Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 351: : Robin's Jar Series

Robin is not stupid.

On the contrary, she is still very smart.

After seeing the initial confusion after Wei Wei broke into the past, she soon realized the way of crossing the first pass of the ship of fate.

Is there the determination to jump into the abyss in order to dream.

In other words...

Even in the face of the terrible scene of the Devil Order, she has to rush past without any turning back and survive to find her dream.

This courage and determination is the key to breaking through this first level.

"It seems that you already understand."

A voice suddenly appeared in Robin's ear.

She looked up sharply.

The Destiny Lord, who sat on the deck enjoying the food leisurely, did not know when he started to stand by the railing, and his deep eyes looked at her like this.

"Standing in front of the ship of fate, what horror order are you still afraid of?" The silent voice rose slightly, with an unquestionable tone, "What do you think is here? As long as you have the determination to realize your dreams, even The whole world is in front of your dreams, and you can also gain the power to destroy the world here. I will give you the last five minutes."

After leaving this sentence, the silence turned directly, and the footsteps gradually went away.

five minutes?

Robin's expression was flustered.

Five minutes is impossible! She has just reached the limit, and there is still a long distance.

"do not worry."

Another gentle voice came from Robin's eyes, still the confident smile like a queen.

Bismarck's eyes were encouraging.

"You really want to realize your dream, right? Even if you give it your life, you won’t regret it, right? With such a determination, you will be able to achieve it, because we don’t need to think about the results, we just need to keep moving forward. Sail until death."

At this moment, Robin suddenly had an illusion.

As if standing there was the mother who told her to escape at the end.

Don't look back, just move forward.

Tears Robin came out of her eyes. She grabbed the oar with some hysterics, and drove toward the ship of fate while crying. At this moment, the ship of fate in front of her seemed to become that day. The naval fleet of the Slaughter Order.

Ten warships! Five lieutenants! And indiscriminately destroy all artillery!

At that time she could only keep running away.

Now, she has to keep getting closer to this nightmare.

Standing silently on the other side of the deck, looking at the other side stood up and encouraged Robin Bismarck to smile.

He did not ask Bismarck to do so.

It seems that his ship's ship mother regards Robin as some of the ship's new recruits who are afraid of war.


When Robin rushed to the interrogation trial, his face was relieved.

If you can't realize your dream, you will die on the way to realize your dream.

There is such consciousness.

Even the illusion of questioning trial is not difficult to survive, after all, her greatest fear has been induced in the first level of trial, which is equivalent to spending it with the questioning trial at the first level. .

So, what series of jars are you giving Robin?

The silence is thoughtful.


The night has come completely, the sky is a huge moon, because there are two guests who are being tested in the heart test, the silence has not fallen asleep.

Instead, a table and three seats were placed under the moonlight, chatting with Bismarck standing beside him.

He expected that they would pass the trial in a short time.

"Come." Silence turned his head.

Nicole Robin in the moonlight has opened his eyes.

With a completely different color from before, it is a relief, and a look forward to the future.

"It seems that your heart is redeemed." Silently raised the glass of wine.

This is the act of inviting a cup.

Robin glanced at Princess Weiwei, who was still in the heart of the trial, and then walked over and walked over, first whispering to Bismarck:

"Thank you for your encouragement."

It can be seen from the gratitude of her expression that her gratitude came from the heart.

Bismarck just nodded slightly.

Just like in the past, use majesty to cover up the clumsy side of not knowing how to respond to gratitude.

"Sit." Silently motioned to the seat in front.

"Thank you."

Robin sat down, and after realizing that he had boarded the ship of fate, what followed was a gradual rise of tension and restraint.

The man in front of him is different from anyone she has seen in the past.

She can be sure.

Any disguise, lies, there will be nowhere to escape from this man's eyes. She is just sitting in front of him like this, and she feels that she has been completely seen through with her heart.

This is extremely uncomfortable for Robin who has lived in lies and betrayal for a long time.

"As you know, the ship of destiny is where the wish is fulfilled." Silence gently shook the wine glass and said with a smile, "But, I only give the opportunity to realize the wish."

"Opportunity?" Robin asked subconsciously.


Nodding silently, then raising his hand, all the information about the jar poured into Robin's mind.

Robin was surprised.

The truth behind the ship of destiny turned out to be this way.

The jars of different worlds contain treasures that can be used for anything.

In a sense.

There is nothing wrong with saying that this ship can fulfill any wish, but it also requires your own efforts.

"There are no more than thirty pieces of historical text." The silence continued. "There are not only the history you desire, but also the weapons that countless people desire. You should know what kind of blocking power is in front of your wish. Strength increases the value of the history you crave."

Robin was silent.

Of course she knows.

Either the Navy, countless people stopped her for the weapons recorded in the historical text.

But all she wanted was history.

"So, there are actually two choices in front of you." Silent stared at Robin and said slowly, "The first one is to choose the type of pot of power, and then you go to find the historical text yourself, and block all the blocking power. All is defeated. The second one is to buy a jar of intelligence series, which contains all the intelligence that this world has. Whether you can get what you want depends on the price and fate you pay."

The intelligence series is a new series that Silence has just decided.

Robin is the first player he has encountered so far with the dream of "some kind of existing information".

This dream may or may not depend on strength.

Power is not a panacea.

However, Robin took a deep breath and suddenly asked: "It should be easy for you to understand what happened in that 100-year blank history."

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