No one knows the meeting between the gods and the abyss Evil God. In fact, even if you know it, so what? Those great character wrestling is not something that someone can intervene.

For the lady of Destiny, calling the gods to make such a declaration is actually a way of expressing attitude. Warn other Spiritual Gods not to overreact to the changes that will be faced next, and that someone has Him covered.

That is to say, a certain transversal crowd became the voter of the destined Goddess unconsciously, which seems to be the case in other Divine Eyes. In fact, except for Luo Ge Xian Ni who made a dice to replace the first 20-sided dice in Misti, in fact, someone did not get any benefit, and even he didn’t know that he was involved with this big guy.

Although there are many things that are not stated clearly in the meeting of the gods, such an announcement is very high-profile. Considering the existence of those who are qualified to appear here, how could they obediently obey the attitude of a certain god, and dare not take a step beyond the thunder pool.

Perhaps on the surface, they will not look for the source of all these changes, and of course they will not have any drastic means. But someone has undoubtedly entered their watch list, even though everyone still doesn’t know who it is.

Will do these superfluous things and make trouble for someone in a disguised form. On the one hand, because the man’s fate is worse than a mess, the fate Goddess doesn’t think that he will intervene or not. what’s the difference.

On the other hand, compared to the fighting between good and evil, order and chaos, there will always be those who can’t understand the neutral camp watching a show, and they will inevitably think of wrong ideas. Destiny Goddess needs to take this opportunity to show his muscles and warn all the guys who intend to drag him down in the camp melee: He has the power to lift the table and beat both sides at the same time.

Finally, the reason why Ms. Destiny put someone on the fire. Even though it was a younger brother who sometimes even wanted to kick a few feet, he knew the real reason why Lavoquedo was beaten by the fat a while ago.

He never told the troublesome younger brother about these things. If it is said, it will produce a series of events, which will eventually lead to a noun that he does not understand-Ragnarök. Although he didn’t understand, his intuition was bad, so he had to suppress that fate from happening.

He never mentioned these things to the Guardian Lord, because that person doesn’t care what others say. Moving towards the direction I firmly believed in without hesitation was one of the many guardian concepts. So instead of trying to explain to him, it’s better to stay away from such a lunatic.

Sit on the throne of his Divine Kingdom, playing the twenty-sided dice in exchange. From the time the mortal entered his field of vision, the fate of the lost ground was a bit fuzzy. He tried to sort out everything about that mortal, but when he touched out a thread, he found that it was entangled with other threads. In the end, he could only choose the Old Fang method, just to sit on the sidelines and wait for all conclusions.

The journey of someone to the World Tree owned by the Kingdom of Peyat Jaime took more time than imagined. It’s not about how far away it is, but about halfway through the marching team and turning to other places without taking proper steps. The reason is of course as I guessed before: the making of the dice.

The handmade dice are exquisite, and it is easy to carve all kinds of flowers. Not to mention the ingenious elves, even the four silverbeard dwarves can use tools to complete various delicate tasks. But to make a fair passing twenty-sided dice, the university asks.

At least in the eyes of a bunch of people hoping, someone disclosed his own craftsmanship. As soon as the three-dimensional image came out, the silver-bearded dwarves raised their hands and surrendered. When someone finished explaining, the elves who didn’t understand the craftsmanship in the first place also retreated gorgeously.

Just talking about the calculation angle, the center of gravity, the probability that it will affect and other mathematical problems, this proud long-lived race feels a sense of frustration that the silver-beard dwarves have experienced in the first place.

In this case, the next best thing, Lin told the elves of the casting process he envisioned. Don’t look at the most famous Dwarf Race, the elves’ various skills, but they will not lose to the dwarves of the same long-lived species. So when Lin wakes up so little, they know what to do, and the whole team will detour to a nearby farm.

Although the farm is called a farm, it actually has a variety of life functions in it, of course, it also includes an iron furnace. Because all you need to do is dice, and the amount of iron ore is not large, the elves quickly completed a lot of “coarse embryos” of twenty-sided dice. To be useful, in addition to polishing the edges and corners, you must also paint to adjust the center of gravity of the dice.

In addition to dice, Kaya, who has been studying the rule book recently, took a bunch of notes to someone to discuss some of the flaws in the rules. Someone intends to help improve it, of course Lin has no objection. However, for this girl who was too serious, Lin answered many of the proposals he had brought up, and said to her earnestly:

“Girl, I want to make very detailed settings, extremely close. The real situation is a good thing. But you didn’t consider the gameplay. After all, this is just an entertaining game to pass the time. It’s okay to use your brains. People who want to become DMs need to do various checks, so it’s okay to be more complicated. ; But it shouldn’t be so difficult that even the participants have to remember a bunch of things, or else you can’t play the game. Think about it, addition is fortunate to say, most people don’t even know what multiplication is, in this case you have to teach them On the question of probability, are you sure you are not asking for trouble?”

Of course, someone is not just criticizing and not giving advice. The design of Kaya in many places is actually to make different weights after the dice roll for different intensities of attacks and judgments. Lin directly gave a plan to use different sides of the dice, and one or more dice can be used to determine the roll. Just mentioning that, this girl wanted to understand a lot of things and went to plan happily.

The reason why someone didn’t want to improve the rule book personally, but let Kaya and a few other fascinated friends work together on the second edition revision work, mainly because they took out this stuff, Just to divert the young king’s attention on him; besides, Lin knew that the joke of this journey was coming.

Like the Wadwo tribe of the wood elves, if you didn’t enter a certain range, you couldn’t see that towering tree… it was much shorter than the towering World Tree. . Looking at the World Tree in front of you, someone will inevitably compare another tree that he has seen with his own eyes. However, compared with Wadvor’s body, what he saw in front of him was like a malnourished Little Brat.

The group of five hundred elves stopped, and did not drive straight into the core area of ​​World Tree as someone imagined. The reason is that a group of masked elves with hoods in a military formation were blocked on the road. They bend bow and place arrow and make no secret of the hostility.

Highway Robbery? In front of one’s eyes in World Tree? Is this World crazy? Or is someone not enough imagination?

Faced with such a situation, naturally the leading Spirit General army stepped forward and reprimanded:’Ronan! The people of the divine wood guard dare to stop before the king! ‘

‘We are not blocking the king’s driving, but the humans in the team that shouldn’t appear here. ‘

Mean…Can you go home to wash and sleep? Lin, who has instantly become the focus of attention of all the elves, has only one thought.

The Minister of War Maxim Stache in the middle of the team knows the member of the Spirit General Army’s impossible to subdue divine wood guard. This group of elves, who belonged directly to Lahti Your Majesty, had an increasingly supercilious and ignorant attitude towards the king’s power. They had a posture of independence from the kingdom, which was unbearable for their veterans.

I want to personally denounce these youngsters who are not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth. A cat cry disrupted Maxim’s calculations.

“Meow meow!”

I saw the familiar calico kitten again, and the minister of war had mixed feelings in his heart. At the beginning, I saw this kitten in the large chamber of the palace. Although he called Your Majesty, he was not so simple to believe what he saw, and believed that this kitten was their Guardian, the incarnation of World Tree.

The chance that Prime Minister Luca Titov exchanged with him to be with Zidan III and come to meet World Tree was actually he took the initiative to mention. When they were there, every move must meet the expectations and requirements of everyone, and they could not do as one pleases. This led to the rumor that the prime minister of the kingdom fell ill, and was in fact annoyed by his daughter. In fact, those two are not the real main cause.

It will take so much time, because he has to confirm with his own eyes what the incarnation of that Your Majesty is. If according to Luca, as long as the connection is established, that person can no longer hide his figure from his field of vision. If this statement is true, he will be able to…see the kitten as well.

To be honest, he didn’t know that he really hoped that he really had this honor and could see the incarnation of Your Majesty with his own eyes; or he hoped that what he saw was an illusion, and this human magician was a liar. The prime minister of the kingdom was a fool who was deceived by a liar.

But in that site of Your Majesty, under the shade of his trees, even if Sanhua kittens are not the incarnation, they must have some kind of authority as a substitute.

And since the appearance of this kitten, the divine wood guard is no longer that arrogant. Several leading powerhouses looked at each other in blank dismay, and the tensioned bowstrings were loosened a little. Even if the guard member who was in the figure of Your Majesty was not seen, they were all flustered inexplicably, and suddenly a little not knowing what to do .

Of course, Lin also saw the appearance of this three-flowered kitten, but he was a little uncertain about this one. After deceiving people into one’s own turf, just let them know about it. This kind of routine is not unfamiliar. The most important thing is that World Tree, which can’t even communicate well with words, has the same code of conduct as people, and knows that it is reasonable?

From seeing Lahti’s divine wood guard blocking the way, someone feels that he is still too naive, too optimistic, and too light-hearted. Fight against it in World Tree’s turf, and you have to peel the skin without dying.

I was thinking about how to retreat all over the body, just watching this three-flowered kitten stretched out its short legs, climbed up on someone’s robe, and finally reached the black hair. On the head of melon seeds. The kitten was waving his right forelimb and meowing a few times. The elves of the divine wood guard were unwilling, they could only give up the road, retreat to the sides, and greet the king.

Ridan III enthusiastically pulled someone in and walked in together. Although as the person involved, he couldn’t see his own appearance, Lin only thought this scene would be ridiculous. A handsome elf walked by a turtle; he was wearing a golden light dazzling crown, and he was wearing… a cat hat?

“Hey, Little Brat, you won’t pee on my head, do you?”

The Sanhua kitten directly scratched someone’s face with his front paws in dissatisfaction.

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