Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 414: : The power of arrogance

The dozen or so kinds of fate items that Silence put in the prize pool of Shanks's destiny items are all set according to his personality.

This dragon sword is one of them.

Shanks looked up at the silence and seemed to want some introduction.

"Dragon Swordsman." Silent introduced, "A bloodline swordsman, it will gradually change your bloodline to the point where people and dragons merge into one. It is not a simple swordsmanship, nor does it need to feel the sword, And it has its own means of fighting."

"Dragon swordsman?"

Just listening to this simple explanation, it is not very understandable.

Shanks decided to give it a try.

He stretched out his palm and clenched the hilt of the dragon sword in front of him.


Dragon Sword shuddered violently, and the red light kept pouring into Shanks' body. Shanks' face was painful, and he felt that the blood in his body was boiling.

The Dragon Sword itself exudes an unspeakable invisible breath.

"Overlord?" Raleigh said with some surprise.

"It is Longwei," the silence corrected. "Dragon is a noble and powerful species in most of the world. This is especially true of the world from which this sword comes. Not everyone is qualified to be a dragon swordsman."

The world from which this sword came is not well remembered.

But there are many dragon materials.

So he semi-purchased and semi-custom designed such a career.

"What happens if it fails?" **** Bu asked.

"What will become a dragon slave is to lose the will, a monster of half man and half dragon, and become a slave to the dragon soul in the sword." Silence said.

The information he transmitted to the minds of these people was explained.

Partial transfer, there is danger!

All of a sudden, everyone was nervous, even though they all trusted Shanks, but after all, it was something that was opened in the jar.

At this time, Shanks did feel the pressure of invading his mind.

Like a pair of golden yellow vertical pupils, they are very weak, but the quality is very high.

Just like the tiny tip of a needle, he keeps drilling into his mind.

"It's not that easy to conquer me!" Shanks growled.


The overbearing domineering arrogance burst into the sky.

Even the clouds in the sky started to roll over.

However, even if there are more sponges and bigger, it is not so easy to resist the slowly advancing needle tip. In addition to the changes in the soul, the weak dragon blood also began to erode the red-haired body and his face Traces of scale armor began to appear.

This change was naturally discovered by the rest.

They couldn't help remembering what they said in silence.

Half man and half dragon monster.

"Boss can't lose to this kind of guy." Rakiru shouted loudly while resisting the domineering domineering.

"Yes, just a sword!"

"Captain, you are the emperor of the pirates!"

"Kill it!"

All the crew were cheering for the red hair.

Only Rayleigh, who also possesses domineering domineering power, is keenly aware that Shankes domineering domineering power seems to be dyed with different colors, and has a power that is different from the general domineering domineering power.

That's right, that's Long Wei.

Silent in a storm-like domineering domineering color, took a slow sip of red wine.

This change of job counts as his proud work.

Even if there is no overlord and domineering person, as long as you have the will to resist the invasion of Longwei, you will be able to continue to merge with it in the process, and eventually be infected with the power of the dragon and become a dragon swordsman.

The key is not the power of resistance, but the time of resistance. In this way, if you use the overlord's arrogance and full firepower, you are torturing yourself.

Shanks didn't know this.

He only knows that the pressure like a needlepoint is under his overlord's will, which is extremely slow to consume, but is also constantly advancing.

He has never been so domineering and domineering for so long.

But he still insisted.

Finally, the pressure finally dissipated at the last moment when it touched the core of consciousness.

Shanks puffed on the ground for a moment, gasping heavily.

There was an unspeakable shock in his eyes.

Just a trace of power is so powerful!

"Captain, how are you?"



Rayleigh and the cadres of the red-haired pirates quickly greeted him.

The movement just now was too great.

"Fortunately, just off strength." Shanks smiled bitterly. "It's more dangerous than I thought, but... a lot of gains!"

He looked at his palm.

Can clearly feel that there is a kind of power integrated into his power.

Not only the body, but also the will.

Thinking about the terrible power just now, Shanks' eyes were even excited.

"Dragon swordsman is a swordsman who possesses the power of the dragon." Silence saw his excitement, with some pride in his heart, and laughed, "This is a fairly balanced career with excellent physical strength and powerful dragons. Language magic, and excellent will."

"I have already felt it." Shanks stood up and squeezed his fist. "Although it is still weak, it is very suitable for me, and it is worthy of the destiny given to me by the jar."

He originally just regarded power as a tool.

There is no special love for Kendo.

but now.

Such power makes him feel obsessed, because no matter what kind of coercion or other things, there is a feeling that suits him very well.

That's right.

Shanks now feels that he should have been a dragon roaming the sky, free and heroic.

"Dragon swordsmen are mostly strong, elegant, confident, and tough." Silence encourages again, "I hope you will not fail this power."

"Please rest assured, I will not."

Shanks smiled and increased his tone, and from that coercion, he felt the pride of being a Dragon Swordsman. Like the overbearing domineering, this is a force that should be proud.

Silently smirked ~ ~ did not speak again.

A person who can become a strong man or even possess an overbearing domineering personality, even if he seems to be idle and humble, he has a proud heart.

"Lord Lord of Destiny, how much can I buy for the remaining money?" Shanks asked.

"Probably eight hundred tertiary jars, you should know you don't have much money." Silent replied.

"I knew that treasures would be so useful, so I should get more." Shanks spread his hands, "Maybe we are all fake pirates."

The cadres next to them all burst into laughter.

They did not do what the pirates should do.

Most of the treasures were robbed from the rest of the pirates.

After the laugh, Shanks was looking up.

"Leave two hundred first-level cans for Captain Roger to get the badge, and I will spend the rest."

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