Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 402: : The debut of Lord of Fate

Since Black Beard dare to come, naturally made a plan to escape after success.

This enthusiasm comes from a stack of water escape symbols from the tertiary tank.

When he opened the water escape symbol, he thought he was destiny.

who knows......

"I'm afraid it's something out of the jar." It's not surprising that the black beard can escape. His current focus is on the ten-tailed body that seems to be dead.

Such a short distance.

It is even able to feel the power contained in this head monster.

What surprised them was the monster's body, which looked like ordinary trees, with traces of lines and even bark.

That is at this time.

A half-height jar flew out of the monster's eyes.

Quietly suspended there.

Everyone looked at it.

Red dogs, dragons and others are even more eager to move.

Although the information in my mind indicates that this jar belongs to the person who made up the last knife, but who knows whether the rest can **** after that, and if it is a contract paper, can write down the names of the others.

But, at this moment.

A figure from virtual to real, slowly, appeared beside the jar.

Suddenly, everyone froze.

This man in simple clothes, holding a dome scepter, and a white cat lying on his shoulders, is silent.

-Lord of Destiny!

Although there was no movement in silence and a smile on his face, he only appeared here, leaving the whole world silent.

after all.

Whether it's a jar or this monster, everything that happened before people's eyes is all from the hands of this person!

The first thing that happened was a newspaper reporter. He trembling his hands without saying a word, carefully pressed the shutter that was the most tense in his life, and left the silence in the photo. The rest of the reporters reacted. For a time, the click of the shutter continued.

But no one dared to speak.

No matter how excited, you can only hold your voice.

Big news!

The true face of the Lord of Destiny, this mysterious and powerful existence!

And after a brief surprise.

Several people who boarded the ship of fate and had contact with Shen Mo also took the lead in reacting.

The dragon flew slowly over, staying slightly lower than the silence, and said:

"The Lord of Destiny is here this time, but he wants to announce the ownership of this Level 4 jar?"

In the eyes of the dragon, this is like the creator of an event, and at the end of the game he announced who will be the ultimate winner.

"It's for this purpose." Silent reached out and grabbed the fourth-level jar in front of him with a smile on his face, and then asked, "How do you feel?"

Although his voice was not loud, it seemed to be floating across the sky at the same time, and even those pirates and reporters further away could clearly hear.

Long wasn't sure if he was asking him, or what he was asking, hesitating and not sure if he should prove the answer.

He must not be cautious.

After all, it is facing an unimaginable and irresistible existence.

"What are you asking?" White Beard was not so cautious. His voice came from afar. "If I asked this game, I was still a little disappointed. Rather than asking me to fight this monster, it is better to fight They played a game and grabbed the pot with their strength."

Of course he was a bit disappointed.

After playing a game like this, in the end it was not a loss to your own strength, but a loss to the layout.

Let the thoughtful little redhead take the lead.

"A game? There is nothing wrong with the game." The silent smile hasn't changed. "I just let you experience the process of getting more advanced jars in advance. After all, you can buy jars with treasures at no cost, but you The benefits as a novice."

Everyone was stunned by this sentence.

White beard narrowed his eyes slightly.

The Warring States maintained the status of the Big Buddha and asked aloud:

"Your Excellency means that if you want to get a Level 4 jar in the future, do you have to defeat monsters like this?"

"Not all," replied silently.

The existence of a copy can be said to be an important means to restrict players from upgrading too quickly.

After all, if the krypton gold becomes stronger, some local tyrants will be too easy to get full.

Plus the liver.

You can limit those local tyrants too strong.

The redhead spoke, and he looked at the silence and asked, "What if we can't beat it?"

They just looked at the monster's performance just now.

If it evolves again.

Perhaps no one can really overcome it. In that case, maybe the whole world will be destroyed by this monster.

This has a feeling of forcing them to solve.

"It's not going to happen." Silently looking at him, the smile suddenly was a little playful. "You shouldn't think that the one who has just fought you is the real one, named Shio."


Everyone was stunned again.

What does it mean?

"I said, today, it's just a game for you to experience in advance, and the ten tails in front of you are just toys I made based on the real ten tails." Silent shook his head with a smile, then stretched out Palm up.

The huge body of the ten tails underneath squirmed again. The body continued to shrink and compact, and finally turned into an ordinary branch, which was silently and casually held in the hand.

Everyone's eyes were rounded and they watched the scene.

Even a mighty strong man like a white beard, at this moment, there is a feeling of numb scalp.

What power is this?

The monster that they just thought they could destroy the world and even had to cooperate to defeat, was it just made with such a common branch?

There was even a goose bump on the red dog's arm.

He suddenly felt how ridiculous his vigilance and hostility.

And some weak people included some navies. Looking at such a scene, even the heartbeat seemed to stop.

It was like the frog at the bottom of the well jumped out of the bottom of the well for the first time. As I saw the boundless sky with my own eyes, the greater impact finally realized my own insignificance.

The silence is quite satisfied with their response.

His appearance.

It is a summary of this four-level jar battle, and at the same time, a declaration to the entire world.

"No need for self-respect." Silent eyes swept over the people who boarded the ship of fate. "Although you are so weak, if you can board the ship of fate, it means that you are not lacking in facing the sea of ​​stars. Courage, I will give you as much opportunity as possible within my terms of reference, and truly powerful people will be able to seize it."

no doubt.

This four-level jar, this battle, is the opportunity given by silence.

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