Start From Cultivation University

Vol 2 Chapter 364: turbulent international situation

The newly-appeared team all wore gray-white camouflage uniforms with the Hua Guoguo badge on their shoulders, so they could tell their identities at a glance. And behind them are four or five old students in civilian clothes.

"We felt that there were spiritual power fluctuations here, so we all came here. We didn't expect to meet these people..." The leading old man explained the situation in one sentence, which attracted everyone to look at the soldiers in uniform.

In terms of cultivation, these people are not as good as them, but the clothes seem to have a sense of awe, which makes a group of students stand up and carefully look at this new wave of people.

The strange thing is that at the end of September, this group of people actually had pieces of ice flowers hanging on their bodies, and everyone was steaming with white air, as if they had just come out of the ice cellar.

At this moment, a group of soldiers who suddenly appeared came forward with their guns in hand, and swiftly stepped forward to bring down several Yin and three people, and then dismounted their weapons.

The numbers of the enemy and our side were reversed in an instant. In addition, the group of people from above all took Wu Hao's heavy punch, and they had no resistance at all, but this went quite smoothly.

And when he started tying people over there, the soldier who was alone had already been handled by his companions and set up with both hands.

A squad leader chatted with the wounded soldier a few words, as if confirming the identities of these students. During the conversation, he glanced here and there. From the initial suspicion, to the sudden realization, when he turned around for the last time, his eyes were already gone. Replaced with unadulterated gratitude.

"We are the 1777 special defense team, performing tasks in the snowy area... I have long heard that there has been a 'Kunlun University' specialized in cultivating outstanding cultivators in China in the past two years. What a surprise."

There was no misunderstanding, the captain quickly confirmed the yin and yang patterns on their bodies, briefly introduced them to the situation, and shook hands with them very sincerely, especially when holding Wu Hao.

"If it wasn't for the masters like you, Xiao Wang would be in danger this time. So may I ask why you entered this blessed land?"

Wu Hao was ashamed by his sincere eyes, but he knew the truth of his "rescue". Faced with this question, he just opened his mouth and couldn't come up with a correct answer for a long time.

I can't say that I'm here to do off-campus practice, it's too pretentious... He thought so to himself, and then listened to Xie Tianyang next to him and said, "We're here to do off-campus practice. ."

A group of soldiers froze on the spot, exchanged a few glances inexplicably, and the expressions looking at the two in front of them immediately became strange.

You call this off-campus practice?

They were stunned there, but Xie Tianyang didn't care, just swept the uniforms on their bodies and the national emblem of China on their shoulders one by one, feeling their breath carefully, it seemed that they confirmed their identities in turn. Only then did he ask, "How did you come into this blessed land?"

He changed the topic very well to break the embarrassment, and then saw the captain pointing to the strange cyclone behind him, and then spoke.

"The purpose of our coming here, Xiao Wang should have told you just now. When we were chasing the three Yin three people, we were accidentally involved in the blessed land. When we split up, we found this thing. We thought it was the exit of the blessed land or something... When I came in, I didn't expect to find this place."

This remark made the students slightly startled: "Does this mean that there is a separate piece of blessed land attached to this blessed land?"

Although they had already thought of this when they saw the whirlwind. However, when it is really confirmed, this feeling of familiarity and strangeness is still a bit strange.

Before he finished speaking, the golden bird hovering in the air suddenly cried out, the light of the golden feather in Xie Tianyang's hand dimmed at the same time, the phantom of the Dapeng surrounding it dissipated, and the image of the golden-winged bird that was as long as a person was restored.

Under the gazes of everyone, it retracted its wings, lowered its body, and flew back and forth around the wind whirl, making regular calls, as if it was guiding something.

"It's the core that guides us to the Blessed Land... So the core is in another Blessed Land?"

Xie Tianyang also seemed to be very surprised, but then, it was only at this time that the garuda burrowed its head, and the osprey plunged into the wind like a water eagle, causing the surrounding mist to fluctuate. It was only then that people realized that this escape The fog all around was actually emitted from this cyclone.

"Are you going to the area over there?"

The captain saw their needs at a glance, and took the initiative to say: "Before coming in, just in case, we left another team at the passage over there to respond. Then you can follow Xiao Wang and the others through. , the rest of us still have to search this place to find out if there are any fish that slipped through the net, I don't know your family..."

The last sentence was said to Wu Hao. Although he didn't say it clearly, the reverence and anticipation in his eyes had already explained everything.

In their eyes, this young man is not only a mysterious master who draws his sword to help Lu Jianbuping, but also the senior brother of Xie Tianyang who is in charge of the divine bird. Although it is difficult to speak to a student, this juncture can always hold a little bit.


Wu Hao felt guilty for a while. He was very adept at how many pounds and taels he had. As soon as he saw this situation, he quickly thought of a series of rejection words in his heart.

But when those words finally came to the throat, it became: "There may be other dangers in this jungle blessed land. Others will follow to another blessed land. I will stay and go with you. There are other monsters, there may be problems."

It's really strange, he never thought he was such a powerful person, but when the master hat was really buckled on his head, he stood upright and put it on himself.

The few soldiers in front of them looked surprised, and they were not too polite: "Okay, then I will trouble you."

The two sides quickly negotiated, and a team of fighters was divided into two groups. A group of people carried the wounded and a few Asan who had been deprived of their ability to resist, and together with Xie Tianyang and other students, they crossed the cyclone and went to the other side. And Wu Hao followed the wave of people left behind to continue patrolling this blessed land with guns.

The mist from the cyclone was still permeating, and coupled with the scattered tree shadows, the visibility on the road was very low, and it was difficult to see the whole picture with the naked eye alone.

Wu Hao walked ahead and led the way, continuing to release his consciousness. While noting the atmosphere around him, he quietly inquired about these new warriors.

These newcomers all have the aura of spiritual power, which proves that the cultivation method has been popularized at the military level. This is expected and reasonable, but now it makes him smell something else.

"Conflict like this...thing like today, how much?" Wu Hao couldn't help asking when he walked out for ten minutes.

"It can only be said that it should be more than you think." The captain replied, "After the recovery of the spiritual energy, there are too many uncertain factors, and the world situation is already very tense... And recently, some people have started to fan the flames, and they have to be guarded."

"Someone fanned the flames?" Wu Hao pricked up his ears, "Is this person instigated by someone?"

"Not quite sure yet. But..."

The captain paused when he said this, looked around, as if he had considered his words, and then continued.

"Forget it, this is not a secret. Recently, a mysterious organization related to spiritual power is suspected to have appeared at home and abroad. They exist in a form similar to religion, and clues of their existence have been found in major countries around the world."

"On the one hand, they use various means to create vicious spiritual events, mostly depriving people of their souls, with countless victims. On the other hand, they seem to have mastered various methods and secretly cultivate practitioners. The target even includes the high-level officials of some small countries."

"The purpose of all this is not known, nor is the source of their practice. What is known now is that these people are known as 'Seances' overseas. They are not a tight-knit group that always acts together, on the contrary, people The distribution is extremely scattered, and many people themselves are elites in the society, and it is easy to use the power at hand to gather forces and provoke disputes."

"It is precisely because of this that although all countries are aware of their existence, it is difficult for them to carry out a one-time anti-terrorism campaign in the traditional sense. They can only temporarily investigate with a conservative strategy. After arresting the people, we will also conduct corresponding investigations based on this.”

Wu Hao nodded as he listened, secretly surprised: "Is this actually...not a secret?"

"According to the classification of the United States, this organization has been designated as an international terrorist organization. As long as it is a terrorist organization, it must be known to the public. If you think about the head of the last terrorist organization, just hit the twin towers. Who will not know him in the world? name?"

The captain smiled lightly: "This is normal. The world has never been very peaceful, and now there is a change of the times such as the recovery of spiritual energy. It's strange that there is no crooked way."

"Fortunately, our country has taken the lead this time. When you young people grow up, come to take over the seats of our old guys and help us defend this territory. At that time, the pressure on the country should be relieved a lot... I hope we I can still see that time.”

Wu Hao was silent for a while, just staring at the warrior who was not much older than himself. With plateau red and invisible scars on his rough face, he looked older than his actual age, but when he mentioned the word "country", he saw an unusual light flashing in those eyes.

Defend this territory... He savored this sentence. It was only said casually, but there seemed to be an inexplicable power in those words, which made him a little envious for a moment.

He suddenly remembered what Wei Ze had said to him: "As long as a person can accomplish one thing in his life, one thing that you really invest in yourself, that is enough to be called great."

Something that he is really invested in...what can he be invested in? What can he do?

He doesn't know anything else. But at least for now, he can temporarily act as a protective umbrella for these people to solve a matter involving both countries... For him, this is really a wonderful experience.

Wu Hao thought so secretly, and further concentrated his consciousness. It is precisely because of this that when the abnormal breath suddenly appeared, he instantly noticed it.

"Behind the tree!" Wu Hao stopped abruptly and shouted towards a giant tree next to him.

Almost at the same moment when he exited the warning, the sound of pulling the bolt from behind had already sounded synchronously.

A group of nervous warriors raised their guns in unison, and several muzzles turned towards the tree he pointed to. But at the same time as the gunshots rang, a few bursts of energy passed by the bullet with a sharp and icy murderous aura, breaking through the air!


With murderous aura on his face, Wu Hao slammed his palm into the air in a conditioned reflex, and the force in his palm turned into a romantic sweep. He abruptly blocked all the incoming forces, and made a jingling sound when he landed. Overwhelmed by the screeching sound of gunfire.

I just heard a burst of firecracker-like crackling, and the bullets that came out of their chambers hit the huge tree in front of me, sending the leaves flying. In the leaf rain, two or three figures wrapped in golden robes rushed out, using the fallen leaves as a cover to fire reflexively, but they wanted to take this opportunity to escape!

The gunshots rang again and again, but Wu Hao didn't react much. He just looked at the "hidden weapons" he shot and felt a chill rise from his cervical spine.

Those are several thin long needles that carry spiritual power.

He knew the weapon. When Xiao Yuyu was assassinated, the attacker used this strange long needle!

Could it be that…

"Catch them!" When he was stunned, the experienced team leader had already reacted quickly and shouted immediately.

The fighting terrain is the most complicated in the woods. The soldiers quickly formed a formation, found a good bunker, prepared for guerrilla warfare, and gradually opened the encirclement.

"Give up resistance and leave the territory, or we will take further measures!"

Hearing the sound of gunshots, the fire in the woods was full, and the bullets flew, blood blossomed on the arms of several of our soldiers, but the golden shadows with guns were also forced to retreat again and again, gradually. Falling into a disadvantage, but if you look closely, you can see that the only one without a gun is quietly raising his hand, with the ghostly long needle between his fingertips.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and was about to take advantage of the gap to throw the needle out, but his eyes were suddenly attracted by one of the figures.

He saw that in the crowd of people with the national emblem of China, an unusually abundant spiritual force was being released vigorously, and in the center of that spiritual force, a figure was slowly raising his fist .

It was also the first time he saw the scene of the exchange of fire between the two parties. To be honest, he was actually cowardly to death, but in this situation, could he not do something?

How did that word come from... Wu Hao pondered for a while, and finally found a word that was dusted in the corner of his memory.

Under the surprised gaze of the other party, he attributed the spiritual power around him, slowly raised his hand, and the palm of his hand was condensed with the air mass of spiritual power, like a beast ready to go.

"Out. Leave," he said in a deep voice.

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