Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 320: : Your sword is still far away

This sudden stop made the rest of people nervous again.

It was indeed said just now that this was the final test.

However, Hawkeye stopped this time, not because of the test.

He looked up, looking at the silence at the front of the deck, and asked aloud:

"Can you fulfill all your wishes?"

Those sharp eyes stared silently at the silence, as if to want something from him.

"Yes." The silence added a little more, "All!"

"My wish is to search for stronger kendo, and - looking for a strong kendo who can fight!" He reached out and slowly picked up the long knife behind him, aiming at the silence.

He was right.

If you want to say what you want, there are really only two of his wishes.

Of course, now he has no war intentions.

He didn't think this man could satisfy his wish. The other party was obviously not a swordsman, not even a sword.

This move was made just to verify, or to say, to lie the lies that "all wishes" can be realized.

In fact, this action really surprised everyone.

"Eagle's eye...drew a sword to the ship of fate!"

"Does he want to kill this person?"

"Wait, if that's the case, maybe you can see if this ship of fate is real."

"Yes, I thought it was the legendary ship, but it turned out to be a person instructing from behind!"

"If it is an eagle eye, maybe you can take a good look at the true face of this man, maybe you are using some fruit ability to make it mysterious."

Some pirates, especially those who had no courage to move on and even shouted to escape, also had resentment for silence at this time, and even had some feelings of gloating.

Anyway, they could not get close to the ship of fate.

It is natural to hope that this so-called assessment, so-called fulfillment of all wishes, is a deceptive thing.

Silence read the hearts of these pirates.

If you don’t get the treasure, is it false to curse the treasure viciously?


Hawkeye's search for a possible fight is also within his expectations.

So-this is the last link.

"Your wish can be fulfilled without the ship of destiny at all." Silently looking at the eagle's eyes, he said without hesitation, "You just need to turn around and leave now, and the rest of the swordsmen who step on the ship of destiny will be possible. Have the power of kendo that easily surpasses you."

The voice just fell.

The robe on Hawkeye's body slowly agitated.

A circle of qi waves seemed to surround him continuously, which was the momentum brought by the tight muscles.

"Meaning..." His eyes were fixed on the silence, sharper and sharper, "On your ship, there is a sword above me?"

The fighting intention has already poured out.

Even the water around him began to stir and spread.

However, the silence was unresponsive.

Just continued with a smile and said in his plain tone:

"In this world, you may be the strongest, but here with me, your kendo is still far away, and I have the peak of kendo you have never seen."

Facing this sentence, Hawkeye has not spoken yet.

The pirates laughed one by one.

"Does this guy know who he is talking to?"

"That is, Eagle Eye is the world's first great swordsman!"

"Just cut Creek in half with such a big boat in a single sword."

"Hum, so the mysterious guy."

"There is a good show now. I bet five thousand baileys, and the Eagle Eye Ten Swords can cut this guy."

For the pirates in the East China Sea, Hawkeye's just shot really broke their imagination, worthy of the strongest name, just like a monster, but this man said that Hawkeye's kendo is still far away.

Even the ship of destiny has shown extraordinary places.

But such words still look like a joke.

As if on earth, someone suddenly said that the money of the world's richest man was nothing more than a penny in his hands.

And compared to those pirates.

Hawkeye did not show any disdainful expression, and his response was very simple.

In his hand, the long knife, known as the world's strongest black knife, was named "Ye", and he held it high.

"This is my strongest attack. If what you say is just an arrogant lie, let your ship sink with this lie!"

The dark long sword seemed to burst into a bright light, belonging to the world's first combat strike, accompanied by the action of wielding the sword, and slashed fiercely towards the ship of fate under the silence.


The terrible sword gas dashed across the sea a few meters in the middle, like a sudden storm, and a crazy collision centered on the ship of fate.

Even the backflow of seawater set off a wave of tens of meters high, and a large amount of seawater evaporated into white mist in the noisy sound.

If you look from above.

The sea water was like a flame hitting the blade, and it was split toward the sides with a puff.

The wildly surging waves even caused those pirate ships hundreds of meters away to tumble inadequately. Many pirates grabbed anything they could catch with panic.

This scene, like a natural disaster caused by a storm, turned out to be caused by a human being.

They realized this.

The sword that Eagle Eye dealt with Creek just now was like waving a long knife. The attack in front of him was the real strength of the world's largest swordsman.

It was terrible, it was like a nightmare.

"The ship of fate...should be finished." Someone said tremblingly.

"Of course! How could a ship block such an attack."

"Even if it is an iron ship, it should be gone."

"Mom, I want to go home..."

Some pirates have even dismissed the idea of ​​going to the great route. If even the seven martial artists under the king are so powerful, what strength should the stronger four emperors have?

These people are real monsters.

However, near the center of the collision, Hawkeye's expression was very dignified.

He clearly felt it.

His sword did not split the preceding ship.

With the white mist slowly dissipating ~ the huge figure in the mist appeared again in front of everyone.

Then there was the silent sinking.

Everyone opened their mouths wide, but couldn't make any sound, as if even the heart had stopped beating.


The huge battleship, let alone split in half, did not even have the slightest scratches, as if the horrible sword had just been completely defeated.

And the man in the black cloak still stood at the front of the ship.

There was no slight change in the smile on his face.

His still bland voice drifted in everyone's ear like a wind.

"It's dangerous to attack the ship of fate, Hawkeye."

Wonderful book house

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