Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 303: : Who are you

Relatives? Save your hometown?

For a woman like Nami who has no power and can only use camouflage and lies to achieve her purpose for a long time, there is a sense of panic when she is seen through her heart.

She is panicking now.

She wanted to escape, but the strange pictures in front of her made her stop at the same place.

"Excuse me... what does it mean?" Nami swallowed the food in her mouth and squeezed out her smile.

"Simply put it." Silence gave a smile. "I am a traveler who specializes in fulfilling the wishes of others. As long as you pay enough and have enough luck, any wish can be fulfilled here, whether it is resurrection. The deceased still becomes the world's number one powerhouse."


Nami swallowed.

The dull voice of silence was like the temptation of the devil.

But she tried to keep herself calm.

Although this person is already incredible, but how to say, the wish to resurrect the dead and become the world's number one is even more incredible.

And he also emphasized the price and good luck.

Anyway, when the time comes, it will not be realized, that is, the phrase "the price is not enough", or "or not enough luck" to pass it.

Nami was already thinking about how to escape.

"Don't believe it?"

Silence saw all her thoughts in her eyes.

This girl really is not as easy to fool as Tsunade.

He has shown so many magical places, but only a trace of belief.

"No, I believe it." Nami had a smile on her face and admiration. "Uncle, you are so powerful, can any wish be fulfilled?"


Silently extended her finger and flicked her forehead.


Nami suddenly covered her forehead with tears in her eyes.

"Don't use this kind of disguised expression in front of me." Silence smiled meaningfully. "There is nothing in this world that I don't know, including your heart."

Nami shuddered in the eyes that seemed to suddenly become extremely deep.

There is a look that is seen from the inside to the outside.

"You should be thankful for your good luck." Silence returned her gaze, still saying slowly, "I have rarely come to the shore, and I have rarely taken the initiative to find guests-in most cases, I am eager Those who fulfill their wishes chase me."

Nami covered her forehead and said nothing.

She was a little depressed.

This man didn't look bad, and it seemed to be staring at her.

But soon he swelled up, his face still showing a sweet smile.

"Is it really possible? What price do I have to pay?"

She still didn't fully believe it, but at this time it seemed that she couldn't escape without following the other party.

"It's simple." Silence moved his finger again, and ten jars appeared in front of him. "Just buying jars is enough."

"Buy, buy jars?"

Nami looked at the sullen autumn jars, first opened her eyes wide, then fell silent, and finally turned her heads in tears.

Here again.

This totally illogical feeling.

"The way to achieve your wish is in these jars." Eating the food on the seat with silence and silence. "The price of a jar is probably between 70,000 and 80,000 Baileys. The conversion equivalent of gold and silver is higher. Some coins are lower."

"Seven or eighty thousand!?" Nami stood up suddenly.

Don't see that she now has nearly 100 million Bailey, but it was stolen by her after several years.

I still need to save one billion from the hands of the evil dragon to buy the village, and I usually don't want to spend it.

"Me, I don't have so much money on me."

Nami's face was slightly red, and she seemed to be embarrassed to say, but this is also true.

There was even some luck.

This guy really came for the money, maybe from which pirate I heard her.

Fortunately, she never put money on her body.

"The price of this gem necklace is almost enough for these ten."

Silence raised his hand again, and a gem necklace appeared on the table.

"Gemstone necklace?" Nami was stunned for a moment, and she didn't seem to understand what it was.

Obviously asked her to buy something, how to take out a necklace first.

"This is yours." Silence reminded.

"how is this possible?"

Nami chuckled, but his expression quickly solidified, staring at the gem necklace.

She thought vaguely.

When she first stolen something from a pirate, her favorite was a gem necklace. Even at that time, she was almost killed by the pirate who was found, and was wounded back.

The palms were trembling.

Pick up this gem necklace.

Can't be wrong.

This is hers!

"You, you..." Nami shuddered and looked at the silence, biting her lips deadly, "Where did you get it from?"

"Don't worry." Silence raised his hand again.

Wow la la, a lot of treasure fell from midair.

Nami could see it at a glance.

These are all hers.

"Did I say that, there is nothing in this world that I don't know. I just glanced at where your belongings are, and then moved them directly here." The silent voice seemed inexplicable The magic power calmed her originally panicked heart.

It’s weird!

How did this happen!

Suddenly transferred her money from that far away?

Is he a god?

What jars and merchants did they sell?

Nami felt crazy.

These in front of her are the wealth she has worked so hard to collect.

There are even clothing and accessories, which are really everything for her.

She stared at the gentle-looking man in front of her, biting her lips and trembling and asked:

"What are you... who are you?"

"Did I not say that." She looked at her silently and smiled. "I'm just a traveling businessman selling jars that can fulfill my wishes. However, some people in the world call me God, demon, or something, in short. , Do you want to buy a group to give it a try?"

"I believe the devil..."

Nami covered her eyes, her face was about to collapse, but after a moment of silence, she whispered suddenly:

"Can these jars really fulfill their wishes?"

"Accurately speaking, is an opportunity for people to fulfill their wishes." Silence corrected, and then narrowed some eyes, "Take the wish you want to save the village, it will give you strength, It is possible to defeat the power of the evil dragon."

"Defeat the dragon... how is this possible?" Nami's eyes shrank, but in the end, she seemed to gritt her teeth, "Do these ten jars really only need this necklace?"

"Of course." Silent laughed.

"I bought it!" Nami said fiercely.

She had completely given up thinking and decided to buy a few before talking.

Raising his finger in silence, the gem necklace disappeared.

So let me see.

She looked at her silently and smilingly.

For people in this world, is the first-level jar attractive?

Wonderful book house

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