considered a’barren’ zone hundreds of years ago. The Demon King, who has conquered many civilizations, said he has never been, and it is really possible that he has never been. People have to admit this. But Lienna still said unhappily: “It’s really sad. You can’t admit your mistakes straightforwardly.”

“Because I lead a group of fools, I have to bear the mistakes they made. I have this awareness a long time ago. So, are you going to take revenge?”

“Why not.” After speaking, his lips overlapped. it is more than words.

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