Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 299: : Xiao organization personnel changes

World peace.

As soon as these words were spoken, even Uchiha Itachi was stunned.

In particular, he found that Xiao Nan's expression did not seem to be a joke.

The Xiao organization has always allocated war between various countries and monopolized the war to obtain generous rewards. Such a mercenary organization said that its purpose was world peace?

It's ridiculous!

"It turned out to be the peace of the world." Scorpion looked at Xiao Nan and said in a deep voice, "Xiao at the beginning seemed to be like that, but from the chief to the man with the reincarnation eyes, it was completely different."

"Yes, I'm an evil god, and it's ridiculous to say that world peace is there." Fei Duan looked rather dismissive.

Even Jiaodu, there are some sneers.

He lived for more than ninety years and saw only endless wars.

Even the first generation of Naruto could not do it, and even killed himself with his own companion.

"We grew up in small and weak countries in the war, and lost important companions. We understand the pain of war better than those in powerful countries." Xiao Nan was not surprised by their surprise, but said plainly, "This pain makes Nagato Realizing that it is impossible to create peace by peace, so he chose the road to make the world feel our pain and achieve peace, but I am not as radical as the long door."

Make the world feel pain?

Thinking of the ultimate purpose of making the tail beast weapon, these people vaguely seemed to understand what the dead former chief wanted to do.

A lunatic who wants to destroy the world?

"What do the chiefs want to do?" Uchiha asked, looking at Xiao Nan.

If even that kind of means can be regarded as the purpose of world peace, then this purpose has no meaning at all, and what is meaningful is only the means to achieve this "purpose".

"It's easy!"

Xiao Nan opened his hands, and his icy voice turned out to be full of domineering, "That adult gave the world to the members of the chamber of commerce to decide. I just need to keep fighting on this stage of fate and all the members who oppose peace The victory, the rest, only need to consider how to make the people of the world live a stable life."

Listening to such simple words, the silent mouth involuntarily evoked a smile.

In this world where he exists.

This kind of means can not only achieve world peace, but also realize all destiny.

Because by then.

The destiny of the world is already in the hands of the winner.

Whether it is the flying segment or the horn, even Scorpion and Dedara are completely stunned.

They felt something was wrong, but they couldn't think of something to refute.

Saying so.

Those of them who are not even members of the Chamber of Commerce are not even qualified for fighting.

"If it's the world now... it's really just that simple." Uchiha Itachi looked deeply at Xiao Nan, who was still suspended in mid-air, "but the rest of the members, or those in the village, Even if you are equally eager for peace, you may not accept the peace dominated by you."

That's how the war came.

Sometimes, it is not that people do not want peace.

It just had to fight.

Differences will definitely exist.

"Let's fight." Xiao Nan didn't have any hesitations. "War is a natural law. If you want to change it, you can only use human power to guide. I won't vent the pain like Nagato, but I won't be afraid of war. Including... the same is true for those who betray their companions."

Her robe, her long hair, and the surrounding 箓 seem to be constantly being blown by the invisible momentum.

Her eyes spread her determination.

Uchiha Itachi has realized that this new leader of the Xiao organization may be more troublesome than the previous leader.

Not just because of the strength of the other party.

Even more because she is a pragmatic person.

The method of the person called Nagato, no one except some lunatics, but the person in front of it, it is easy to get the support of the people behind, even the followers of the defeated, she will continue to expand, a little annexation Lose the surrounding countries, and use the power of the jar to march toward the world.

The war with Konoha seems inevitable.

"So, what is your decision?"

Xiao Nan's voice came again, her cold eyes looked at everyone.

"If you want to leave, now is the only chance. Once you decide to join in, as I said, people who betray their companions will not be forgiven."

She really didn't care about these people.

The silence has already been said.

In a force, those who bear more destiny want to become members, the threshold will be higher.

And once most of the fate has been undertaken.

For the rest, if you want to become a member, the qualification threshold will be greatly reduced.

That is to say.

She only needs to take care of everything in Yuyinren Village, and she will not worry about not selecting high-quality personnel to become a member of the Chamber of Commerce and a helper to achieve world peace in the future.

Facing the choice given by Xiao Nan.

The scene seemed to have sunk for a long time.

Unexpectedly, the first decision was made by Jiaodu.

"I stay." Jiao Du raised his head and said, "Anyway, my purpose is only money. Since you want to conquer the world, there will always be a lot of money."

"I'm going to leave." Fei Duan's second statement, his mouth cracked, and the smile on his face was a little crazy. "World peace is as ridiculous as the foolish old men in the village. We are ninjas. Ah, ninjas are fighting!"

"Don't blame me for not reminding you." Xiao Nan's gaze looked at Fei Duan. "That adult... clearly prohibits mass killing of ordinary people."

Fei Duan's face was disdainful.

He is arrogant, tyrannical, and loves fighting. Even his so-called "missionary" just kills more people, including ordinary people.

"Fei Duan, compared to ordinary people, those strong are more valuable to sacrifice." Jiao Jiao looked at Fei Duan, his partner with this person was pretty good, if they were I'm afraid it will be more difficult to find such a suitable partner.

"Of course, the strong can satisfy Lord Evil God, but ah, our purpose, but to kill everything around!" Fei Duan's face with a fanatical expression.

He will become a betrayal, a kind of pacifism that can't stand the village.

He longed for chaos, fighting, and slaughter.

"He doesn't need to persuade him to leave," Xiaonan said.

The horns shook their heads and said nothing more.

"I stay, after all, there is no other place to go." Scorpion followed.

The scorpion was driven out because of making the third-generation Fengying puppet, and became a betrayal in Sharen Village.

In fact, he is not a killer, nor a belligerent, just pursuing the art of puppets.

Dedara also decided to stay.

Wonderful book house

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