The magical Silk Road in the maze is a multitude of things, but math classes should still be available. This is the most important source of income today.

But one day, someone who was teaching a math class suddenly felt a strong sense of oppression and crisis. It’s like someone is preparing for strategic level magic around him, intending to blast it out. And this feeling is not only for me, but all magicians in the classroom are equally aware of it. Some even stood up alertly and tried to find the source.

Because the feeling was too strong, everyone quickly determined the direction, and Lin also turned his head and looked over. In his special observation vision, he estimated the distance to the source, which is the location of the printing workshop.

Something happened to the printing press? Someone messing up?

This is Lin’s first thought. The flashing technique was cast immediately, and he teleported to the room where the printing press was placed in one breath.

Although the machine is not operating, there is a chaotic power entanglement in midair. It seems that there are multiple magical sources out of control at the same time, and mutual forces interfere with each other, but temporarily suppress the outbreak of this force.

But this is definitely not a good thing! Just like a pressure cooker with a lid, when it can’t be covered and burst open, the formidable power will only be greater.

At this time, other magicians in math class ran into the printing room, and they also saw this dangerous picture.

These veteran magicians are worthy of experienced people. They judge that the loss of control has not reached the final stage, and there is still a chance to recover. So they quickly took out their usual short wands, or other medium equipment for casting spells, and began to control the out-of-control power entanglement. Another group found the cause of the loss of control.

After the situation happened, the first Lin who entered was certainly not not knowing what to do staring. It took him a while to determine that the source of the magic out of control was the manroland printing plate on the printing press.

For someone who loves the concept of self-destruct, even if you don’t make a red button with a skull mark, an emergency stop switch will be added to the machine. So he immediately photographed the red and blue switches under the console, disconnected the power supply channel of Manroland Metal, and ejected the entire printing plate from the machine at the same time. On the other hand, the printing press in operation was also forcibly stopped.

The reason for the loss of control was removed, and the entangled power was gradually moved smoothly under the control of a group of great magicians. After confirming that the destructive formidable power contained in it was slowly dissipated, Lin observed other places at this time.

In the printing room, the doors and windows are in good condition, and external intrusion can be excluded. And those people who originally stayed in the printing room are all familiar faces. In addition to a few apprentices who assisted in the printing of periodicals, the only two magicians are also the direct dísciple of Academy Long Kabanbai, and there are no strangers that Lin doesn’t know. So it should be possible to exclude outsiders from sabotaging.

However, those two magicians were entrusted by their teachers to study the task of printing magic scrolls. Is their wrong operation the cause of loss of power?

When in midair’s uncontrollable power entanglement disappeared without a trace, the printing machine also stopped completely. The crisis seems to have been lifted, and everyone now has a leisurely look at the situation in the workplace, including the old fogeys huddled outside the door to peek.

The printing machine is no stranger to people who come to math class. A group of people took the time to touch the machine after discovering the amazing consistency of the journal. At the same time understand all aspects of data, and even see the actual operation of the printing press. Now, that boom has long since passed. After all, the printing press is useless to most people. It was only when this happened today that it attracted everyone’s attention.

A group of people talking at once, discuss spiritedly. Some asked about the printing press, some asked about the situation just now, and some asked what happened. Someone responds to everyone with one sentence, not a sentence, but the whole mind is on the reason why it is out of control.

“Who is such a courting death, actually carved sixteen inverse magic arrays on the magic metal!” An old magician shouted like Hongzhong, scolding.

At this time, everyone gathered around the old magician. What he was referring to was the manroland printing plate that was bounced off the machine by someone. The neat and tidy listed sixteen letterpress magic The pattern of the array. But now the magic array has been destroyed, and the original manroland metal version is no longer flat. Except for the different thickness and slight distortion, the key point of the magic array is more like being burned.

The Academy, who is arriving slowly, also saw the embarrassment in the printing room. In the group led by him, on the subject of printing magic scrolls, some people think that more preparations need to be made, but some people think that it is better to make adjustments directly in the experiment.

Until not long ago, he made up his mind to experiment. But I didn’t expect that the two students who had originally supported the experiment actually started the first trial printing of the magic scroll before they arrived, and then made such a fuss.

Looking at the damaged toppan inverse magic array on the manroland metal plate, and the magicians who are working on a project, or know that there is such a research topic, all of them feel heavy. Originally, the difficulty they thought was to find a suitable ink and scroll carrier. But if you can’t even get the printed version, then the follow-up work can continue.

Picking up the manroland metal plate that was bounced off, the big magician said in dismay, “Is the magic scroll really unprintable?”

“If it is I have a way to solve the problem of the printing press.” Someone who didn’t leave said from the side.

As soon as everyone heard it, they hurriedly asked. On the metal plate of Lin Jiang, the magic array pattern originally to be printed, that is, the magic array pattern of Spider Web Art, was presented in midair using whiteboard pen technique.

This is a very popular magic scroll. For the adventurer groups without magician power, or those who are willing to retain magician power, Spider Web Art is a very useful magic whether it is used as an ambush trap or after a break. It is not suitable for large-scale battles, but it is widely used in small-scale battles, adventures, and exploration.

As soon as Lin waved his hand, he divided the magic array into more than ten levels. Once you let go, these more than ten levels are divided into more than a dozen plans for everyone to see clearly. With that quick-acting magician, I instantly wanted to understand what someone meant.

Looking at the separated magic array patterns, there are several pictures with simple outlines. For the rest of the drawings, there is only a small part of rune on each one. And the point is that these runes exist alone and will not have any meaning or effect.

“We only need to separate, print multiple times, and finally print a complete magic array pattern. If we need to pay attention to it, the printing plate is made of materials that do not contain power. Avoid unintended effects of the reverse rune on the layout.”

In order to achieve the effect of automatically changing the layout, the manroland metal version has a channel for continuous supply of magical powers. It is not surprising that these power supplies will support the complete magic array on the metal plate. It’s just that no one thought of it before this happened.

Ordinary materials carry magic words, and the power will corrode the carrier. There is nothing wrong with this, but this process does not happen instantaneously. It will take some time to brew, depending on the level of rune itself.

Such as pure line outline, this should not happen.

Those who engrave part of the rune, because a small part of the rune does not bring strong magic effects, so the corrosion situation It shouldn’t be too serious. In other words, the engraved printing plate can be used for a period of time.

The magicians who are working on the research project of printing magic scrolls, although they don’t have the ability to know everything, they are not stupid. Hearing such an idea, everyone can come up with many suitable improvements.

Since we know that the inverse magic array will cause the printing process to run out of control, how many layers and how to divide the layered layout can be used to complete a magic scroll with the least number of processes. It is just one It’s just a branch problem in the research.

At this time, Lin even said: “Since you want to divide the layout, you can consider which sets of templates can be used as the public version.”

“What does this mean?” Asked the great magician Kabanbai who was concerned about this matter.

Not directly, Lin just used whiteboard pen technique to present another magic array pattern, and used a similar layering method to expand. In the final result, you can see the new magic array pattern exploded map, there will be several of the same as the Spider Web Art exploded map. Lin said: “The basic forms of magic arrays for making magic scrolls are those of the Pentagram, Six-pointed star, and cross pattern. One big circle is complete, and there are several small circles outside the big circle. These separated engravings can not only be used in On a kind of magic scroll, there may be many kinds of magic scrolls that can be used. Then the preparation of printing magic scrolls can be reduced a lot, because some things are universal.”

This is actually a concept similar to movable type printing, except that what someone provided is not one or two characters, nor is it just putting these characters on a layout and printing them all at once.

The new idea makes everyone very excited, as if the work has advanced a lot. At this time, Lin put forward another idea, saying: “If you print separately, maybe you can have a new research direction. That is, in a magic scroll, which ones can be printed and which ones are not.”

“What does this mean?” Kabanbai asked.

“Maybe everyone is thinking about making magic scrolls by printing in one go. But have you ever thought that if you don’t think about it in one step, it’s easier than the original production method? Some are just fine. In this way, we only need to find the parts that can be successfully preserved by printing, and finally the producer will add the remaining parts to complete the magic scroll. The advantage of using a machine is that it is standardized, Unity, the remaining spirituality is given by people. Doing this can shorten the production time and reduce the chance of making mistakes and failures. As long as this can be achieved, in fact, the way we are printing the magic scroll can be regarded as the essence One step forward.”

Now everyone said nothing, the big magician Kabanbai directly hooked Lin’s shoulder and asked: “Little guy, you really didn’t plan to help me print the magic scroll. “

After a few dry laughs, Lin said: “Academy is long, the machine part, I can help with some ideas and ideas. But other materials, I am not good at it. And I have on hand Things are busy.”

I heard that a certain mathematics master has recently changed his personality, and instead of studying mathematics, he raised a bunch of magic moths to play with. Considering that the leader seems to be another one, since knowing the truth about the resurrection of that one, Kabanbai really has no courage to fight against a Demon King.

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