Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 439: : Sasuke thinks he can win

Regret it.

These three words passed into Sasuke's ears, making his eyes wide and trembling.

what is this?

"In these years, I have also been thinking about wanting to carry everything...whether it is correct, now, I realized that I was wrong, and everything I did failed." Yu Zhi There is no confusion in the eyes of Bo Itachi, "The village is not composed of one person, nor is it possible for one person to change everything. Any difficulties should be worked together by everyone."

He said he regretted it, but it was not correct.

He just understood what he did and failed.

Destroying the Uchiha family and cultivating Sasuke does not allow the inheritance of the Uchiha family to continue to be better in Konoha-to do this, it is inseparable from the efforts of the rest of Konoha.

"What are you talking about, what is it?" Uchiha Sasuke said with a trembling voice, "Can you erase everything you did after regretting it?"

"Naturally can't." Uchiha Itachi's eyes are calm, "The people who kill loved ones and companions will never be forgiven. This is my destiny. I said these, I don't want you to forgive me, just hope you can understand me. Wrong... repeating the wrong fate has no meaning."

Uchiha Itachi originally wanted to stay with Sasuke as a weapon and become his power.

But looking at Sasuke now.

Suddenly he felt that whatever was good, Sasuke already had his own strength and his own company.

He has no regrets.

It would be a better thing for Sasuke to die under Sasuke's sword like this.


Sasuke obviously doesn't think so.

"You said your destiny?" His body was still trembling, and his eyes seemed to spew out fire. "You have already opened your own destiny props, what is that?"

"Huh?" Uchiha Itachi suddenly didn't expect Sasuke to ask this.

"Did the pot give you the fate, is it standing here waiting to die?" Sasuke raised his sword and aimed at Uchiha Itachi, "If so, you are not qualified to open the pot! You must have you There is a reason for you to open the jar for what you desire!

This is what Sasuke just thought of.

The Uchiha Itachi who stood waiting to die in front of him made him sick.

But if Uchiha Itachi just looks like this.

There is no qualification to buy the jar at all, let alone to open props of a destiny nature.

"Really...I had my own dream." Uchiha Itachi seemed to know that Sasuke asked this, what he wanted to say.

"Then fight!" Sasuke shouted loudly, "Fight for your own dreams, and then I will defeat you! This is revenge!"


Uchiha Itachi was silent.

Watching the silence, the expression is a little weird.

Because he knew what Uchiha Itachi’s dream was, and he wanted to be Sasuke’s power.

Uchiha Itachi's only worry in this world is Konoha and Sasuke.

But if you fight for this dream...

Is he going to win or lose?

"But, you are not my opponent." Uchiha Itachi suddenly laughed, "If I fight for my dream, you must fail, and it is an unacceptable result for you. In this way, you are sure to let me Fighting?"

"Less nonsense!" Sasuke's eyes finally lighted up, and he directly poses, "Even if you open more jars than me, but Kendo is the way to kill, my anger, my hatred, will become me Beat your weapon!"

Different series have different effects.

Strong in some areas, weaker in some areas.

The Kendo series is a pure killing series.

Coupled with his hatred, Sasuke thinks he can win!

"Then fight."

Uchiha Itachi still has a smile on his face, and seems to have really ignited some fighting intent. His body quickly retreated, and his hands were sealed.

Art fire escape **** fireball!

A classic fireball rushed towards Sasuke.

Sasuke was also excited.

This man finally started.

This is his dream of revenge fighting!

"This ninjutsu is also used? You are insulting the identity of the can opener!" Sasuke mocked.

The long sword in his hand was only slightly waved, and it turned up like a wind rushing ninjutsu. A sharp gust of wind was blown away, and the fire ball was easily broken. The hot fire spot scattered around Sasuke, and he even had his hair style. Not messy.

"Is this sword your new weapon?" Uchiha Itachi's eyes looked at the sword in the assistant.

It was not the repaired Qing Feng before.

This is a gray sword.

At the point where the hilt and the blade are in contact, there is a plume of sphere, and there seems to be a surge of air in it.

"This is the wind roaring sword."

Sasuke lifted the sword in his hand, but when it was gently shaken, a roar of wind came, and he said coldly, "It is a blue rare-level equipment in itself, and it matches my sword intention, And you will definitely die under the wind roar sword."

After talking, he also noticed that Uchiha Itachi also had a long knife in his hand.

Simple blade, ordinary appearance.

Even the equipment out of the jar doesn't look like any powerful equipment.

the most important is--

"Don't you want to use a sword in front of a sword lord?" Sasuke sneered, his figure turned into countless again, and rushed towards Uchiha Itachi at a very fast speed.

Suddenly, the sky and sword shadows formed a storm.

This time, Sasuke no longer keeps his hands, and all the attacks are greeted innocently toward Uchiha Itachi, as if to attack him with tens of thousands of corpses.

However, Uchiha Itachi just chuckled.

From the bottom up he picked up the long knife in his hand.

Shouted: "The blast barrier."

As the voice fell, a thin layer of wind blade scraped from the blade expanded sharply, forming a fast-rotating used the wind barrier to deal with the windy sword.

The final result is to cancel each other out.

"Equipment with skills?" Sasuke's eyes were a little surprised. He used blue rare skills. Even if this knife is also blue rare, there is no reason to equip the skills with his sword skills.

Is it the strength gap?

Sasuke has also studied a lot with the can opener, so it is clear that even the same skills are in the hands of different people, it will be very different, especially when this kind of positive skill confrontation is competing with each other. strength.

"You opened more jars than I did." Sasuke accepted the fact, "but there are not so many different grades, so I must win!"

Even the battle between can openers.

Nor is it just more than the number of open cans.

The use of series, consciousness, and hole cards is still an extremely important combat factor.

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