Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 353: : An alliance of 2 women

Now, the person who is the one who is in the front, says that she will not harm her people.

"Why?" Wei Wei couldn't help asking.

"Because I don't allow it." Silent simply replied.

This is indeed a fairly simple answer, not even an answer.

Naturally, Wei Wei can't be at ease.

You don’t allow it, won’t those pirates do that?

Can you still control those pirates if you sit here?

Silence was clear about Wei Wei's mind, but he had no intention of explaining.

Because no matter how it is explained, it is not as clear as what I saw with my own eyes.

In fact, at the moment when Shen Mo's strength has risen to this level, especially since he has accumulated a large number of trading points in his hand, and has purchased the ability to "distort reality", which is closer to the creator, he has been able to do a lot. Things that could not be done before.

This is like the boss of a game company finally recruiting a group of excellent programmers.

After the hardware technology keeps up, many ideas in my mind are only possible.

This time, it was a silent attempt.

Civilians are equivalent to NPPC's wanton attacks that will destroy the overall game, and naturally are not allowed.

"When you set foot on that land, you will understand." The silent smile was somewhat mysterious, and then said, "I have felt your determination to become stronger, but the problems before you are also obvious. ——You have no money.”

As soon as the last few words were spoken, Wei Wei's eyes widened.

Because the silence has transmitted information about the jar to her.


Wei Wei covered her mouth and held back her tears, which was super uncomfortable.

Obviously boarded the ship of destiny, clearly saw the hope of becoming stronger, and then defeating the enemies of the kingdom, but was hindered by poverty.

Although she is a princess.

But at the moment when the kingdom encountered a rebellion, she couldn't get any money in her body. Even if there was some surplus in the kingdom, if she returned to the kingdom without even obtaining the membership badge, the money would not be used.

Without the badge, this ship of fate is equivalent to nothing.

"Longevity, youth, appearance, everything I have in my body can be given to you." Wei Wei raised her head violently, tears twirling in her eyes.

"Are you sure?" Silent raised an eyebrow. "The information I told you is already very clear. These things that are very important to you are not so valuable to me."

"I don't have anything else." Wei Wei said.

Looking at Wei Wei who seemed determined to be silent, she had a headache.

After all, this kind of transaction hurts the player too much, and the value is not very high. In fact, he does not agree with it very much.

But if Weiwei decides...

"Your share, I'll come out." Robin suddenly said, she looked at Wei Wei, "just pay enough to get your membership badge."


Wei Wei looked at Robin with some surprise.

This woman is also one of the enemies who turned her kingdom into this.

"Listen to my conditions first." Robin brought back the calm smile of the past. "I hope after everything is over, let me see the historical text in your kingdom. This is what I really do. purpose."

"Historical text..."

Wei Wei naturally heard of the historical text, but she did not know that there is a historical text in the Kingdom of Alabstan?

"Of course, my remuneration is not just the money now." Robin said again, "I have determined to use all the properties of the Baroque working society, which means that I will break with Klockdal, and I control With all the evidence of Klockdal’s entire conspiracy, plus the conditions of our alliance, how?”

Robin said, even picking up the black tea placed in front of her.

Because she was very clear, Princess Weiwei in front of her could not refuse this proposal.


Upon hearing Robin in front of him, mastering the evidence that Klockdal planned the civilian rebellion, Weiwei had no idea at all.

"I promise you, in the name of Neferutari Vivi!"

Even if this is Robin's conspiracy, she must catch it!

"Then we are allies." Robin smiled.

"Now that you have negotiated, then decide which series you want to buy." Silence said at this time.

Robin made up his mind to be naturally better. Among these two people, Wei Wei is almost a poor man and a white man. That is, Robin who has the funds of the Baroque working society is a small local tyrant.

Now, both of them are thinking about the series they want to buy.

Weiwei first gave the answer after thinking for a while.

"I want to buy the general series." She said.

"General?" The silence showed nothing on the surface, but he was a little surprised.

He thought that Wei Wei also chose the royal series. After all, she is the only heir to the royal family of the Kingdom of Arabasta.

Choose the king series, there will be natural advantages.

As a result, he chose the general series.

"I don't have confidence in myself." Wei Wei lowered her gaze. "In the future, there will be more and more powerful people. I don't have the confidence to protect the entire kingdom. However, in addition to becoming stronger, the general series can also improve the kingdom's Strength."

At the end, she looked up again, as if to get a definite answer from the silence.

"It's true." Nodded silently.

He already understood why Wei Wei chose the general series.

Among the several recommended series that he transmitted to Weiwei’s mind, it was specifically introduced that the general series not only strengthened herself, but also built a strong army. She valued this, even if she In the future failure, even death, the army can continue to protect the kingdom.

This is actually a bit misunderstood.

A good army also needs a good general to be able to play its role.

But there is no explanation for the Anyway, it is just a first-level jar. When she opens it a little more, you will know what is going on with this jar.

And... if Wei Wei became a female general, that gesture also made people look forward to.

"I choose the Li Dao series." Robin said, "My arms of the flowers and flowers are like my own. If it is this series, it should be able to quickly improve my strength."

Robin has also considered what series of travellers, toxicologists, intelligence, etc. seem to fit her.

But in the end, she just wanted to increase her strength quickly. Anyway, strength was just a tool for her to realize her dream.

"Okay." The silence didn't say much.

For Robin at this time, her fruit ability is the strongest.

Ignoring the speed, as long as you can see it with your naked eyes, you can grow your own limb on the other person's body. Then, the next thing to consider is to improve the attack effect of this limb.

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