Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 336: : Principle of Universal Justice

Sengoku stayed there for a while.

But the call has been hung up.

"Warning for me?"

Sengoku felt the sound of the fresh memories in his mind, and his face became more and more ugly.

As a naval marshal, he was almost one of the few people standing at the top of this world pyramid. For the first time, he was warned in such a brutal manner, but before the information was unknown, he really did not dare to act rashly.

The phone bug can only be fluctuated again to call the Navy's finances.

"Gap 300 million in cash."

Judging from the previous experiments on the contract paper, there is no need to send the money at all, as long as the money belongs to Kapu, it will disappear directly no matter where the money is placed.

This is also one of the weird places.

The Warring States are feeling more and more heavy.

At the same time, silence had seen Kapu's wildly rising property.

Worthy of being the Navy, more than 300 million Bailey gave it without blinking.

The total assets of this world are indeed much higher than that of Naruto.

"What series of jars do you decide to buy?" Silence asked.

Even the dragon on the other side could not help stopping the opening of the jar and raised his head.

He knew the strength of his dad, but he was afraid that if he continued like this, he would meet him as an opponent on the battlefield sooner or later.

"There is a series called justice for this kind of jar." Karp grinned, and his eyes seemed to flash a certain color.

"Justice series is a series set for people who decide to protect justice." Silent nodded. "If you want to be a hero, there are many choices, such as strength, speed... but if you choose to specialize The series of justice, it involves the guardian justice belief."

It is different from Naruto's force series at that time.

The Justice series is a series that Silent suddenly thought of after designing the Cavaliers series.

In essence, there are similarities with Cavaliers Road.

Power comes from the heart.

When the heart is in line with the profession, the strength will increase, otherwise it will decrease. Only pure talents are suitable for this series.

"That's it!" Kapu didn't hesitate at all, but instead smiled happily, "Navy, always saying the name of absolute justice, I would like to know, in the eyes of people like you, what is justice?"

The reason why he chose this series is not from the direction of development and strength.

Cap just wanted to know.

In the eyes of Shen Mo's existence, what is justice.

"If you want to know this." Silence shook his head. "Then you may be disappointed. The jar is prepared for you. Similar to the kingly way, the word justice is for different people and different types. Different meanings."

"In that case, you can tell me directly." Karp was not disappointed, staring at the silence, "Since the jar contains items from countless worlds, then you should have gone to countless worlds, I want to know what justice is for you?"

In the trial just now, he chose the same method as the dragon.

Don't face the inner shaking.

But just be firm about what you do.

He did not wait for a silent answer, but said to himself: "Although the navy claims to be absolute justice, but I understand that in the eyes of many people, especially in the eyes of people like the dragon, The navy that serves is definitely not justice, but for many years, if not all the justice-abiding navies are purging pirates and protecting the people, the world will only become more chaotic."

The dragon beside was silent.

This is the biggest difference between their father and son.

Tianlong people are naturally garbage.

But most of the soldiers who joined the navy upholding justice adhere to their own justice.

Is it to maintain this fragile stability and endure the trampling of garbage, or to stand up and fight with dignity and freedom, with life as a bet.

Cap chose the former, while Dragon, including the adventurer Pirates such as Roger, chose the latter.

Long also looked at silence.

If this is the case, maybe an answer can be given?

Silence also saw what they were thinking, which also appeared in the world of Naruto. People who were lost in search of answers turned to him looking for questions.

"If you want to ask our understanding of justice." Silence narrowed her eyes slightly, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was somewhat mysterious. Principle, that is-the principle of universal justice."

This is the modern answer to justice from the perspective of natural philosophy.

It's perfect for fooling around.

Both Long and Kapu said it aloud, because of the rigorous use of the words, this sentence seemed quite confusing.

However, after reading it several times, his face was still dumbfounded.

Silence laughed in my heart. The so-called philosophy originally seemed to make sense, but ordinary people simply couldn't understand.

"In your current state, it is naturally difficult to understand, that is where the universe is born, and it is also a place where it must return. All existence will eventually be punished and judged. This is the justice of the universe. Of course, I do not adhere to justice , So I will escape punishment and exist in a form that violates justice." Silence added.

This is still a sentence that looks very compelling, but it doesn't really make sense.

However, after thinking long and hard, the dragon suddenly showed an expression of sudden enlightenment.

"I understand." Long seemed to be inspired, with an excited look in his eyes, "Justice is not a static thing, but the principle behind the change of things. The birth of the Tianlong people was justice at that time, and The destruction of the sky people is still justice at this time, and everything is born and destroyed, which is the law of nature."

Karp also showed an expression of sudden looked at the silence.

Silence just kept smiling.

Well, smiling is enough.

"Daddy, justice is no longer on your side." Long looked at Karp.

"That one is not necessary." Kapu shook his head. "The Tianlong people will definitely be destroyed, but it is not now."

"Huh, since justice is changing, then what you call absolute justice is a joke." Long Leng snorted, and then looked at the silence with some complicated mood and expectant eyes, "What is absolute justice at this moment? I am afraid that only the God who really looks down on the world can know."

His eyes told Silence that he longed for answers.

This is not the time when the Dragons should be extinct.

However, the silence did not know.

He just continued to smile, "If I am a person who cares about justice, I will not give you this jar to change your destiny, so go and find the answer yourself."

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