Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 306: : I need 1 ship mother

Looking at the transaction on this contract paper, after confirming the feasibility, the silence was a little excited.

With this.

You only need to invest in the sea, or put it into the hands of those who are interested, you don't need to silently find the past one by one, and you have to bother to explain, and you can let all these people find it yourself.

As for whether they are eligible to buy jars after they are found, what will happen.

It’s okay to say it later.

However, silence still needs some time to continue to improve his plan, and before that, he first needs a ship.

"Sure enough, there can't be no boat in the sea."

Silently looking at the endless sea, searching again in the system.

It is still easy to buy a boat.

But I have to buy a boat. Why not just buy a ship mother?

An ordinary ship, it is difficult for a person to sail comfortably, but a ship mother is different, not only can save the trouble of manipulation, but also can continue to strengthen like Icarus.

This is even the second employee.

Silence began to be selected in the system, open the ship's options, the list is very rich.

"Even if the aircraft carrier is too big, it is not easy to choose. The battleship will do. The character must be stable. Since it is a ship, it is likely to stay in this sea world..." Silence kept selecting.

In fantasy works, there are many types of ship mothers, and they have everything in their personality.

And after locking the battleship level, consider the stable character...

"Sure enough, I still prefer this one." Silence quickly made a decision.

After clicking to buy, a huge warship appeared out of thin air, with a total length of 251 meters, almost twice as long as a general circular runway. It is absolutely huge in the world. Full of dense artillery and huge armor, it looks like a real steel behemoth.

The silence landed slowly.

The gaze looked at the blonde girl standing straight on the deck.

Wearing a black corset military uniform, coupled with black stockings over the knee, and proud body, has a mature and decisive temperament.

"Commander, I'm Bismarck. My enemy experience is quite rich. Just ask me if you have any questions." The girl saluted silently with her hand across her chest.

Yes, this is a battleship from the Azur route.


Not the characters in the animated version, but from the game.

Looking at the girl standing straight in front of him, she silently recalled the task setting about the ship's mother, and she couldn't help but say with a ridiculous tone:

"But I didn't call you to fight the enemy."

"...Huh?" The girl was stunned.

"To put it simply, I want a merchant ship, and that's how I summon you." Silence added.

"It turned out to be a merchant ship... I understand, I will work hard." Bismarck tried to maintain a calm tone, but her eyes showed that her heart was not so calm at the moment.

It was finally summoned, but it was used as a merchant ship.

There seems to be a feeling of being less valued.

However, it has just been summoned, it is possible to not be trusted...

Bismarck will not be defeated by such a dilemma, but he is also slightly lost.

"Then, related information, I will directly transmit it to you." Silent raised his hand and transmitted all of her identity, purpose, and related information of this world to her.

Bismarck digested the information in his mind and made a bigger wave in his heart.

It's not the original world...

And it was not the commander who called her, but the mysterious businessman.

"Now you understand, I am calling you as a merchant ship, not because I don't value you." Silently walked over and smiled, "As the leader of the Iron Fleet, you must always be calm and move forward, but now you are not Sitting on the throne, you just have to stay in your usual state."

"...I see." Bismarck asked with a long exhalation, staring into the silent eyes, "I'm not very good at expressing emotions, so the, why doesn't the master Choose the rest of the warships?"

"You still call me Captain." Silence pointed to the Yuju on his shoulder again. "This is the Yuju. As for the reason for choosing you... is it pretty?"

"Eh?" Bismarck froze, showing some expressions at a loss, but still subconsciously thanked, "Thank you, thank you for your praise."

"This is just one of the reasons." Silent laughed. "Another important reason is that your talent in management is excellent. I hope you can be my assistant to assist me in the management of this world. About what I want to do I will pass it on to you together."

"Is the chamber of commerce..." Bismarck exuded.

Although it is different from combat command, it still has many similarities.

However, for the purpose of the Chamber of Commerce, Bismarck actually felt that there should be more suitable battleships, such as Belfast.

But she didn't say it, she just silently accepted her new job.

Focus on responsibility, work hard, and enter the state quickly and calmly no matter what you face.

This is Bismarck.

"Very well, it seems that you have accepted, then, from now on, you are the second employee of our chamber of commerce."

"Meow!" Yue Ju waved her paw angrily.

"Yeah, I forgot you again, Feiju." Silent reached out to appease Feiju, and took out a handful of dried fish.

However, it has not changed.

"Excuse me... Captain, what is my current job?" Bismarck asked aloud.

"Now? Can I organize a room that belongs to me? If anything is missing, tell me." Silent laughed.


Although Bismarck has never done this kind of but still has not issued any doubts.

"It's Bismarck without a loss, and it's really trustworthy." Silent said with a smile. "My studio is also pleased. By the way, I suddenly thought of some good capabilities. Help you install it."

In many worlds of warships, the destructive power of warships in the Azur Lane is not the strongest.

Their characteristic is that they can narrow down the battleship weapons to themselves.

This is a kind of ship mother who fights in human form in most cases.

And Silence is going to install Bismarck now, is another kind of ship mother technology from the "Arpeggio of Blue Steel" world, with the "mental model" as the core of high calculation, and the unknown substance "Tanatonium" as the power source, and Comes with a variety of black technology equipment such as nano materials, Klein stand, super gravity gun and so on.

There will be many changes in the shape of the hull.

It became more mysterious and gorgeous, full of sense of technology.

Wonderful book house

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