Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 358: : The debut of Firebox Ace

"Drifting jars?" Bonis didn't understand at once.

After all, there are only a few people who have found the drifting jar.

When the news is not reported, the legend will not spread so fast,

Robin would not explain to him.

"Appear, Chilong Hongwen Falcon."

Accompanied by Shen Mo's seemingly ten second cry, a firebird tattoo appeared on her right arm and the upper arm of the three arms on Bonis.

Then there was the hot flame.

The copying ability of Huahua fruit is indeed copied with the power of tattoos!

Although the power will be reduced and the physical energy consumption will be greater, even the steel burned by this terrible flame at close range will melt.

Bonice's screams kept coming, rolling around, but there was no way to eliminate the flames on his body.

After all, the arms with flames grow directly on him!

"Easier than expected."

Robin lowered his hand and released his ability.

She still has a lot of hole cards that need not be used.

With just two general skills, she can easily defeat the pirates with a bounty of more than 70 million yuan. This is the power she has now.

"Wei Wei, let's go." The smile on Robin's face was more confident.

Watching the silence of this battle on his own ship also smiled.

As he expected.

In this world, the lower the level of power, the stronger the restraint of ability.

Robin's diverse career is actually very advantageous.

Maybe... she will become a dark horse in this event, which will surprise some people.

Moving silently, the perspective of the picture in front of him slowly expanded, and he could clearly see the situation of the entire Kingdom of Abarastan.

In the past few days, many pirates have arrived.

In some places, there has even been a fight for looting against tertiary jars.

This is a great route, although it is not as good as those pirates in the New World, but there are still many pirates offering tens of millions of rewards.

Moreover, as silently seeing, some supernovas that appeared in the animation are also moving towards this place.

There are many familiar characters.

The battle for treasure is surely a deadly attraction for most pirates.

Silence put his gaze back to Robin.

Although there were many pirates, few of them boarded the ship of fate. He still expected what kind of surprise Robin would bring.

Of course, more eye-catching is also an important reason.

Robin is negotiating with Weiwei where to go first.

"I want to go to the rebels first," said Wei Wei. "There are already a lot of pirates looking for jars. At least, the rebellion must be stopped first. After all, everything is the fault of Klockdal."

"Stop the rebellion first?" Robin glanced at Wei Wei, then sighed, "Have you ever thought that the rebellion has reached this point, it is not a one-sided word that can be solved."

She knew that the leaders of the rebel army, Korsa and Weiwei, were childhood playmates.

The problem is.

The other party did not trust the king, and even began to rebel. How could he believe this Princess Weiwei? Even if he believed, would the people who rebelled with him also believe together?

"Isn't that even your explanation?" Wei Wei's heart was indeed uneasy.

"Wei Wei." Robin just looked at her. "Since you are determined to protect the kingdom, and even choose the jars of the general series, you should not be so naive."


Weiwei bit her lip.

She knew that Robin was right, so just looking for the rebels could not stop them with words.

At this point.

Unless the sky sees rain or succumbs to force, those rebels cannot stop.

"Come on, go to the base camp of the rebels, Katlea." Robin was silent for a while, and then gave Wei Wei a smile, "No matter what the result is, try the head office, even in the worst case, now me, It should also be able to take you safely away."

Weiwei stared at Robin stunnedly and hugged her joyfully.

"Thank you! Robin sauce."

This thank you comes from the heart. After all, Robin is willing to accompany her to a dangerous place to gamble on an unlikely hope.

And Robin was embarrassedly hugged.

There is also a strange feeling in my heart.

She is indeed brushing Wei Wei's favor. For future plans, she is wearing a mask like she did in the past, but unexpectedly, Wei Wei in front of her seems to be different from those she met in the past.

Wearing a mask but earning it?

Robin sighed in his heart, the back glowed with light, a pair of beautiful purple wings spread from the back, then stretched his arms around Wei Wei's slender waist, and whispered in her ear:

"We flew over in a hurry."

After speaking, the wings flew, and the figure rushed towards the sky.

The speed is much faster than she thought.

Wei Wei hugged Robin after she exclaimed.

People in this world generally don't have the experience of flying in high altitude, but after all, Robin has a calm personality, and after a short period of discomfort, he quickly rushed in a certain direction.

"Look, what is that." A pirate on the ground raised his head and pointed upwards in surprise.

"Two women."

"Is it a devil fruit with wings?"

"Damn, with this ability, won't all third-level jars be found at once!"

"Follow up!"

Because they didn't fly too high, Robin's figure was seen by many people, and for those whose goal is a jar, this ability to fly is too cheating.

Robin also noticed some people trying to keep up.

But she didn't care.

The wings flicked lightly, much faster than the average bird, but it only consumes some energy.

"In front there is Katlea."

Weiwei cautiously poked her head out of Robin's arms and looked down. Suddenly, a group of people formed a circle around Katlea near the base of the rebel army, and there seemed to be some people in the middle. Fierce also noticed there.

"It's the rebels who are there." Robin also stayed in this country for a long time. At the moment, it is only those who can tell at a glance. "The middle is the pirates... No, only one person is a pirate and the other is a person from the Baroque working society."

She sensed that there was a tertiary jar in that position.


In this case, several people in the Baroque working society competed with a powerful pirate for the third-level jar.

"--fire punch!"

With a sudden shout, a fierce flame burst out.

The name of this move...

Robin's face changed slightly.

She knows this person, it is Fire Fist Ace!

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