Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 417: : A plan for one move and two gains

One piece of Roger's character has the same simple side as Luffy, but he is actually very smart.

Although it has its own bottom line, it is not a harmless generation of people and animals.

At the very least, my own risk is to put it first, then the companions, and then the rest.


Roger had a crazy idea in his mind.

Silence also looks forward to this idea.

"Now that you have finished opening the jar, then you go back." Silently said, and then the old rule is not to give them any more opportunity to say anything. With a wave of the hand, the picture in front of everyone changed, and it was sent directly to the redhead. Pirates on board.

Everyone except the eagle eye was taken aback.

Although the power of silence is clear.

But this is the first time they have experienced it for themselves. It was just a wave of their hands and they were sent back without any feeling. This gap is really too big.

Too big to see no point at all.

"The multi-dimensional universe is really wonderful!" Roger's eyes widened. The more powerful the silence, the more exciting the future.

Danger will only make the adventurer more excited.

"Captain Roger, do you have a place to go?" Shanks looked at Roger.

"I'll just go with Rayleigh." Roger smiled and looked at the sea in front of him. "Although for me, death is just a matter of the previous moment, but this sea is not the sea that I am familiar with. It's the same, I want to experience it myself."

Shanks smiled and nodded.

Although Raleigh's boat is just a small boat, this is no problem for Roger and Raleigh.

Because these two people are not the devil fruit ability.

He and Raleigh did not need to worry at all at sea, and even reached their destination even after swimming.

After Shanks gave Roger a pointer, he finally hugged the captain in the past and said goodbye.

"Shanks." Ben stood beside Shanks, looking at the back of Roger One Piece. "Roger's resurrection will bring an unimaginable impact to this world, even more than the impact of the return of One Piece. Be bigger."

Shanks understood what Ben meant.

The greater impact is the resurrection!

Those who have died will return to the world, which may make the battle even more tragic.

"This era is out of control," Shanks said. "Before the new order comes, we also have what we need to do-as far as possible, don't let this runaway era cause too much damage to the world."

Shanks didn't want to see the kind of charcoal picture in the illusion.

If there is only blood and death during the trip.

That simply cannot enjoy the joy of freedom.

Ben smiled.

Sure enough, Shanks was their captain.


Silence only looked at Shanks slightly, and then his attention was placed on the side of One Piece Roger.

He looked forward to the shock that One Piece would bring to the world.

Just a day.

Roger and Raleigh just snatched a pirate ship. He, who resembled One Piece, was not recognized. Even if he claimed to be Roger, the rest of them only regarded him as a Roger admirer and imitator.

This is also a matter of course.

Who would believe that One Piece, who had been dead for more than ten years, suddenly appeared in front of him.

Roger came to the Chambord Islands all the way.

Along the way, he did not clash with too many people, and even avoided the navy. Therefore, not many people in the whole world knew that the former One Piece had been resurrected.

And now.

Roger and Raleigh are in Xia Qi's bar.

"Unexpectedly, you were resurrected so quickly, Roger."

When Xia Qi saw Roger, her eyes were still amazed, but she was only amazed by the time of his resurrection, but not by the resurrection.

Because she believes that Raleigh can do it.

"Xia Qi, I haven't seen you for a long time." Roger smiled. "Thanks to Raleigh and Shanks."

"Shanks? No wonder, Raleigh is a poor ghost." Xia Qi took a breath and then spit out slowly, "So, what is the purpose of you here? Don't just come to see me, if If you want a boat, you should go to the Seven Islands of Water."

"It's okay to be late for the boat." Roger sat down in front of Xia Qi and smiled like a child preparing for a prank. "I want the information of the dragon, Raleigh said there are a few on this island Tianlong people, since they are nobles of the world, there should be many treasures."

"You want to..." Xia Qi couldn't help but take a deep breath, almost choking.

"I need treasure now." Roger's smile was bright, "I still need to tell my companions that I am back!"

That's right, this is what Roger thought about.

Very crude, but also very effective.

If you want to use anything to prove that he is a real one piece Roger, then only do things that match his identity. Fortunately, even if the Lord of Fate comes to this world today, the Dragons are still nobles of the world.

Stealing the Tianlong people's money, they can open the jar and announce the news of his return to his companions.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Xia Qi glanced at Raleigh, who also had a smile on her face, and finally shook her head. It seemed regrettable, and she seemed to sigh with emotion.

"It is worthy of One Piece."

After she realized that Raleigh's wish was to resurrect Roger, she knew that the day would come sooner or later.

But still did not expect that it will come so fast.

After a pause, he said:

"I don't have the ability to know where the treasures of the Dragons are, and only the Dragons themselves will know there. Tomorrow, one of the Dragons who rule here, Charles Rose, will go to the human auction house."

"That is to say, as long as we grab the Tianlong man tomorrow and ask the location of the Roger clapped his hands and made his decision.

"It's not that simple." Xia Qi narrowed her eyes. "Although Sherros's side is not comparable to your escort, but the distance between here and the naval headquarters, it doesn't take much time at all, all the generals Will come, especially-Green Boxing Hero, Cap! You should know Cap's current strength."

"That man." Roger scratched his head.

He was very impressed with Karp and was very helpless.

If it was in the past, he would not be afraid of Karp.

but now.

According to Raleigh, Kapu opened at least nearly a thousand third-level jars, and the green light seems to be able to transform into various shapes, and it can fly fast. Its strength far exceeds the top of the past.

He and Raleigh together, it is very likely that they will not win.

"I have a solution." Xia Qi spit out a cigarette. "It will be very risky, but you should not mind it."

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