Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 325: : Series of Straw Hat Team

The silence looked at Nami with a little surprise.

Unexpectedly, this wealthy fan would say such a thing.

However, he soon learned that Nami was only a little guilty because she had swallowed those treasures before.

......It is indeed a wealth fan.

"Okay, that's the way to go." Luffy was particularly excited. "Open the jar!"

"Have you decided what series of jars you want?" Silently looked at Luffy.

"If Sauron is a swordsman, then of course I'm taking an adventure." Luffy's eyes sparkled, "It's decided, I will open an adventure series!"

Although Luffy had a purpose to be One Piece, what he longed for was One Piece's free adventure.

Although it looks like a pirate, it is actually an adventurer.

"Where would there be such a jar." Nami covered her forehead silently.

"No, yes." Silent smiled.

"Eh?" Nami froze.

"Adventure series, there are indeed such jars, specially prepared for people who are eager to take risks. There are a variety of interesting items in it, such as the skill of finding the nearest food..." Silence seems to be Thoughtful.

"Really! It's such a powerful skill!" Luffy's eyes almost glared out.

"So, have you decided on the adventure series?" Silent asked.

"Hmm!" Luffy's head nodded.

The skill of finding food is what he dreamed of, and even the saliva is about to fly out.

Raising his hand in silence, two hundred first-level jars appeared.

In fact, he did not design the adventure series, but he did design the hunter series.

This is the inspiration from the full-time hunters after selling Ningci jars. After all, the hunters are the world's hunting for some of their favorite items, whether they are treasures or gourmets, similar to adventurers.

And think about it carefully.

Luffy is also very suitable for hunters. With his character, he does not have to think about the strengthening system. At that time, he is supplemented by rubber fruits and overbearing domineering, plus vows to strengthen, and continue to follow his blood line, perfect.

The silence directly gave Luffy's transfer.

"I want the Kendo series." Sauron also said that he couldn't wait.

"Okay." Silence raised his hand again.

The first-level jars are nothing to look at, but just some experiential items.

Of course, for those who experienced it for the first time, it was enough to surprise them.

But silence still shifted his gaze to other places.

Outside of the ship of fate at this time, only Sanji was in the questioning assessment, and his face began to show a struggling expression. It seemed that he had some resistance to the beauty in the illusion, but can I still get rid of it? unknown.

And in addition to the assessment of conscience.

There are still a lot of pirates trying to approach, especially those contractors who have experienced the jar, Usopp also mixed in.

From the appearance alone, Usopp is the most unbearable one.

Bi Si was flowing, crying loudly, while chanting the words "must be dead" and "dead set", he was trembling towards the ship of destiny, although it was slow, but inexplicably approached the front Those people.

It can only be said that... it is indeed Usopp.

It is more fearful and negative than ordinary people. It is the most defeated person in the protagonist group, but he can stand up at the critical time.

If you go a little bit like this.

Usop may actually pass the test.

"Captain." Bismarck said silently, "Time is coming."

"Time? What time?" Luffy looked up suddenly.

"Time to sail." There was some regret for the silence, and he said to Bismarck, "Remind me, I will start as soon as time is up."

"Okay!" Bismarck stepped forward to the forefront of the deck, his gaze narrowed, and said, "At the last minute, the ship of destiny will continue to sail, and failure to step into the interrogative trial is considered a failure!"

Although it was a pleasant voice, Bismarck fully showed his style as a leader of the Jagged Fleet.

A few words, decisively.

After speaking, turn around and return to the silent side.

This is also one of the reasons why she chose her silently, and she can perform meticulously in the face of her work.

At the moment, the pirates outside clamored.

"This is about to leave?"

"Is it called the trial of mind?"

"One minute?"

"Damn it, it's hard to get through!"

"Say what ship of fate, ordinary people like us have no chance!"

Among these people, some were disappointed, some were unwilling, and some complained. Even the foremost pirate named Chek, after using a sprint to rush into the five, suddenly turned around and fled. .

There is no way to endure the feeling of facing death.

Usopp was blinded at once.

His hands and legs were trembling, and tears were gushing out, and he felt completely weak.

"Hello--!" Luffy shouted out loud on the boat. "Uthop! The boat is about to sail. Come over quickly."

"Ah!" Usopp seemed to collapse, suddenly rowing the boat desperately, but not returning like the rest of the people, but crying and sliding desperately towards the ship of fate.

"Oh?" The silence also exclaimed with admiration.

Luffy can easily overcome the level of fear because they are not afraid of any threat of death and have full confidence in themselves.

However, Usopp is not.

He has been completely defeated by fear, and he feels that he must continue to move forward, but he still rushes up.

"If you have the determination to face death directly, let alone the first level, you can pass the trial of inquisition." Silent laughed.

Everything is as he said.

What Usopp feared most was death, and what he saw in the questioning illusion was death, but he still rushed over and kept the expression of collapse and crying.

"It was actually on Nami opened her mouth as if it was incredible.

"Uthop!" Luffy caught Uthop, and happily provoked the pirates to tap and dance with a happy look.

That is at this time.

The boat sailed slowly.

Dragging Sanji still suspended in mid-air, in the eyes of everyone else, the huge figure of this ship of fate, as if driving into the mist, a little, slowly disappearing in this piece of sight In the endless sea.

They looked at each other.

All have a feeling of dreaming.

"Ah, our Merri!" Nami suddenly thought of her own ship.

"If I don't plan to open the jar, I will send you back." Silent glanced at Usopp who was still crying and holding Luffy. He reached out a little and calmed him down directly, passing in the information about the jar. His mind.

Wonderful book house

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