Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 449: : The right posture to make money

   Silence in the time of the Pirate World is not all fishing every day.

   Have a good plan for the next plan.

   Doomsday copy.

   originally planned to wait for the end of Naruto World War. After the first and second generations opened the jar, they went to find a suitable copy of the end.

   was unexpected.

   This war has developed to an extent he didn't expect. The treasure hunter's corner will find the gold mine of no small size in the territory of the rain country, which is indeed silent and unexpected.

   In this case, a copy of the Doomsday is almost ready, because Qianshoujian and others have almost no chance of opening the can in a short time, and there is no need to wait.

   "Mr." Nara Luku finally asked about the business, "I want to ask, can the first generation of Naruto and the second generation of Naruto, who have been reincarnated from the dirt, open the jar?"

   "Naturally is possible." Silently nodded.

   "Is it possible?" Tsunate's eyes brightened a little.

  Wouldn’t it be a part of the money, and then let Grandpa and Grandpa open the jar directly.

"As long as you have an independent consciousness, and the desire for destiny meets the requirements, you will be eligible to buy jars, but -" the tone of silence changed, "the price that can be used to pay can only be things that each can control. , But now, they are in the absolute dominance of Da She Wan."

   That's why Silence didn't go to them to sell jars.

  Dashe Wan improves the reincarnation of dirt.

   This kind of improvement blends the contract on the soul. Unless Da She Wan itself is unable to control the reincarnated soil because of some conditions, then the transaction conditions can be reached.

   If they are silent, they all understand.

   "Is it necessary to defeat Da She Wan first?" Bo Feng Shui Gate thought for a while, and seemed to think of a way. "If Da She Wan is dragged into the stage of destiny alone, it may be possible to separate it from the first generation of Naruto."

   The difficulty of this plan is how to find the real body of Da She Wan.

  It's difficult.

  Like the previous battle, Da She Wan did not show up from beginning to end.

   "As your strength becomes stronger, there are more rules that I need to follow." Silence said suddenly.


  Tsunade looked at him as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to speak.

"In addition to providing information related to the Chamber of Commerce, I will not give you any substantive assistance, including suggestions for your actions." The silence chuckled, "Fate is already in your own hands. If you work hard, maybe you dream It’s still not possible, but if you don’t work hard, you can’t achieve it. That’s why we only choose people with longing, so come on, otherwise you have no choice.”

  As the big guy behind the scenes, silence is actually abide by the rules.

   Even if the development of the situation is different from his expectations, he will not interfere.

   So these words are true.

   He naturally hopes that players can move forward on their own efforts, so that whether it is from professional achievements or from substantial benefits, he can satisfy him.

   "Silence." Tsunate suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Did you come here like this?"

   was silent for a while.

   Then the smile widened a bit.

He said with a bit of a joke: "Yeah, in fact, there are not many traveling merchants like me in the Chamber of Commerce. Most of them are some innate gods, reincarnations and the like, who are tall in life, so you should Fortunately, being a customer is a blessing in itself."

   is not without plans to exploit players to death.

   The way of the Lord God Space, in fact, he can do it.

   So silence is quite proud in this respect.

   "I know, there is nothing to worry about." Tsunade kept his hands around his chest, looked at the others, and said aggravatedly, "We can't lose all the time. In any case, we must retake Konoha!"

  After seeing the hope, the sense of shock and depression after Konoha was snatched away, finally dissipated a lot.

  The rest of the people came together.

   Even more united than in the past, because they are all losers now.

   and silent.

   just disappeared slowly with a smile on his face.

   From a planning point of view, the loser cannot be beaten down. This is why he deliberately went there. It is still necessary to give some hope.

   However, fate seems to be on Xiaonan's side.

   sighed in silence, sitting on the bed in his small room, his eyes suddenly became serious.

   "It's time to pick a suitable doomsday world." His eyes glanced through the several doomsday worlds on the system that met the requirements.

   Thinking about the copy of the last day has passed for a long time.

   Actually that is another way of expressing productivity.

   And completely crushed the level of productivity of human civilization for thousands of years, often just overnight, human civilization was completely shredded by the suddenly rising monsters, and most of those monsters did not even comply with the energy code, inexplicably powerful.

  If players are allowed to solve the monsters in the Doomsday world, theoretically can get a lot of trading points by trading the corpses of monsters.

more importantly.

  This is the way to get the jar after the treasure.

   If you don't let wireless krypton gold, you can only do it.

  Silent consideration after a while, finally, made a decision.

  ——Dark bullet.

  Humans defeated in the battle with the viral parasite "gastric animal", hiding in a small land and stealing.

   There are both modern cities that can be used as "safe areas" and wilderness areas that have "brushed areas".

   And what really makes silence choose this world is the characteristic of the "gastric animal".

The gastrointestinal animal can combine the DNA of the infected person with the DNA of various animals, and in a short period of time, through cell mutation and self-reproduction, form a terrifying, huge monster, which has great potential in the eyes of silence. .

To know.

  The stronger the monster, the higher the value of its corpse and soul after being defeated.

   And silence here, the most indispensable is the powerful creatures of various worlds.

If you combine the cells of those organisms with the gastrointestinal organisms, they will have higher value in the system, just like the new skills that combine the power systems of different worlds, because this is a commodity that is not in the system. . .

   "Using the system to create high-value monsters, and then let the players solve it, and realize it as a trading point through trading... I seem to have found a great way to make money." Silently said to himself.

   He felt that he had found the right posture to make money.

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