Start from a ball of mud and expand infinitely

Chapter 784 Hidden Dragon Village and Dragon Soul

"You haven't answered my question yet. Is the Demon Dragon King very powerful? I think you came here not just to see the seal."

The palace nin continued to answer: "Indeed, I came here this time not just to see the seal. Seeing whether the seal is unlocked is just one of the purposes."

"The most important purpose is to relieve the crisis in Hidden Dragon Village."

Li Ge narrowed his eyes, Gong Ren was about to get to the point.

The palace ninja continued: "Do you know why Hidden Dragon Village exists?"

Li Ge replied: "You say it, I'm listening."

The palace nin nodded and continued: "The meaning of Hidden Dragon Village's existence is to suppress the seal below."

"This kind of seal has special power. In order to keep the seal from loosening for a long time, the remaining cultivation sects after the God War went to the fairy mountains in various places to find thirty-two races of spirit beasts with different bloodlines to use their bloodline power. Continuously nourish the flow of this seal’s power.”

"So that the seal can last forever and last for a long time."

"The temples you saw before, there are thirty-two in total, are temples for these different types of spiritual beasts to live in and absorb the power of their blood."

"This is the meaning of Hidden Dragon Village's existence."

"And the soul of the Demon Dragon King, the so-called Demon Dragon King, is an extremely huge dragon. His body is larger than a world. He can soar in the universe and alien spaces. He is the ultimate of the alien demon clan. Transport.”

"The Demon Dragon King itself is restricted by the laws of the world and will not cause damage to other worlds. The scary thing is that the Demon Dragon King can move other worlds here, so it is also called the Demon Dragon King who moved from this world."

"Once the Demon Dragon King's soul returns to his place and he wakes up, he will be able to bring the demons from outside the world to the human world. This will be a great catastrophe for the entire human world. When the time comes, there will be corpses everywhere, and no one can afford it."

Li Ge nodded, and he understood: "So you asked me to investigate clearly before taking action, because you were afraid that I would abduct all these monsters, and the sealing formation that humans worked so hard to create would be destroyed. "

The palace nin nodded: "That's it. This sealing formation is a big deal and there must be no mistakes."

"Now that the Gods are defeated, the remaining forces of the Gods are hidden in the small world and cannot come out for the time being. The twelve major forces that came to help the Gods before cannot communicate with all of them, and some forces no longer want to participate. this matter."

"The strength of the alien monsters far exceeds your imagination. If they are invaded at this time, you will have only one fate."

"There is no other possibility but destruction."

Li Ge looked at Gong Ren: "Is it so serious?"

The palace nin nodded: "It's just that serious."

Li Ge thought for a moment, then turned and left.

The palace ninja frowned and said, "Where are you going?"

Li Ge replied: "I'm going to talk to the Great Demon Lord to see if their forest prison can leave some living space for us in the Kingdom of Life. If the worst happens, I can still take the Kingdom of Life with me." Lead the people to hide."

“Be prepared for everything, and it’s definitely a good idea to have an extra escape route.”

"Don't talk to me about righteousness or anything like that. Even the powerful God Realm back then couldn't withstand the attack of the alien monsters. I feel like I'm in trouble too."

The palace nin laughed: "You are overthinking it."

Li Ge asked: "The seal of the Demonic Dragon King is indestructible, and it is impossible for alien monsters to come, right?"

The palace ninja shook his head: "Once the alien monster generals, the forest prison will also join the battle, and it will be useless for you to hide in the forest prison."

"Besides, I know you, and you are not the kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. Big threats are often accompanied by big opportunities. Among them, unimaginable opportunities may never be encountered again if you miss them. Put away the temptation, we said Business."

Li Ge came back to his senses: "We haven't been together for long, but you know me well."

The palace ninja laughed: "I am very optimistic about the Kingdom of Life. Among the forces that will rise in the future, I think there will definitely be a place for the Kingdom of Life!"

The palace ninja wasn't joking, he was serious.

The Kingdom of Life has grown so fast that it is simply staggering.

As long as you give him enough time, the growth of Life Kingdom will amaze everyone.

Many palace ninjas have not seen through the secrets in the Kingdom of Life.

Especially the series of secrets hidden in Li Ge.

There are not many people in this world that his palace ninja can't see through.

Li Ge is one.

This is also the reason why Gong Ren takes a fancy to Li Ge.

There is still some time, and the palace ninja wants to see what level the kingdom of life can reach by then.

"I know where the monsters in Hidden Dragon Village are." Gong Nin said.

Li Ge's eyes lit up, and he knew that Gong Ren had a clue.

"Where is it, take me there!"

For Li Ge now, rescuing the citizens of the Kingdom of Life is the most important thing.

The palace nin was not in a hurry and said slowly: "You must have noticed the abnormality in the dark corridor."

When Gong Ren said these words, Li Ge also thought about it.

"You are saying that in the dark tunnel, the rebel tribe disappeared."

The palace nin nodded: "Those rebel tribes are one of the demons from outside the world, and they are also a subordinate race of the demon tribe."

"Originally, they were sealed in the dark tunnel and made a contract with human practitioners to protect the safety of Hidden Dragon Village on the condition that they would not be eliminated."

"It is impossible for these rebels to escape from the dark tunnel, but they disappeared. The answer can only be once."

"These rebels broke the seal from the dark tunnel and attacked Hidden Dragon Village."

Li Ge felt that those rebels were not good people from the beginning, and the Evil God Mask later said that they were extraterrestrial monsters. The palace ninja said this, which was considered a solid statement.

"What about the people of my Kingdom of Life?" Li Ge was worried about the safety of the people: "They are fine now, or...were killed by aliens."

"It should be okay for the time being." Gong Nin thought for a while and replied.

"I just looked at this seal. There are three layers in total."

"As for these three layers of seals, the best way to destroy the first layer of seals is to let the monsters enter the temple with the conflicting attributes and do the opposite to disintegrate the seal from the inside. Only in this way can the seal be eliminated quickly. Otherwise, wait until this The power of the seal is weakened and naturally disintegrates. There will be no hope within twenty years."

"Now that the rebels have escaped, they have a better way, so they won't wait so long."

"Those of your subjects, along with other monsters in Hidden Dragon Village, were probably used by the rebel tribe to break the seal."

When Li Ge heard what Gong Ren said, he felt relieved a little: "Then let's go. Even if we are temporarily safe, we cannot guarantee long-term safety."

"Can't you find their location? Just take me there this time, and I will take care of the rest."

Li Ge glanced at the system panel. There were still three billion energy values ​​left on it, which was enough.

Li Ge was going to put on the evil god mask together and then go on a killing spree by himself.

Now he has no way to contact Bidoha and the others. When he can contact them, he can transmit power through the evil god mask and recover his injuries. Bidoha and the others have very high combat effectiveness.

Li Ge didn't believe that he was not the opponent of that group of rebels.

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