Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 361: : Klockdal appears

"Your injury was hit by Ticky?" Ace's expression seemed to change for a moment. Shen Sheng asked, "When did you know where he is now?"

"You..." Kosha looked at the powerful pirate. "What is your relationship with him?"

"I came here to kill him." Ace had no plans to hide. "That guy did something unforgivable. I want to take him, or his head, back to my father."

For Ace and the White Beard Pirates who value family.

Blackbeard Tic's mistakes can never be forgiven.

-Killing companions.

It was for this reason that Ace went alone to pursue Ticky.

Korsa saw Ace's anger, but in the end, he could only shake his head: "I don't know where he is, it was three days ago to meet him, but he is also looking for and snatching this in your hands. Jar."

It was because of this jar that they met Black Beard.

"I understand."

Ace glanced at the jar in his hand, and his eyes seemed to be burning.

Make sure that Blackbeard is also looking for jars in this country.

In this case, one day we will meet.

And at this time.

The hurricane wind suddenly blew up, and countless gravel surged into the air, and then gradually formed the appearance of a person.

"It seems that I didn't come late."

The arrogant and domineering expression, the glittering hooks, the gray-brown coat, and the gravel suspended around.

One of the Seven Wuhai, Klockdal!

"The boss is finally here."


"Boss, Robin is here!"

Those who belonged to the Baroque working society were excited.

Ace did not play the killer.

At this time, some senior agents also eased from their injuries and looked excitedly at Klockdal in front of them.

For the first time since they knew the true identity of their boss, they saw it for the first time.

The name of Qiwuhai is enough to deter most people in this sea.

For them.

Those pirates are so powerful that even the Navy has to recruit them!

Klockdal looked at the injured people not far away and said indifferently, "It really is a group of waste."

"Aren't they your subordinates?" Ice stretched out his finger and raised his brim.

"Subordinate? I don't need subordinates."

Klockdal opened his hands and smiled with a domineering smile, as if making some kind of declaration.

"I only need one person"


Ace's eyes became a little deeper.

For the white-bearded Pirates who value family and companionship, it is impossible to agree with this.

"Krokdal is such a person." Robin took two steps and looked at his old boss in front of Ace. "He never trusted his men, and the Baroque working society was just for him to achieve his purpose. Tool, but now, it seems that he no longer needs this tool."

The other party issued such a declaration to everyone.


He no longer cared about his identity, even his past plans.

Korsa excitedly grabbed a gun from the people around him and aimed at Klockdal.

"So, what Wei Wei said is true, everything is because you are making troubles behind your back!?"

"Yes." Klockdal took a sip of cigar and looked at Kosha as if looking at the trash. "It's me who uses dancing powder in the king, and it's me who makes you drought. The tails are just puppets controlled by me, but it’s a pity... I didn’t expect that you will betray me when Robin is about to succeed."

In the end, his eyes were on Robin.

But there was no anger to betrayed, only indifference and confusion.

As he himself said, he had never trusted the so-called subordinates, but he did not expect that Robin would suddenly break away from his control.

Even anger.

It is also the rage that the puppet broke out of control.

Klockdal has always been a very conceited person, otherwise he will not run to challenge the white beard.


Korsa seemed unable to tolerate his inner anger and pressed the buckle hard.

Most of the rest of the rebel forces are the same.

For a time, there was a lot of gunfire.

However, all the bullets hit Klockdal, and only one bunker appeared, but did not cause any harm at all.

"He is a natural fruit ability, and bullets are useless to him." Robin's eyes glanced at his own right arm.

She knew what Krokdal's weakness was.

Although there is still some uneasiness in my heart.

However, she was determined to face the enemy with her own strength.

"It doesn't make sense to explain to them." Klockdal reached out his hand, a smile of delight on his face, "because they didn't even know what power is."

——Sha Lan!

A small sandstorm appeared in the right hand of Klockdal, and with the movement of throwing out.

The sandstorm is visually enlarged.

In front of everyone, this natural disaster that scares everyone in the desert was born from the palm of this man!

"What kind of power is this..."

Korsa looked at the increasing storm in front of him, his hands holding the gun in his hand full of powerlessness.

Everything in front of them was indeed too shocking for them.

The ability of nature to be a devil's fruit is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

"fire punch!"

Ace threw a punch, and the violent flame rushed out, driving the terrible vortex of air, and blasted this forming sandstorm.

"Ace, are you going to be against me? In this desert?" Klockdal's eyes fixed on Ace in front of him.

He challenged the white beard more than ten years ago.

but now.

A white-bearded man stood in front of him and brought him a lot of pressure.

Although Klockdal has been decadent for a long time, this situation still makes him very angry.

"Although I don't know what you did in this country, but if your goal is this lady, I can only shoot." Ace said calmly, "I need her to buy something, so I am now an ally."


Klockdal glanced at Robin, seeming to have misunderstood something, and sneered:

"I said why did you have the courage to betray me. Did you find the White Beard Pirates as an ally? It's really your style, Robin, the son of the demon. The ally you have betrayed can't even count yourself."

Robin squeezed his fist slightly.

Then a few steps forward.

"Krokdal, if you want to hinder me, you don't need to rely on the power of the rest, I will defeat you personally!"

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