Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 469: : Those who get loli get the world

Why is she here?

Tong Mugen's mind flashed a lot of questions, but still waiting for Yan Zhu's answer.

Yanzhu drew some of her eyes and seemed to want to escape.

But Tong Mu, who had been aware of it, pulled his arm even further.


Tong Mu narrowed his eyes even more, his tone seemed very kind, but Yan Zhu couldn't help shivering.

She spent more than a year in Tongmugen's police company, and naturally knew how terrible she was when she was angry.

Like a ghost.

"I, I ran out alone." Yan Zhu quickly said, and then his eyes were a little bleak, "Lantaro no longer needs me... I was also found in school, I can only go back here ..."

"Lantaro doesn't need you?" Tong Mu seemed to understand more.

After Lantaro started to open the canister, her strength became stronger and stronger. With his character, it may indeed be that Yanzhu would not continue to fight.

After all, the more violent the battle, the faster it will be eroded.

Coupled with being found in school...

Some time ago, there was an incident of being hurt by the cursed child. In this case, the identity was discovered by the school, and what would happen would be expected.

No wonder Yanzhu will run away.

"Lian Taro must be very worried about you now." Tong Mu pinched Yan Zhu's cheek even more, "And would you be willing to leave him? Or go back obediently."

"What about you." Yan Zhu shook Tong Mujian's palm and looked at her vigorously. "Aren't you going to leave him too? You have to shut down the work club."


Tong Mu had no words.

But his eyes were a bit gloomy.

"Your Rintaro, is your companion?" Nan came from behind, seeming to understand something.

"Once...Yes." Tong Mu stood up quickly.

"What's the reason for the conflict?" Nan's voice was gentle.

"...When we were fighting in the novice area, we met a reformer managed by the Tong family. I want to kill them. He doesn't allow it." Tong Mu is even more conflicted in the simplest language. the reason.

The fact is so simple.

After seeing the reformer unit that was fighting monsters and opening the jar, she realized the threat of these people's revenge on her.

Want to clean up in advance.

However, Rintaro had a big argument with him. These people are innocent, and humans should not fight against humans.


"That guy, no matter what kind of villain he is dealing with, has no awareness of the killer, and I am different. I hate humans more than the gastrointestinal creatures." Tong Mu lowered his eyes and seemed to be afraid that Nan would see Her gaze.

This sentence actually explains only half of it.

The other half of the reason... She feels that people like her are not eligible for happiness.

Staying away from Lotus Taro, although there will be a moment of pain, but it may be the right decision.

"Is the concept different?" Nan murmured.

These four words are indeed full of helplessness among companions.

That's why she didn't dare to find a way to revive Naomen and Yahiko at the moment.

——Not sure to convince them of the idea.

If there must be some changes between peers and the accommodation of others, can they live in harmony. Is such a companion still a real companion?

Nan's eyes were a bit confused.

But only for a moment.

Now it was not a time of confusion, her eyes were calm, and her soft voice changed Tong Tong with some firmness:

"Now that a decision has been made, let the inner confusion be eliminated and the goals and dreams realized first."

This is what she is doing herself.

"Yes!" Tong Mu nodded even more.

Yan Zhu opened her eyes and looked at the beautiful sister with amber eyes in strange clothes. She could not help shrinking her neck and hiding behind Tong Mugen.

She suddenly felt that this sister was more terrible.

However, no matter how she hides, Nan's eyes still look in the past.

"From now on, you will follow me."

Nan's voice, rippling in the ears of every girl in this area under the influence of a fu.

"I will teach you to fight, teach you to protect yourself with your own strength, teach you to survive in this world, and to survive better and be happier..."

With the sound, one girl after another emerged from the ruins, the sewers, the corners of the wall, various places, scarlet eyes stared at the strange sister, there was not much fear in it, more Mostly curious.

But Nan has already begun to act.

As soon as she raised her hand, a large number of Fu Lu flew out, each of which turned into her appearance.

And these avatars found one child after another, took their palms and walked aside, others began to deal with the houses that turned into ruins, the rumbling sound continued to sound, and it cleared out in a short time. A large space, and then use the convenience of Fulu to start building a new house, even blending the defensive array...

Nan is planning to use this place as his base in this world.

Because each of these children has the potential to become a can opener.

They will become a huge force in the future.

So she had to gather the children together before the rest of the people had responded.

"This should be what you want to see."

Nan's body stood in the middle of the children, looked up, looked at the cloudless blue sky, it seemed to be talking to himself, the mouth seemed to have a very shallow smile.

It was so shallow that even Tongmu who had been watching her did not notice it.

However, silence is indeed found.

Because he can read the mind.

"This is really a misunderstanding."

There was a smile on the silent face, but it was just a helpless and funny smile.

He set up a novice zone, in fact, not all prepared for these children.

In the future, the guild will be fully opened. He will allow ordinary people who are not members to participate in the battle of this world.

For example, ordinary ninja, ordinary navy, ordinary pirate.

Expanding the base of ordinary players is a future direction of If the base is large, we can digest wealth to the greatest extent.

However, now it is interesting.

Who can get loli?

Sitting silently on his seat, he was suspended in the sky and looked at the whole world.

till this moment.

Only Nan sees the potential of the cursed children and makes such a move.

Players in the rest of the area are more focused on the monster.


Such a big move to build a base cannot be ignored.

Start selling jars from Naruto

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