Seeing Anna's angry look, Anne also hurriedly used a trick that tried and tested.

Hold Anna's arm and shake it around coquettishly.

"Sister Anna, don't be angry! "

"Don't be angry with Brother Luo..."

Looking at Anne, who was turning her elbow outward, Anna couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"I see that your little girl is Huaichun, and when you gave this guy medicine, I noticed that something was wrong..."

Before Anna could finish speaking, Anne, who was originally shaking around Anna's arm, hurriedly reached out and covered Anna's mouth.


Anna, who was speechless, hurriedly took away Anne's little hand and looked at Anne angrily.

"Okay, don't you talk about you, I can't really do anything about you. "

"Hee-hee, Sister Anna is the best!".

Seeing that Anna didn't say more, Anne, who was blushing, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and secretly glanced at Luo Xing twice.

Seeing that he didn't react, he was relieved, but for some reason there was still a trace of loss.

"By the way, Sister Anna, Brother Luo said that he could help Anne awaken the heart of the mecha!".

"Brother Luo... It should be hard to awaken the heart of the mecha, right?"

"What if... If there were only one spot, Annie... Anne don't wake up, can you give up the opportunity to Sister Anna. "

Anne was still elated when she first spoke, but it became more and more difficult to talk about the back, and her words were all crying, and she lowered her head and did not dare to look at the two.

Although Anne really wanted to awaken the heart of the mecha and travel in space, the thought that Anna was also full of longing for the starry sky made her heart tighten, and she endured the heartache and gave up this precious opportunity.

It's okay, it's good that Sister Anna can realize her dream, so many years, thanks to Sister Anna's care....

Seeing Anne's lost appearance with her head down, Luo Xing was also a little worried, and hurriedly spoke:

"It's okay Anne, it's not just one chance to awaken, Anne can awaken, and so can Anne's sister. "

Hearing Luo Xing's assurance, Anne raised her head excitedly, with a trace of tears on her face.

"Really, Brother Luo?!

God knows how much courage Anne had to give up on awakening just now.

But at this moment, Anna, who saw that Anne and Luo Xing had been interacting, couldn't sit still.

I couldn't help but speak

"Hey, I said, you have to have a limit to deceiving a little girl, right?"

"Anne has already participated in an awakening ritual and has failed. "

"If you want to awaken a second time, whether it is the success rate or the cost, it is unimaginable. "

"And the resources are still in the hands of the big forces, and ordinary people have no chance even if they want to try, let alone successfully awaken for the second time. "

Although Anna is very reluctant to break Anne's illusions, she always wakes up from dreams.

Anne is not young anymore, although her body is not fully developed, but she is indeed not a child anymore.

I should have educated Anne early and let her know that people are sinister.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been deceived so easily by this bastard surnamed Luo.

Fortunately, I have my own watch, otherwise I am afraid that I will be sold by this surnamed Luo and I will have to count the money for him.

"But... But Brother Luo won't lie. "

Yes, I'm lost, this little girl is completely addicted, and it seems that she doesn't listen to her.

It's outrageous, someone who has only known each other for a long time can make Anne trust him so much, and it seems that this big liar surnamed Luo is really good.

I have to expose him with facts, so I think it's a lesson for Anne.

Anna then turned around and looked at Luo Xing with a serious look.

"Since Anne trusts you so much, then come on, I want to see how you can awaken Anne. "

"But don't let Anne get hurt, or I won't spare you!"

Looking at Anna's serious and suspicious eyes, Luo Xing didn't care.

On the contrary, I am glad that Anna can give herself a chance.

"I can indeed get Anne to awaken the heart of the mech, and it has something to do with my talent. "

"But in order to use the talent of my Battleship Heart, you must bind the battleship. "

"Right now, I need to bind a battleship first. "

The use of talents is through the heart of the battleship, and without binding the battleship, the heart of the battleship is equivalent to a vacant state, with no star power, but it cannot use the talent that comes with it.

Luo Xing really didn't lie, his infinite amplification talent can act on humans.

It is used to improve the talent of human beings, so as to stimulate awakening, and for those who have already awakened, Luo Xing can also greatly increase the strength of their talent.

It's a total foul-like talent!

But it was precisely because Luo Xing's talent was too foul that Anna didn't believe it at all.

His talent can make ordinary people awaken talent?

When this is a chicken laying eggs, what about eggs laying chickens?

It's a fantasy!

And what Luo Xing just said also made Anna have a conjecture.

This guy's real purpose can't be the scavenging boat that wants to deceive Annie, right?

The more Anna thought about it, the more she felt that this was a very high possibility.

After all, Anne, this little girl, is completely defenseless against this guy surnamed Luo, and Anne must have leaked everything about her family.

Then he was targeted by this guy for the most valuable scavenging boat in the family.

This is what Uncle Jack left for Anne!

Then Anna looked at Luo Xing with an expression, 'You guy's showing chicken feet?'.


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