Because I was born on an island, I am no stranger to the sea. First awaken that familiar memory is the smell in the wind.

Some people say it’s salty, and some people say it’s fishy. Of course, some top-students will come up with chemical formulas and come up with a set of explanations that no one understands, and they are quite unbelievable. . But someone didn’t do that, he just took a deep breath and vomited it out again.

When he lived in the Southwest Peninsula, he had never been to the beach. Because the topography of the Southwest Peninsula is quite peculiar, it is a basin surrounded by a continuous mountain range. The only way to connect is the few passes that the dwarves opened on the mountain range of the doomsday, connecting the main areas of the fascinating continent.

During the development of the Southwest Peninsula, a bold adventurer crossed the mountain range and confirmed that the other end was the sea and there was no other new world to be developed. This point was confirmed once again after the airship in Leon District was built. In other words, from the topographical point of view, the Southwest Peninsula is indeed the border zone of the Mysterious Continent.

When the familiar sound of the waves hitting the shore reverberates in your ears, someone has the illusion of returning home. He rarely pulled himself out of the study, stopped the carriage, followed the familiar feeling through the woods and came to the cliff. When the endless sea came into view, and the sound of the surging waves was like majestic music, Lin couldn’t help raising his hands and howling.

At this time, other people also came behind and saw this vast and magnificent scenery, they were all surprised speechless. Although the two girls once heard their teachers and to-and-fro adventurers talked about how the sea is. But seeing it with my own eyes and listening to other people’s descriptions is definitely a different feeling.

Needless to say, dwarves who have lived underground all their lives. The first time they saw the sky, their legs were frightened. For a long time, the two female dwarves who left their hometown for the first time had to cover their heads with an umbrella, or hold something to block them, to be able to feel a little relieved.

But after all, the sky is not a place to go up casually, no matter how vast it is, it can’t be touched. The sea is different. The dwarves have never thought that when the water reaches a certain level, it will churn and roar like this. And it seems that he can swallow himself at any time without leaving any residue.

Lich, who rarely escaped from the meditation state, also came to the edge of the cliff. Her temperament seemed to have changed. She just stood there, and the turbulent sea seemed to be calmer.

If the previous Lich was like a sharp knife, the arrogant temperament of everything in the world is still there, but it has been compromised a little, this way she can easily arouse some men to conquer desire. But now Fen is a little bit more ethereal and misty, a little bit more… divine?

In the past, she gave people the feeling of staying away from others. To be more precise, it’s like using hostility as a defense, and it will stab people who are close at any time, which makes people feel difficult to get close to. Now she still feels that people are not close, but she makes people close to feel ashamed and dare not blaspheme.

Although Fen didn’t say it explicitly, but even remembering the secret of divine force she had spied a while ago, maybe she is transforming the power accumulated in her within the body. Lin actually had this idea before; but he had no idea how to do it. Perhaps only after reaching the Lich level, it is possible to snoop a little way.

Well, there is nothing to be envious of, everyone has their own destiny.

Fen, who noticed someone’s sight, said coldly: “What are you looking at?”

I am! Sister grin, I don’t know how to answer this. Someone just touched his nose, retracted his head, and said, “It’s okay, I have a stiff neck recently. My neck is a little sore.”

Lich, who is experienced and knowledgeable, certainly wouldn’t be because of seeing the sea. Just kneel. Looking at the sparse paddle boats in the bay, she asked: “Come here, where do you plan to go next?”

“Find a boat and drive us along the Po River Going inland, you can pass through the empire of Vader and go directly to the city of Beyoglu, known as the golden land, in the central area of ​​the maze. This golden water road will pass through many important commercial ports, and of course there will be many historical cities. It’s the easiest journey to take a boat and look around. I sit in the carriage but I’m about to faint. And there is another advantage to walking like this.”

…There was a moment of silence, and I couldn’t wait for someone to pick you up. stem. Someone who was pretending to be coquettish turned his head and looked at Fen’s grinning eyes. He could only pretend that nothing happened, and continued:

“If you want to go by land In the same place, we have to traverse the entire Vader Empire. Most parts of this country are not so friendly to strangers. Even if you are a magician, you may not be able to get through everywhere. If you use water, although It is also a cross-cutting empire, but the commercial port’s attitude towards strangers is much better than that of nobles who see strangers in their own territory. Therefore, this is the most trouble-free way to go. You don’t want to explain the same thing to the local lord every time you go to a place, and then beg for the right to pass.”

In any case, the level of culture and knowledge of Midi is still similar. Earth European Middle Ages, the level before the Renaissance. Most people are still in a state of ignorance, and lords in various places have the power to live and kill, and the power is very powerful.

The kind of thing that aristocrats kill ordinary people to lose money, the real situation is that a certain nobleman killed ordinary people belonging to other nobles. Because it reduced the labor force in the other’s territory, it was necessary to compensate the nobles who suffered the loss. If you kill your own leader, those who want to save face will weave some crimes on the person, and they will die if they don’t deserve to die; if they don’t care about face, they will kill, and whoever wants to die will have to die.

If it is in the southwest peninsula, where the magician organization is stronger than any country, and the local aristocracy’s strength control of the territory is not very thorough, only travelers, advertisers, and mercenaries run everywhere. Situation.

However, the people of the Vader Empire prefer to call themselves Vader’s’army’ country. From their claims, one can see the characteristics of this country’s pride. Don’t mistakenly think that the character of a country that relies on martial arts belongs to the tolerant and bold muscular club style.

Their tolerance and boldness are based on a little bit of kindness that they can give away when they can eat the guests and enemies to death. If you don’t follow their wishes, teach life every minute.

In addition, they are an old and powerful country. The strength control of lords in their own territories is incomparable with the aristocratic class of the Southwest Peninsula. As a result of strangers trespassing in their territory, the most likely thing to happen is to be accused of a spy and thrown in jail for a period of time.

If you are lucky enough, you will come forward to ask, ask about the purpose of other people’s turf, and then you can make a decision based on the situation. Maybe it was a loss of money, more likely it was thrown into the mine to be a slave for a lifetime. If you are unlucky, just being forgotten and decayed in prison is not an impossible thing to happen.

As for magician, it’s really not enough. If the little lord is that’s all, the big lord will have some ways to deal with special people. Some of them have to cope with the transcender cautiously. Killing a few magicians is really not too difficult.

Of course, regardless of how you evaluate your own strengths or weaknesses, the Lich next to you is not something an elite army can handle. Even if a bunch of transcenders came to besiege, it would not be a good thing. But… if something is all right, you have to play the drama of Guan Gong’s surmount all difficulties and break a bloody road. There is a better way to go, do you have to commit evil?

“Didn’t you want to go to the quiet bay and find some more stable boats?”

Speaking of which, the entire group is not the first time to take a boat, I have taken a short distance before Inland navigation. At that time, someone made popular science on the pros and cons of various ship types. The journey was comfortable because I was willing to spend money. With the previous experience, Finn naturally raised this question. From that more prosperous coastal city, find a larger and more comfortable boat.

For this, Lin replied: “The Tranquil Bay is on the opposite bank of the Po River. If you want to go directly to find a boat there, you will have to walk for a few days and find a way to cross the river. It would be better to go directly to Storm Bay and find a boat that can take all of our outfits. If it’s really not good, just change the boat at the next berth. At that time, you have already entered the golden waterway, and you can choose There will also be a lot more ships.”

With an argument, Fen did not continue to pick faults. As for the others, simply dare not speak out. Because it was neither their turn to make a decision, nor did they ask their opinion.

Return to the entire group on the carriage and drive along the winding mountain road to the city in that fjord.

As the distance keeps shrinking, the familiar sound of sea waves changes in Lin’s ears. The sound of beating the shore is like a ghost roar, high and low, and distant and near. There was an undetectable fishy smell in the air. It was not the smell of the sea breeze, like the smell of carrion, or the smell of battlefield after a major battle. Especially shocking is the unspeakable oppression.

Whether it is someone’s research or Lich’s meditation, there is no way to proceed smoothly. Lin is also thinking about whether his original wishful thinking should be changed. When they came to the city gate of Stormwind Bay, this feeling became stronger.

Under normal circumstances, a lost city will hang the flag of the lord at the city gate, or the flag of the ruling family of the city, to show that the owner of the city is Who.

However, the flag hanging on the head of Stormwind Bay is not only faded and in tatters, but even a few of its original coat of arms can’t be distinguished. The city gate is also deserted, and there are no soldiers guarding the gate, so people are allowed to come and go.

Such a scene, someone seriously considers whether or not to enter. Suddenly Kaya pointed to the corner of the city gate and said: “This is the sign of the Han En Hui.” Everyone followed Kaya’s instructions and looked at the three parallelograms connected to each other. It is painted on the corner of the city gate.

“Well, maybe we can think of other ways to cross the river and then go to Tranquil Bay to find a boat?” Lin said.

The expressionless Lich just said: “Go in.”

“Well, they may not be people you know, plus the girl is under their hands. I suffered. This is not just advising us not to provoke these lunatics who do not have eyesight.”

“Go in.”


“Um~.” Finn’s murderous-looking eyes stared at him.

…With an unquestionable attitude, someone admits it.

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