As soon as Sabine received the arm, he got rid of the human appearance and returned to the demon posture.

The height is about three meters, if it weren’t for the croaking figure, it would almost reach the ceiling. That strange face resembles a dragon lizard, which is different from the domes of ordinary lizardmen. His ears are raised high, like sharpened hills. The skin is like dry red earth, full of cracks of different depths. And wearing a pair of armor that seems to be melting and shining with red light.

However, the only remaining arm of the demon in front of me is different from the arm that someone brought. Sabine’s hand has only three fingers and no claws, but it is very strong and long. The arm, thicker than someone’s thigh, was held in the hands of Sabine Prototype with no difficulty.

He cautiously brought this different arm close to his broken limb. The section that had been closed once again split open, like a zerg with its mouth wide open. As for the torn part of the severed arm, the shredded meat seemed to be alive, twisting and moving towards Sabin’s severed limb to extend.

As the broken arm and the broken limb of Sabin stick together, the silk is gathered into bunches, and then bunched into flesh. In the end, the broken arm was completely connected to Sabin’s broken limb, and the skin tone on both sides merged with the skin characteristics.

Try to move the six fingers of the new arm. From the original unfamiliarity, he quickly made various movements proficiently. Sabine looked at the novice with satisfaction, and said, “This arm is really the remains of the great monarch. Humans, you really brought a good thing.”

“Oh, you are satisfied. That’s it. Then it’s time to fulfill your promise, Lord Sabine.”

The devil who is very satisfied with the new hand, and the aristocratic appearance of Human Transformation. This time, the empty sleeve had a new arm. He said in a gentle and irresistible tone: “Ms. Mao Ni, although I feel sorry for you, I hope you can find your freedom outside my territory. Please leave.”

‘Is this really good? ‘The pretending black-faced and white-haired Siamese cat did not intend to leave. Instead, it licked the cat’s paw, combed all of its own fur, and said:’If I say I know how to control the Formation of the Abyss, you Will you continue to trade with that human being? Sir Lord. ‘

Sure enough, this cat intends to make a fuss about this. Lin thought so in his heart.

Sure enough, he was too young to make such a mistake. This female cat didn’t want to think about it. She had concealed her ability before, but she said it at this time, just hoping that the demon in front of her would regret it and continue to keep it. But even if it stays, can it still have the same courtesy as before?

The Formation of the Gate of the Abyss is undoubtedly a big obstacle for the demons to invade the lost ground on this side of the gate. But when Mauni confessed this, the appearance of the two Demon Lords was far less ecstatic when they saw that arm. They just looked towards someone profoundly, their eyes seemed to be smiling rather than laughing. Sabin said: “Humans, you are not honest about doing this.”

“The contract is established, and it is because both parties love me. Although you don’t know which method this female cat holds, I don’t know that. The arm comes from an abyss prince. It’s no wonder that if you connect it, your power level will increase by 37.3%. I don’t think that one of the parties is really at a loss for such a transaction. is it possible that If you feel that you have lost because of your lack of vision, you plan to go back on this transaction. This will ruin the devil’s reputation for abiding by the contract.”

“Interesting, but you have overlooked two points. We didn’t sign a formal contract, only an verbal agreement.” Sabin changed his humble attitude and became a bit overbearing. At the same time the door of the room opened, and a group of demon elite fighters of various shapes entered the room, almost filling the doorway.

Watching his subordinates file in and block the human magician’s retreat, Sabine triumphantly said: “The second and most important point is that the key to ensuring contract fulfillment is always strength. The so-called Agreements or promises are just alms given by the powerhouse. You would not naively think that the demons are a group of poor creatures who keep their promises and don’t know how to work.”

The two Demon Lords in front of you are both up. After he got out, although he hadn’t put on a fighting stance, the threat was self-evident. Lin still sat steadily, tilted his head, watching the battle of the demons, and asked: “Are you planning to break the agreement? Or do you think you hurt me?”

Two After the Demon Lord glanced at each other, Sabine turned his head helplessly and said: “Just your strange teleport ability, if you want to escape, I really can’t stop it. But you are never the point. No. As long as I can drive you away, my goal will be achieved.”

Pointing to the cat on the side, Lin asked, “Oh, you don’t think I can use the same ability to bring them. Leaving?”

“If you can, you won’t stand here and talk to me right now, right. If you can, at first you should bring the gray cat and suddenly appear Here, instead of walking in, yes. So I believe that that ability is bound to have its limitations; and that limitation prevents you from taking the two cats and leaving alive.”

Listen In Sabine’s analysis, Lin also had to admit that the other party was not just the kind of demon with muscles and no brains, but it was indeed the point. But the other party was not without misjudgment. Lin said: “Basically, I was right, but I want to correct a little. From the other side of the door, the entrustment I got from the Demon Moth King was to rescue the female cat; If not, bring back her death certificate. In other words, bringing back a dead cat is something they can accept.”

Not to mention that the Siamese cat Mauni was scared and retreated to the chair. The gray cat Hardy also stood in between the human magician and Mauni, hunched in a threatening voice, and said, “Do you think I will let you do this, human.”

Ignore the threat of weakness in my own eyes. Lin didn’t look at the two cats, and said to the devil: “If there is no way to bring back a dead cat, then it should be fine to bring back two dead cats. Anyway, when you come to the abyss, nothing will happen unexpectedly. As far as I know, the rescue team that they have entered the abyss several times, including the rescued objects, none of them returned, and I didn’t see how surprised they were. Instead, they looked as it should be by rights. So. It doesn’t really matter whether this cat is alive or not. As long as the knowledge in its brain is not known to you, my goal can be considered as achieved. Isn’t it.”

“Oh, it’s ruthless Yeah.” Sabine made an exaggerated expression and shook his head regretfully and said: “Aren’t you afraid that I will inform your employer of what happened here. Guess how the moth and the group of cats will treat you? “

“Before I worry about that kind of thing, can I ask first, they will believe what you say?”

Faced with someone’s problem, Sabine was embarrassed “Maybe, they will still believe a little bit.” Lin said indifferently: “In fact, even if they really believe it, it doesn’t matter. They can pick up some catskin and go back as a souvenir. , It’s time to snicker. This is the abyss. It’s not my kitchen. Come and leave when you want. Even more how I only plan to make a deal with them, and I don’t plan to cooperate for a long time, but also build mutual trust. With a good relationship.”

“Magicians are like you, so disregarding life, only care about whether their goals are achieved. Don’t you have any respect?”

” This kind of irony comes from the mouth of a demon. It is the biggest irony in itself. Besides, you don’t have much peace and kindness. You have invited a nightmare lord. You would never say that this one who is good at letting him from a dream The devil who tells the truth is just your good friend. Pass by here and accept your hospitality. If I take a step back, I wonder if I can see a live cat.”

Always like The nightmare lord of a vase, stepping on a swaying pace, secretly pushes a certain sitting magician. on the surface, she showed her charm to the fullest. Twisting waist and hips, this trick is used to deal with humans, but it does not hurt in the past. The cold red lips are vomiting: “All of this has nothing to do with you, right?”

A stomped, for a short time, the nightmare lord bullied the human magician and grabbed him Right hand arm. However, someone unavoidable, put his arm in the other’s hand. The bet is a creature like the devil, who only likes to bully people with his Innate Ability. The innate talent of Nightmare is to control the souls of others through dreams.

However, in someone’s dream, I don’t know how many nightmare creatures have been killed.

Just as the demons wanted to succeed, the general situation was determined; while the two cats realized that they were in a rather bad situation, the nightmare lord who grabbed the human magician cried out strangely: “It’s you!” After speaking, he cut off his own arm and fled through the window in horror.

For this sudden turn of events, most people seem to be in a dream. Only Lin, looking at the lonely jade hand that grabbed himself and lost his original body, said regretfully: “It’s a pity that she escaped again. Hey, why did I say’again’?”

It was just that the nightmare lord’s sudden retreat did not stop what was going to happen next. Although the demon who left has reached the rank of lord, all the demons understand that the other party is relying on the Innate Ability that you can’t guard against it. As long as innate talent is restrained, it is useless. Fighting, in the end, has to fall into fists and fist fights, the blending of iron and blood will yield results.

The demons launched a siege!

Actually, this situation was secretly expected by someone!

No one has violence in his heart. But for the transgressors from the world under the rule of law, it’s just a question of whether there are conditions for implementation and whether they can bear the consequences after doing so. It’s just a fascinating world that is regardless of the law and of natural morality. For most people, violence is easy, but restraint is difficult.

The one who has been restraining Lin is not entirely due to the influence of the growth environment, but more of the awe of power, just like the awe of public power in the rule of law world. One day I won’t have long eyes and kicked the iron plate, but I will lose my life. Many people’s works always like to describe the protagonist play the pig to eat the tiger. They never thought about what a miserable situation would be if the position was reversed one day.

But to what extent is his fully armed strength now? Lin wanted to give it a try a long time ago. It’s just that in the past there were always some unscrupulous things, or Lich was right next to him, and when he was not in his turn to show off the divine might, the enemy would be almost cleaned up. If you want to wave, you don’t have to wave.

Now I am alone, and I have no worries about myself. There are only two cats beside me. The flash technique can still work, it means that the retreat is not broken. Compared to slashing people, slashing demons has no psychological burden. So don’t take advantage of the current waves, when will you have to wait?

So, eagerly recruit!

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