At present, the speed of the F-class reconnaissance ship piloted by Luo Xing is completely beyond the imagination of these interstellar pirate captains.

This is an F-class reconnaissance ship?!

Is there a mistake?! At this speed, they can't even catch up with the D-class assault ships, let alone the E-class frigates.

People can take drugs, but you can still take drugs on this battleship

Could it be that ... This kid has a strong talent for speed amplification?!

Thinking of the captains of this possible crow regiment, their faces couldn't help but become solemn.

What level of talent would it be if it could be increased to such an extent as a speed talent?S-class?or SS-rank?or even....

If a genius with such a powerful talent escapes, then it will definitely be a big problem for the crow group in the future!

Since Liang Zi has already been settled, I will take him away while he is still weak when he has just awakened!

Thinking of this possibility, the leader of the first team of the Raven Regiment sent a communication on the team channel to all the captains who were pursuing.

"This kid's talent is definitely not low, if he escapes, no one should be able to withstand the anger of the head of the regiment, right?"

"All those who are gifted with speed, take out the spare talent stimulus potion and give yourself a shot!"

"The current situation is one with glory and one with loss. "

"After catching up and slaughtering this kid, recover the potions needed afterwards, and the rest of us will raise funds!".

That's true, although it is said that among these crow team leaders who are chasing Luo Xing, there are many existences with speed talents.

However, their talent levels are all E or D level talents, and the increase rate is only twenty or thirty percent.

Even if he used his speed talent, he couldn't catch up with Luo Xing, whose speed in front of him had increased by three times.

Therefore, even if the side effects of using the talent stimulant potion are huge, this is the only way to catch up with Luo Xing.

Hearing the message from a team leader, the captains of the team with a talent for speed hesitated for a moment.

Then he made up his mind and pulled out a green injection from his backpack.

"Damn, dare!".

"With the talent stimulant potion, at least I have to lie in bed for a week and crush this kid!"


He gritted his teeth and thrust into his arm.

Press the end of the syringe and inject the green liquid in the injection into your vein.

Then I saw their muscles bulging, their eyes bloodshot, and a hint of green luster in their pupils.

And after their battleship hearts were injected with talent stimulant potions, the amplitude and frequency of beating became faster and more violent!

Suddenly, the strength of the talent skill amplification they launched was enough to use the talent amplification potion, which was more than 2-3 times before!

Although they can only last about 10 minutes in this state.

But that's enough! It's enough for them to catch up with Luo Xing in front of them!

All the members of the Raven Regiment who used the talent stimulant potion were ruthless, and they endured the powerful load to use the talent to the maximum extent.

Then I saw that 10 warships came out of the crow group's fleet of more than 100 warships, and chased in the direction of Luo Xingyuan.

The speed is extremely fast! It is actually approaching Luo Xing's warship that is about to run out of the radar detection range!

This time, among the 10 warships, there are 9 E-class frigates and one D-class assault ship.

That's right! Among the battleships that used the talent stimulant potion to chase Luo Xing, there was also a powerful D-class assault ship that surpassed the Luo Xing battleship by two levels!

Before Luo Xing awakened, this was a D-class assault ship that only the strongest person on Trek could control!

And now, it has been less than a day since Luo Xing's awakening, and he actually used the talent amplification potion at a huge cost to pursue Luo Xing.

I have to say that fate is very wonderful.

It only took two minutes for this full-powered D-class assault ship to approach the battleship piloted by Luo Xing.

And the rest of the E-class frigates will not be able to catch up in a few minutes.

Needless to say, using radar at this moment, Luo Xing could directly see the assault ship chasing behind him with the naked eye.

"Well, this can all catch up? How is this possible?".

"Could it be that they used a talent amplification potion?"

"That's a big price to pay!".

Just as Luo Xing sighed, a pulse cannon containing terrifying energy shot at the hummingbird S007 he was driving at great speed.

If this blow hits Luo Xing, I'm afraid it won't take a few seconds.

Luo Xing connected the hummingbird S007 he piloted, and they would all turn into cosmic dust together.

Luo Xing faced this fatal blow, but he did not panic at all.

Instead, he operated the hummingbird S007 with his consciousness, as if he was conditioned, and made a very imaginative folding action, dodging the extremely fast pulse cannon strike.

Although Luo Xing dodged this fatal blow very beautifully, because of the dodge maneuver, Luo Xing stopped the forward flight and was chased by the battleship behind him.

Completely entangled!

Luo Xing is about to face a full 9 E-class frigates and 1 D-class assault ship!

And if you wait a few more minutes, hundreds of warships will come around!


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