Not that no one wants to resist.

But those who resist can escape for a while, can they escape for a lifetime?

Even if they can escape, loneliness, despair, and even hunger will bring them back here.

Then, he was hung in the center of this space and was beaten, scolded and humiliated by the supervisors unscrupulously to "warn everyone".

Of course, those people will not be killed.

After punishment, those people will still return to the production line.

It's just that at that time, they tend to become the most appointed and most willing to work.

Jiang Haicheng felt that he could understand those people.

Because I just made a small mistake and was locked up and starved for seven days.

Hungry, the burning pain in his stomach almost burned away all his sanity.

Jiang Haicheng thought he couldn't bear such pain.

Just now, there was a new group of people here.

Newcomers always do this and make a fuss for a while.

They're having fun now, but over time they'll get smarter.

Thinking of this, Jiang Haicheng felt a little bored and turned his attention back to the work in front of him.

However, he didn't see it.

A broken soul with only the upper body almost disappeared in the dark space.

The remnant soul wandered between the production lines in confusion, seeming to be looking for something.

Li Ge was like an aggressive catfish, thrown into the calm fish basket, causing a splash of water.

The young man named Jiang Haicheng watched helplessly as Li Ge went everywhere.

Li Ge kicked away the bottles and cans on the production line.

The crisp sound of the bottle breaking echoed in this boundless space, and among the dull sound of mechanical operation, it made people's hearts tremble.

Li Ge would even grab workers on the production line and throw them aside.

The workers who were thrown away screamed and cursed, but Li Ge didn't care.

When he had some spare time, Li Ge even lowered his head and chatted with the workers around him.

From the looks of it... he seems to be trying to trick others into joining him?

And some people...those ignorant, inexperienced fools really listened to Li Ge's bewitchment, and started to fool around with him in the entire space.

Jiang Haicheng looked at all this and suddenly felt a little envious.

But for some reason, he didn't have any motivation to join this group of dancing demons.

At this moment, Jiang Haicheng heard a disdainful sneer from someone beside him.

"These people...are really stupid and lazy. Can't they work hard?"

"After you accumulate enough merit, you can leave here!"

"That's right!" A person next to him was filled with indignation. "It's okay if they don't work hard. They actually ruined the production line. Are they trying to kill us?"

While these people were talking, their work continued.

Most of these people have been here for a long time, have already accepted their fate, and are looking forward to the bright future given to them by the traffickers.

As he spoke, the topic turned to other places.

For example, last month, so-and-so finally accumulated enough merit and left this hellish place, wondering where to go to enjoy his happiness.

Yes, here, there is the term meritorious service.

Working day and night on the production line, I could not get any property of my own.

However, merit can be accumulated.

After accumulating a certain amount of merit, they can upgrade, leave this damn place, and live a life like gods.

the most important is……

Can live forever.

They were the first people to be sold.

Although they no longer have personal freedom, after the severe suppression by the Shensheng Biological Group, they were quite merciful and stated that their previous promises were absolutely valid.

As long as these people can accumulate a certain amount of merit, Shensheng Biological Group will provide various benefits for them to choose from.

And one of the most attractive formats - resurrection from the dead.

Every once in a while, one or two people will accumulate merit and leave here.

When those people left, they carried with them everyone's desire and jealousy.

Jiang Haicheng listened to the discussion in his ears, and the curiosity in his heart gradually cooled down.


He can accumulate enough merits and leave immediately. No matter how much trouble the group of latecomers make, it has nothing to do with him.

Li Ge has discovered the key to this space.

If you want to disrupt this space, you need to start with the anchor point.

Every space has an anchor point.

And the anchor point of this space...

Li Ge dodged the wandering spirit at the last second and looked around.

In fact, it is not difficult to guess. As long as you are not blind, you can guess it 80% of the time.

It's this huge production line.

"Destroy this production line!"

Li Ge shouted to the opposite side.

Opposite him was Yao Wenmao, who also joined the rebel team.

He put his hands together like trumpets and put them to his mouth: "What did you say?"

Li Ge also shouted and replied: "Want to go out - destroy the production line -"

Immediately afterwards, Li Ge saw Yao Wenmao punch the production line.

Although the fragile spiritual body shows its original shape in this space, it is still a spiritual body without protection.

The soft fist collided violently with the cold metal mechanical surface, causing Yao Wenmao to scream immediately, holding his fist and running around in pain among several production lines.

It's really stupid.

Li Ge's excellent eyesight saw this scene from a distance, and he smiled secretly in his heart.

If you want to destroy the production line, you can't act recklessly.

Li Ge followed and stared at a worker who kept glancing at him.

To destroy the production line, you need to...

Li Ge pushed his feet hard and passed through.

"Do you know that there is still you in Bincheng now? You can never get out!"

Li Ge said loudly to the worker.

The worker looked shocked.

Bincheng, it does come from there.

Just when the worker's mind was wavering, Li Ge raised his fist, used all his strength, and punched the most fragile switch handle on the production line.


The originally indestructible metal handle was bent directly by Li Ge at that moment.


Li Ge burst out with a shocking curse, hugged his own hands and flew out.

"Did you see it? Li Ge shouted to Yao Wenmao.

Seeing Yao Wenmao's confused face, Li Ge hated the fact that iron cannot become steel.

It's a worker!

Whether this production line is strong or fragile depends on the workers operating them!

If workers only want to be a screw on the production line, the production line will be invincible and even continue to create new wealth.

As long as the workers leave, no matter how expensive and luxurious the machine is, it is just a pile of scrap metal.

Therefore, Li Ge wants to make those workers doubt and waver.

But he couldn't tell him the secret directly. If you say it, it will be completely useless.

Li Ge sighed, floated to Yao Wenmao's side in three steps and two steps, and grabbed Yao Wenmao's collar.

"Forget it! I'll do it myself!"

With that said, Li Ge stretched out Yao Wenmao's collar and came directly to the center of the entire production line.

Here, almost everyone can see Li Ge to some extent through the gaps in the production line.

Li Ge took a deep breath.


He shouted, and his loud voice penetrated the sound of metal friction on the machine, attracting everyone's attention.

After making sure that everyone was looking at him, Li Ge showed a nasty smile.

"Tell you a piece of good news-"

"The Yao family is bankrupt—the exit from this dimension has been destroyed—the third young master of the Yao family is here to testify—"

With that said, Li Ge shook off Yao Wenmao, who was carrying him in his hand. Yao Wenmao let out another burst of ghostly cries and wolf howls.

"No matter how long you work here - you will never get what you want -"

"And—you'll never get out—"

Li Ge shouted similar words in the center of the entire production line, and when the ghost guards were about to catch him, he tiptoed, left his original position, and continued shouting in another place.

A lie told a million times will always turn out to be the truth.

What's more, the hostage in Li Ge's hands is absolutely real and cannot be faked.

——It is indeed Yao Wenmao.

Among these workers, there are many from cities under the rule of the Yao family, as well as aborigines from Bincheng.

They had met Yao Wenmao, but they didn't dare to confirm it at first.

Now that Li Ge has made it clear, these people have become the first signs of wavering.

" it really Mr. Yao?"

"Looking at the seems to be really..."

"It's fake...the Yao family owns so many can they go bankrupt?"


At this time, under the roar of the machine, rumors were already spreading.

It's just that they are still half-convinced at this time.

At this time, Li Ge was running back and forth between the production lines and saw another acquaintance.

"Oh, isn't this the master Mr. Yang?"

Li Ge stretched out his hand and pulled out a worker from a corner.

Li Ge happened to meet this man.

In that gorgeous space, Mr. Yang proudly preached about his deeds.

——How he made the whole city count the money for him after being sold.

Now that he is here, Mr. Yang just buries his head, hoping that no one will recognize him.

However, the opposite happened.

Immediately afterwards, one after another "Master" was forcefully stretched out by Li Ge.

Every time a familiar face appears in front of everyone, it will cause a burst of surprise.

However, those "superior people" were unwilling to cooperate.

Li Ge only found their stubbornness ridiculous.

"You are not willing to tell everyone the truth now? You all know that there is no way in or out here. Now that we tell the truth and everyone works hard together, maybe there is still hope.

" want to work hard on this production line until your soul dries up?"

"The Shensheng Biological Group will save us!"

The "Master" named Yang gritted his teeth and glared at Li Ge.

Li Ge was stunned for a moment, and then laughed out loud.

He smiled and bent over, holding his belly, until tears overflowed at the end.

After laughing enough, Li Ge wiped his tears.

"You...really think you are that important?"

"The reason why you are important and noble is because you have your own city."

"But what do you have here?"

"An extremely despicable soul?"

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