Start from a ball of mud and expand infinitely

Chapter 681: Bending for a piece of grass

Nuo Ying also quickly gave an explanation: "I know that you are all marching cats with backbone and dignity. You are the pride of our marching cat family."

Nuoying continued: "It is because I believe in all of you that I reached an agreement with this human being."

Later, Nuoying asked Li Ge: "The previous agreement was that you persuade us Marching Cats to join the Kingdom of Life. If we don't agree, you won't force it, right?"

Li Ge nodded: "That's right, that's right."

Li Ge spoke so loudly that all the marching cats could hear it.

Li Ge wanted to laugh when he saw the colorful surroundings and hundreds of marching cats squatting on the ground listening to him speak.

It feels like he has become the shit shoveler of a group of cats.

These cats are also interesting. They wear berets and look at Li Ge in unison.

Can you imagine the feeling of being surrounded by more than 900 marching cats for several times and staring at you?

Li Ge felt it.

After Li Ge explained, the marching cats also understood what was going on.

It turns out that this human wanted to trick their marching cats into becoming traitors and defecting to his master.

"Meow, this is impossible, meow!"

"Meow Meow, no matter what conditions he offers, it won't work for us to betray the Marching Cat Clan!"

"Meow, we marching cats are dignified beings, don't think of us marching cats so easily!"

"Meow, meow, meow! You're trying to seduce us, you're just wishful thinking, and we won't fall for it until we die!"

A group of marching cats immediately expressed their stance, meowing loudly.

They all expressed their determination to die, saying that they would never be tempted by Li Ge.

Nuo Ying also looked at Li Ge confidently. He wanted to see how this human being would end up.

Nuo Xiaomi looked at Li Ge worriedly, wondering what her new shit-sweeping officer would come up with.

Li Ge smiled: "I understand, you are all existences with integrity!"

"But what if I had this!"

Li Ge summoned the soil of the kingdom of life, opened the gate, and took out a handful of green grass from the gate.

Yes, a handful of green grass is no different from the weeds on the roadside.

It looks just like weeds.

The marching cats were startled for a moment, and some of them laughed so hard that their stomachs became upset.

After preparing for a long time, I thought this human could come up with something, but in the end he came out with a handful of grass.

What are you doing?

Tempt us marching cats to graze in the kingdom of life?

This human being probably has a brain twitch.

Nuo Ying also suppressed a smile. The IQ of this human being is worrying, so he took out a handful of grass to seduce their marching cats. This IQ is as good as that of Nabi Doha.

If he could seduce the marching cat into the kingdom of life, he Nuoying would take off the head and play it as a ball for Li Ge.

Li Ge also smiled, casually throwing a piece of grass to Nuo Ying.

Nuo Ying saw the grass flying over and didn't hide. He directly caught it with his cat's paws.

Nuoying sniffed it.

What is this?

I rub smells so good!

This real fragrance is not that real fragrance, it is the kind of real fragrance that makes the whole cat intoxicated!

Nuoying felt like she was in heaven, her whole body felt indescribably comfortable, and her soul had been sublimated.

From then on, there was only this grass in the world.

Everything else is fleeting and can be dispensed with.

Li Ge smiled, yes, this thing is catnip.

After Li Ge saw the Marching Cat, he asked people from the Kingdom of Life to find the plant.

It’s not too difficult. There are people selling this stuff in the city. I sent a few people to buy a lot of them and brought them back.

After being assimilated into the Kingdom of Life, Li Ge directly upgraded this catnip talent.

Catnip (LV7)

Innate ability (LV8): Attracting cats (no cat can resist the attraction of catnip. The attraction to cats is fatal. With one grass in hand, I have ten thousand cats!)

Psionics: 300

Yes, in order to attract these cats, Li Ge also spent a lot of money to directly upgrade the catnip's natural ability to an unprecedented eight levels.

Li Ge didn't believe it. Marching cats were also cats, and they could withstand the power of super-enhanced catnip.

Li Ge threw the catnip into the group of cats.

For a moment, the sound of meowing could not be heard.

"I rub smells so good!"

"Love it, love it!"

"What the hell is this? I'm afraid I was poisoned by him!"

A group of cats lined up to suck catnip. After a short time, each one fell to the ground contentedly, basking in the sun with their bellies upwards, sticking out their tongues comfortably.

These marching cats looked like they were drunk, lying on the ground in a twisted state with happy expressions on their faces.

Li Ge also went over and scratched the belly of a marching cat.

This always cautious and sensitive marching cat only waved its paws symbolically and did not resist.

The super enhanced version of catnip is even more effective than imagined.

No matter how strong-willed these marching cats are, they are still afraid of catnip.

Li Ge wanted to speak, but found that these cats were sucking catnip so much that many of them fell asleep, and their bodies were twitching from comfort.

Li Ge had no choice but to wait for them to wake up before negotiating terms.

In order to prevent these cats from sucking catnip again, Li Ge directly collected all the catnip.

After a long time, these marching cats woke up.

"Meow, what was that just now?"

"Meow, I feel as if I have arrived in heaven and become God!"

"Meow meow, it's just too strong, I can't bear it."

"Meow, it smells so good!"

The marching cats woke up one by one and were still looking for the catnip that gave them infinite happiness, but the catnip had been put away by Li Ge, so they couldn't find it anywhere.

"This is my condition, join our kingdom of life, this cat fairy grass, enough!"

Li Ge directly took out the big killer weapon and made all the marching cats' eyes glow green.

"Meow, it turns out this thing is called Cat Fairy Grass!"

"Meow, so fairy, so fairy!"

"Meow meow, why don't we have such magical grass in Hidden Dragon Village? Could it be that the old guy from the village chief ate it?"

Some marching cats couldn't resist the temptation and walked towards Li Ge. They were beaten by their companions next to them, and then they woke up.

The few marching cats who wanted to take action then remembered what they had said before, that they would not surrender even if they died.

He suppressed the restlessness in his heart and sat down.

"Meow, I'm not surrendering, I just want to take a look."

These marching cats were squatting on the ground one by one, with their straight faces and half-squinted eyes, appearing to be gentle and unfazed by the temptations of the world.

But the constant swallowing of saliva has betrayed their hearts.

Li Ge couldn't help but want to laugh. He obviously couldn't stand the temptation, so he was pretending to be arrogant.

The same goes for Nuo Ying on the side, squatting on the ground, body upright, looking unmoved.

But Nuo Ying's slanted eyes that kept looking at Li Ge had betrayed his heart.

"Have you made a decision?" Li Ge asked again.

None of the cats responded or moved.

If Li Ge had said this, if I had asked him before, I think this group of marching cats would have blown up. They would have sprayed Li Ge to death, and each one said that they would not be hit by the enemy's sugar-coated bullets.

Li Ge nodded, just pretend, you are patient, I am patient too.

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