Start from a ball of mud and expand infinitely

Chapter 781 Hidden Dragon Village is missing

"It's strange, where is the rebel clan?" After entering, Li Ge felt puzzled.

According to his idea, after entering this time, the rebel tribe may attack them.

After all, they are intruders. According to the tradition of the clan, intruders are enemies.

Li Ge was ready for a fight.

As a result, not only was there no attack, not a single person was seen.

"What on earth is going on?" Li Ge felt vaguely that something was not good.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

I'm afraid things have changed.

"This kind of gloomy breath is not good." The Evil God Mask sniffed the breath in the space: "This mask smells the breath of alien monsters."

"There must have been alien monsters living here!"

Li Ge felt curious: "Are you saying that the rebels are alien monsters?"

The Evil God Mask shook his head: "I'm not sure if I haven't seen them."

"My memory is lacking too much. I can only recognize this cold breath, which is the breath of the alien monster. But I can't remember what the alien monster looks like and where it comes from."

Li Ge nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

He did not think that these rebels might be alien monsters.

"Is it the same as Forest Prison?" Huang Huang turned around and asked curiously.

The Evil God Mask responded: "Alien monsters are a general term for demons from other worlds. Except for the big demon lord and those skeletons, the others in the forest prison can barely be regarded as alien demons. The others can only be regarded as monsters or aliens. "

"The real alien monsters are bastards who were born in the midst of killing and destruction, who only know how to kill and destroy, and pursue power. They are very annoying!"

The words of the Evil God Mask have partially unveiled a corner of this world.

Li Ge just listened without speaking.

It turns out that in addition to alien worlds, there are also such things as alien monsters.

I'm afraid I still have to ask Gong Nin about this matter.

This guy is mysterious and must know something about the secrets.

This person, Gong Ren, would not go to the Three Treasures Palace for anything.

Coming this time, Li Ge had a feeling that something big might have happened.

Although Gong Ren was still calm, Li Ge still saw a look of worry in Gong Ren's eyes.

What could make even the palace ninja feel worried?

"Let's go after Gong Nin!" Li Ge said, and he was going to find Gong Nin and ask questions.

"Still be careful. If there is a problem, contact me and the Evil God Mask as soon as possible!" Li Ge ordered.

Everyone nodded in response.

Because no rebel tribe showed up, relying on the speed of the group, it only took three minutes to see the entrance to the corridor.

It was the first time for Huang Huang and other residents to come to Yinlong Village and they were still a little excited.

This is a rare alien world, and they want to see what the Hidden Dragon Village looks like.

Huang Huang couldn't help but be excited and asked Li Ge: "What does Hidden Dragon Village look like?"

Li Ge replied, "The immortal energy is faint, like a fairyland. You will see it when the time comes."

When Li Ge said this, Huang Huang became even more excited.

Xiao Hui was also very excited: "Isn't there a lot of delicious food that can't be seen outside?"

Wang Dachong said from the side: "The grilled bear claws in our village are very famous. Do you want to order some?"

Xiao Hui shrank his head: "No, no, no."

Everyone burst into laughter and the atmosphere became much better.

Finally arriving at the crossing, Huang Huang was the first to run out: "Yinlong Village, I'm here."

But when he got outside, Huang Huang was stunned. should I put it, it's very different from what I imagined.

Are you sure this place is Hidden Dragon Village?

Huang Huang did not see the so-called immortal energy, nor did he see various strange monsters.

Just a bare patch.

A large piece of gravel land with nothing on it.

Li Ge and others then came out and were shocked when they saw the appearance of Yinlong Village.

How is this going?

Wang Dacrocodile swung his big tail and rushed forward: "Holy crap, where is the village?"

Not to mention the villagers, the entire village was missing.

Thirty-two temples and one main temple are gone.

"Oh my god, the floor is gone. What did Yinlong Village do? Move and demolish?" Wang Dali complained.

Hidden Dragon Village was the place where he grew up, and seeing the state of his hometown made him anxious.

The Evil God Mask said to Li Ge: "Could it be that they all ran away when they knew we were coming?"

Wang Dali directly denied it: "It's impossible. There are ancestral teachings in the village. Yinlong Village is our root. Even if we die, we can't leave the village. Anyone who is a betrayer will die."

"Most of the villagers strictly abide by this rule. When I took the six-legged crocodile away, I also broke the precedent of Hidden Dragon Village. Before me, I had never heard of any race leaving."

"If you can leave, others will leave too. This is possible." Huang Huang said.

Wang Dali still insisted on his point of view: "No, especially the Earth-Shaking Ox Clan, the Blazing Lion Clan, and the Void Elephant Clan. They are the three races that guard this village and will not leave easily."

"I left because my race was going to be extinct and I couldn't survive. If not for that, do you think I wanted to leave?"

"Besides, the current situation is not just as simple as the villagers disappearing, but even the temple in the village is gone."

"This is not running away, this is demolishing your home!"

Li Ge remembered the last time he came to Hidden Dragon Village, which was seven or eight days ago.

At that time, there was still nothing going on in Hidden Dragon Village.

What happened in these seven or eight days?

What puzzles Li Ge is, if something really happened in Hidden Dragon Village, how could this bully have the intention to deal with their Kingdom of Life?

First, they sent out the Marching Cats headed by Zhuiying, and the Luohua Saber Dogs headed by Yiluochai, and then used the village chief's order to call them back.

If something happened to Hidden Dragon Village, it would be strange for him to have such a leisurely and elegant attitude.

Li Ge said to the system: "Feel it, can you feel the presence of Bidoha and the others?"

The system attempts to communicate.

"Dad, the sponsor, there is no way. I still can't feel Biduoha. According to previous experience, there is only one possibility for this situation. Bidoha and the others are still not in the same space as us."

Li Ge narrowed his eyes: "In other words, Biduoha is no longer in the Hidden Dragon Village."

"But if they are not in Hidden Dragon Village, where would they be?"

Xuanyuan Xiaoqing walked around and smelled the soil.

From time to time, knock this, knock that.

"Hey, that's weird, there seems to be something down here." Xuanyuan Xiaoqing walked around for a long time and came to a conclusion.

"You can't be wrong. There is a strange power below, and it seems to be sealing something."

Li Ge looked at Xuanyuan Xiaoqing: "What did you find?"

Xuanyuan Xiaoqing pointed to the ground: "What I majored in at the Xuanyuan family is the sealing array. There seems to be a huge array below, a very strong array. I can feel it."

When Li Ge heard Xuanyuan Xiaoqing's words, he also squatted down to observe.

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