Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 355: : Robin's Blue Prize

The silence, coupled with the information in his mind, made Robin probably know what kind of occupation this tattoo artist is.

However, this is the power of a different world after all.

It is difficult to form an intuitive impression in her mind.

"I have my dreams and my future on these jars." Robin began to feel real tension, and then gritted his teeth. "All the funds I can use are used to buy a tattoo artist. Limited series of jars!"

The previous one or two jars are amazing.

However, there was too much money spent on things that did not help her much.

The next limited jar is when she decides how much power she can get from it.

It is impossible not to be nervous.

"You can buy 300 jars with all your funds."

Said in silence, then raised his hand, and three hundred third-level jars appeared in front of him.

He also looked forward to it.

Although this series says that it blends a lot of world power systems, in general, they are basically items customized by him.

To a certain extent, the guests' senses also represent the success of this series.

Robin opened the first jar.

Unsurprisingly, there is a light group with the highest probability of appearance, which directly poured into her mind, and various knowledge inheritance related to tattoos emerged.

Silence blended in with some knowledge of "painting".

Entering the Tao through painting, the space between pen and ink can hold the world. This mysterious and mysterious artistic conception is like opening a completely different world door to people in this world.

In particular, Robin is a rare "talent girl" in this world. At this moment, he feels the knowledge that he has never known, and he also has a fascinating feeling.

She quickly opened the next jar.

The second, the third...

All light groups.

But at four, it was finally not a light group, but a sticker with an unknown animal drawn on it, it seemed to be a bird, and it looked like life, and the red feathers were like flames. It will burn in a second.

"A ready-made tattoo." Silence knows what this is, "You don't need to paint, just paste it on, you can get strength immediately."

This kind of ready-made tattoo is actually equivalent to skill.

Robin made a gesture of size.

Then it was affixed to his shoulder, and suddenly there was a burning flame on the sticker, a pattern of a crimson bird that seemed to spread its wings, emerged from Robin's shoulder.

At the same time, information poured into my mind.

-Chilong Hongwen Falcon.

This is a high-level World of Warcraft, full of fire, the place is like a fire burning, no grass grows.

Of course, this tattoo only shows some strength.

Robin thought.

The light directly turned into a raging fire, swept her entire arm, and even a clear bird chirp sounded, and the sound was loud.

"Awesome power..." Robin's face was already shocked beyond concealment. "It was like eating another demon fruit."

It wasn't until this moment that she truly appreciated the power of the tattoo artist, or the strength of the jars in front of her.

As long as ordinary people eat a demon fruit, their strength is far superior to ordinary people.

But here she is.

Just need to put many different tattoos on your body, you can immediately get different power.

"The status of the tattoo artist in that world, but it is very noble." Silence seems to have looked at Wei Wei, "because you can not only make yourself strong, but even make others strong, just consume some rare materials on others. Draw a tattoo."

This is like the alchemy master and the alchemist.

Weiwei couldn't help being shocked.

She also bought some first-class jars from the 200 general series, and a little bit of silence, she immediately thought of it.

This is the way to increase the strength of soldiers!

Robin thought of it himself.

"If the navy knows it, the bounty on me... I'm afraid it will be turned up several times." Robin said, but there was no fear in his eyes, but there was still a strange emotion.

This is the same as her knowledge.

The rest either controlled her or wanted to destroy her.

But as long as she has power.

That kind of ability will become her help, because others will ask for her.

It's really close.

Dreams that seemed out of reach in the past are now approaching a little, and the power is in their own hands.


The smile on Robin's face seemed a little helpless.

"It seems that I can't do without the jar."

Her thinking changed quickly, and she already understood it.

Drawing tattoos is not such a simple thing. Most of the power it generates comes from materials.

And those special materials, such as paint, are only in these jars.

Silence laughed inwardly.

Like the so-called alchemy master and refiner, tattoo artists are also money-burning professions.

Robin continued to open the jar.

The tattoo on her shoulder has been hidden, and only when it is used will the tattoo appear actively.

It's just that not seeing does not mean not.

A person's skin is limited, and the tattoos that can be painted are also limited. In addition, the stronger the tattoo, the higher the body's ability to withstand. The average person may have a small three-level tattoo on his body. To the limit.

And with the upgrade of strength.

The materials used to wash off tattoos from the past are also very expensive.

While Robin was marveling at the power, he felt some kind of maliciousness vaguely.

It's too much money.

To go this way, too many things are needed.

Without enough jars, you can't even take the first step.

Besides... what about my grand prize?

Robin's expression is a little weird, it is a mixture of unexpected and uncomfortable expression.

She had opened 130 jars, but she didn't even open a big prize.

Silence is also strange.

He glanced at the wheat-colored skin on Robin's body at this time. Could it be that... it was because he was tanned in the desert kingdom?

However, no matter how bad luck, when Robin opened more than 190 jars, he still had a big blue dragon rose from the jar with the sound of dragon Yin .

Weiwei also had some envy in her eyes.

This is the blue rare prize!

"It's a sticker." Robin also moved.

After opening so many jars, she naturally understood that the sticker could improve her strength in an instant.

If the material is rare.

That is basically useless to her now.

Robin took the sticker from the jar and painted a pair of beautiful purple wings.

——Ziyun Wing.

"Not bad." The silent voice came, "A kind of painting called the black flame Ziyun carving wings, there is a well-known strong, early in the use of the pair of wings, after pasting it, you will have flying ability."

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