Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 329: : The Ship of Destiny Reappears

The Warring States did not know how many of these orders had any effect.

Whether Eagle Eye alone will take care of him is a big question.

However, it is better than doing nothing.

"Ship of Destiny..."

Sengoku finally sat in his marshal's seat, staring at the phone bug in front of him.

"Hello." Kapu's voice finally came from the phone bug.

"Kapp, you start sailing right now, start looking for the ship of destiny in the direction of the great route from the restaurant on the sea, and then try out the strength of the fortune, heart... Kapp! Is it time to sleep now! ?" Sengoku slammed the table.

Because phone bugs are sleeping in gurgling.

Kapu on the other side suddenly fell asleep.

"Hahaha, I fell asleep, I know, the ship of fate, right." It seemed that he was woken up by him, and Kapu's subsequent tone was rare and serious. "It can't be found, that kind of jar. I also bought ten, and there are indeed incredible."

Although Karp sometimes seems to be a stupid man who is out of tune with Luffy.

But in fact.

Karp is a wise and courageous person with long-term vision and not weak analytical skills. Even as a Marshal, the Warring States often discusses the pattern of the world with him.

"Yes, I have also experienced a jar on the side, and it is a third-level." The Warring States saw Karp finally serious, very relieved, but then also said seriously, "If there are enough Jars, may be able to mass-produce strong generals. You were in the East China Sea at that time, did you feel that'sword spirit'?"

Compared to the jar, the Warring States was more worried about the man who was capable of wielding thousands of kilometers of horror sword spirit.

Captain of the ship of fate-silence.

He did not find any information related to silence.

Even the ship of fate has no corresponding information.

This mysterious and powerful existence seems to appear out of thin air.

"Well, I saw it and shocked me, ha ha ha." The phone bug showed Kapu's signature smile again. "I thought the end of the world was coming. That was amazing."

Cutting through the clouds and air, although powerful, is actually not too exaggerated.

Exaggerated is the sublime sword spirit.

Karp has no doubt that if this sword is cut down against the red earth continent, it can cut the whole continent in half.

This is already a level of power that can destroy the world.

"Sure enough..." Sengoku's face was dignified. "In short, first find a way to find the ship of destiny, see the man, see who he is and what he wants to do."

"Don't worry too much, Sengoku." Kapu maintained a smile, "If it is an enemy, just fight, and we will definitely be destroyed before the world."

The navy around Kapu looked at him longingly and enthusiastically.

At this time, Kapu really had the attitude of a navy hero.

Even the Warring States period sometimes envied this free and easy character.

Finally, he just nodded.

"Just ask you first. If you don't find it, return to the naval headquarters as soon as possible. Even the pirates in the New World are beginning to get upset."

The call ends here.

Kapu waved his hand and the fleet began to accelerate the aviation school

This dialogue was silently watched throughout the eyes.

Just like what he expected, no jar, just that sword, is enough to make people all over the world have to pay attention to it.

Including dragon.

At this time, the dragon was already in the town of Rog, and he also began to search for the jar and the aeronautical school

The so-called change of destiny and fulfillment of wishes obviously have more significance for the revolutionary army than for the navy.

That being the case...

"Bismarck, control the fairway and speed. Let's let the father and son meet up well." A little bit of funny expression appeared on the silent face.

The distribution of camps in this world is essentially different from that of Naruto.

If there is still the possibility of great union in the Naruto world, the three forces of the revolutionary army, navy, and pirates can only fight against each other, and are afraid of it, because their positions have contradictions that are difficult to coexist.

Silence does not need to change the tone of this competition.

But he was more curious.

In the world under the framework of the Chamber of Commerce, what will happen to the competition among these camps.

The warship is sailing slowly on the sea. Because of the silent instructions, the speed of sailing is much slower than that of sailing ships in this world. It takes more than a week for conservativeness to meet.

Silence is not in a hurry.

Every time he made a batch of rafting jars and threw them out to supplement the consumption of the jars, the number of contractors was also increasing.

Even more and more people began to go to the sea in search of jars with their dreams fulfilled.

Silent income has also begun to grow steadily.

Not only the world of pirates, but also the world of naruto.

As silently predicted, the world of Naruto began to enter a long period of preparation for war. They constantly developed each other's financial resources, tested each other, and strengthened their strength. No one dared to act rashly.

Icarus has done his job well.

Silence also kept every "video call" with her.

Before the comparison, although the rhythm of life has slowed down, but the feeling of silence is not bad. He has only passed a few months from the beginning to the present. He also needs some time to get used to his new identity and changes.

A week later.

Kapu's fleet came to Rogge.

This is the place where One Piece Luo was born and died, and the town closest to the great sea route in the East China Sea.

And at this time.

Colonel Smog, who manages the navy in the town of Rog, has taken a crowd of navies to greet him at the port.

Even if Smog was a naval thorn who did not like to obey the orders of his superiors, he still showed respect in the face of Karp.

Even with Sergeant Daski who hadn't seen Kapu next to him, he looked at the admiral coming down from the ship with a nervous expression.

At this time, Kapp, wearing that somewhat funny dog-headed hat, and with a honest look, looks like a cute old man.

There is no majesty of lieutenant general and navy hero.

"It turns out that you are here, Smog." Karp recognized Smog, and asked with a smile of no majesty, "Have you collected any news of the ship of fate?"

"No Sakura" Smog shook his head. "The jar has collected some, but has never found the ship of fate."

"It's a Karp has a headache for less than a second, "Forget it, I didn't find it if I didn't find it. "

Just this sentence, the navy of Capu, who is not very familiar, probably knows what kind of lieutenant this is.

And Karp turned around and returned to the ship.

It was awkward to stay for even a moment.

Smog probably knew what character the lieutenant general was, not surprising.

And at this time.

Cap looked up into the distance with a sense.

Another jar?

No, no, that's... a ship of fate!

Start selling jars from Naruto

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