For the emperor, he didn’t care about the process, only the results. But for another group of witches who are seeking performance, their teacher’s actions are no different from tearing down the stage. It’s a pity that the young witches dare not even complain.

In the Miko Tower, Sophia is not only the oldest and the oldest, but she even touched the edge of the legendary magic ─ ─ Great Prophecy. No one dares to offend such an old woman. If one is not good, a curse before she kicks her legs, then this life will be useless.

So she is actively showing her young witch, ignoring the actions of her own teacher. Anyway, I moved a bunch of things out, and at most I moved them back in the end. Before starting the ceremony, she flattered the emperor a few words before chanting the spell of prophecy in a solemn atmosphere.

The prophecy is different from most magic, it does not have a customized spell. All the words are just to bring the ceremony person into that wonderful state and see the truth of the world. And in the vast and boundless past, to find a specific’truth’, of course, we need very clear guidance.

Baker’s handwriting with strong emotions can be regarded as a qualified introduction. At least in the dark, the rays of light, which represents the answer, are so strong and conspicuous that people will not find the wrong direction.

Walking through the long river of history, the scenes that have happened before flow into the mind of the witch, and then are forgotten again, leaving no memory behind. When her consciousness touched the source of truth, the real witch spread out the scroll in front of her, preparing to record everything she saw.

Suddenly, the corners of the mouth and ears felt moist. At the same time, it was as if I was crying, tears could not stop falling from my eyes.

When the first harsh scream sounded, it was like a prelude to hell. All the witches who participated in the ceremony, Seven Orifices shed blood one after another. With sharp nails, they tore away the thin clothing and scratched the skin, whether it was the arm, body, or the face that was once beautiful. Even if you just stand beside them, you can feel the pain.

The magic materials piled up everywhere are like flying ashes. The tiny particles that build up matter continue to scatter into the air, looking colorful and crystal clear, just like a dream. But Old Sovereign knew that this was not wonderful. This means that the magic materials used to replace the most primordial sacrifices-human beings are being consumed at a rate that ordinary people cannot imagine.

The more things disappear, the sharper the howls of the witches. But everything that has already started, there is no turning back. The price of prying into the future and the unknown is unimaginable for ordinary people. And that gradually clear reality turned into scarlet ink, leaving handwriting on the paper roll, stroke by stroke.

Soon, the magic materials used as sacrifices were empty, but the prophecy showed no sign of termination. The next chosen as sacrifices are the little witches standing in the array of demons. They stood at the outermost periphery of the prophecy array, cup one fist in the other hand with both hands, kneeling and praying, praying in their hearts that the waveless power would ignore their existence; they chanted faster in their mouths, hoping that the ceremony would end as soon as possible.

However, things are not always satisfactory.

When the first body that was sucked into the shriveled body fell, the ceremony of the whole prophecy moved towards the uncontrollable direction.

The flesh and bones also turned into fly ash, glittering and translucent, were drawn into the sky above the center of the magic array, and disappeared completely. And such a picture of purgatory shocked the Old Sovereign he was looking at.

He thought that he was old enough and had seen enough things, and he should be offended. But this time before Heavenly Eye, it was unheard-of, unprecedented. For a trifling prophecy, the story of losing one’s life in the end, it was heard from childhood. But no one didn’t expect that one day it will happen in front of their own eyes.

Old Sovereign subconsciously wanted to get up and leave. Supporting the arm of the chair, just about to stand up, Sophia pushed back to the seat. She said in a hoarse and trembling voice: “Wait for the people outside to die before leaving.”

This instruction is clear enough that even the emperor loses his temper. Obediently sit back in your seat and watch the developments. In the process, the mighty force that swept everything in the ceremony room repeatedly hit the periphery of the safety zone, and even dissociated the outermost magic array.

It can be said that if Sophia hadn’t used this magic array with the highest standards, I’m afraid the people in it would have died. It can be the highest rank defense demon array that is sufficient to guard against the soul pressure of the abyss lord, or the heavenly punishment that Spiritual God drops. Although it can’t resist a few times, being able to withstand one or two blows from the existence of that level is also an impossible thing in the world.

Just as the dazzling color drama full of bizarre and motley gradually subsided, the ceremony room was full of remnants of tattered clothes, and no one was wearing it. Whenever there is a trace of power on jewelry or cloth, it turned into fly ash in the previous ceremony and became part of the result of prophecy. What’s left is nothing more than ordinary mundane materials. Some demon arrays became dark and scarred, as if they had completely lost the power contained in them.

Simulating the Sovereign who doesn’t understand magic well to sit in the position, Sophia walked out of the magic array tremblingly, moved towards the scroll that recorded the answer and walked away. But the old witch did not walk a few steps, and suddenly took out a short dagger from her arms. A crosscut, opened his own eyes, immediately bloody.

Several old witches who were still alive didn’t care about such actions, but the Old Sovereign emperor was not so calm. It takes so many dangerous things to take it so seriously, and I don’t even dare to even look at it.

Although Sophia is temporarily blind, her heart is not blind. In the groping, she moved forward cautiously, finally let her come to the long paper of record. The movement was slow, and the long paper was gathered up carefully, and after harvesting it into a paper scroll, Sophia seemed relieved, exhales one breath saying. He said backwards: “Who will come, help me.”

At this time, there are a few old witches who are younger than her, walked out of the magic array quickly, and helped her to self-defeated. Senior with two eyes. Several others expertly took out medicines to heal the wounds on the eyes of the old witch.

This is a trick for them. Open the outermost layer of the eyeballs to make them blind temporarily and avoid seeing things that they shouldn’t see. As long as it is treated and adjusted, the eyesight of the eyes can be restored. Of course, if you do this, your eyesight will not be fully restored as before, it can be said to be a compelling act.

Old Sovereign of course knew the tricks of the witches, and he could understand the seriousness behind it. Looking at the scroll handed over, mixed feelings in my heart. It turns out that the rumors about the two magicians and prophecy are actually true. Not only is it true, but the truth may be even scarier.

Although I haven’t read the record in the scroll yet, the Emperor Old Sovereign has added the note of “Don’t get close to the stranger” on those two. Fighting against the humiliation of being scolded by others, he also plans to press this matter to the end, and he will never take action. Anyway, based on my age, it is estimated that it will not be a few years since others scolded.

It’s just…what is recorded in it? Although the calmness brought by age kept the Old Sovereign from going to death, the curiosity in his heart was still unavoidable.

As if to understand the character of the person in front of him, Sophia, supported by the other witches, said: “I said, if you want to die, stay away and don’t die in the tower. Who wants this? Let him turn it on by himself, and don’t touch anyone else.” Although the Emperor Old Sovereign spoke freely before, he said something about life-related things. Not to mention, he handed the scroll to Knight beside him. If you don’t touch it, don’t touch it. At the same time, he asked: “Is there anything I should pay attention to? Mother Sophia.”

“Suppose I say this list is not over yet.”

“Not yet End! How is this possible!” Old Sovereign was taken aback.

“It’s impossible, it’s not you, the emperor who has the final say. I knew it was the end of death, and I didn’t need to ask someone to take out the sacrifices in my inventory. I originally hoped to save the next two. , What is the result, people who want to die can’t be saved, people who pretend to sleep can’t wake up, everything is useless, it’s useless! Damn it!”

Sophia was injured. Shang was emotional, and first shook the back of Old Sovereign’s head and left the devastated ceremony room. And what can the Old Sovereign emperor say when the unfathomable mystery was sprayed, touched his nose and swallowed it. This is not the first time that old woman has sprayed drool all over her face. With a sigh, Old Sovereign didn’t care about the maids who were still cleaning up the aftermath, and left with his cronies, Knight.

The loss of the Witch Tower is only a serious matter, but for an emperor of an empire, it is nothing. For the follow-up replenishment of manpower and training of a new generation of witches, with the presence of Sophia, they can naturally take care of everything. No matter how special bloodline is, how can it be possible that half of the huge empire can’t be found.

Furthermore, the emperor himself has dried the Miko Tower for several decades, and has never seen the people here die. Instead, he killed and burned himself, burned and killed himself, and there is still no severance of inheritance here.

It’s just that this scroll, is it really going to be handed over to Duke Becker? Should it be handed in? At this point, Old Sovereign couldn’t be so sure.

After reading it, if there is something wrong, he will only leave a reputation for using dirty methods to solve political opponents. This is detrimental to one’s own efforts for a long time. No matter how fierce or stinky some people are, they can bear it down, in order to establish a rule that is not easy to kill.

Otherwise, would it be difficult for him as the emperor to kill him for a thousand miles? It is because it is too simple, so we should be more cautious. Some things can be done, but they should not be done. It is so restrained that things may not reach the perfect realm, but at least the worst situation can be avoided. Taking risks with national luck is the last stupid thing to do as a king.

But it doesn’t seem right to not hand over the scroll. Although it is only an illegal child of the old man, it is also his bloodline. Furthermore, he is also responsible for the losses on the Miko Tower. In this way, the things in hand have to be handed over. So for the sake of the old man’s life, he can only open the scroll and recite the content after he has stated his interests in a public place.

I can only say, I hope that old fogey will not courting death by himself.

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