Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 474: : 1 to 1 athletic map

There is also this figure.

The Holy Light in Tsunato is already warning.

This giant body is not just as simple as ice cubes.

She dragged Sasuke and Naruto unaware, and took two steps back.

The green pheasant's undisguised war intentions naturally felt that Xiao Nan didn't have too many accidents, and she could even say that she was psychologically prepared.

After all, they came to this world, not for fun.

"The battle between you and me is enough to destroy this entire city." Xiao Nan took out his badge. "Go to the stage to solve it. Since you dare to challenge me, you should be prepared to hand over the badge." "

What came out of Xiaonan was not the will to fight, but the cold intention to kill.

She is not a fighting maniac.

Either don't fight, or you have to come up with the result, otherwise she will only waste her rune.

The green pheasant's eyes narrowed, and he didn't seem to think that Xiao Nan was so determined. He turned to look at Roger and Gangshou and others, but he was a little hesitant.

It was not that he was afraid of fighting, but that he would be benefited by the rest of the people.

And just then.

A cognition poured into his mind.

Member Xiao Nan launched a one-on-one competitive war against him.

This is a battle initiated by both members and after paying a certain amount of points, which can avoid the interference of the rest of the personnel and prevent the battle from destroying the world.

Xiao Nan's expression also felt a little stunned.

She originally intended to launch the stage of destiny, but was told that the rules of the stage of destiny have also changed in this world stage.

One-to-one allowed.

All members can watch freely.

Ordinary people in the region will also be included in the watch system.

Xiao Nan was not surprised by the change of rules, but the changed rules without prior notice. She didn't have the corresponding notice until she tried to launch the stage of destiny.

Does this mean.

In this world, there are some rules that they need to explore by themselves?

Many thoughts flashed through Xiao Nan's mind, but there was no time to delve further, because Qing Pheasant had agreed to her one-on-one competitive war.

Points deduction.

The familiar sound of broken mirrors kept coming.

The crack flashed all over the huge space.

Even the old city behind, the children looked around curiously, and the so-called nobles who followed Tiantong Juzhi's succession, all fell into inexplicable panic.

"Send, what happened?"

"This is a safe area!"


"I'm going back! Master Tiantong, I'm going back!"

The last one said to go back to the man, and he was glared fiercely by Tiantong Juzhi Cheng, so scared that his **** collapsed to the ground, his face panicked and embarrassed.

"Hurry up to protect His Majesty the Holy Son!"

Tiantong Juzhi shouted loudly, but he was also clenching his fists, looking at the cracks spreading around him with a trace of fright in his eyes, and there was a feeling of powerlessness in his heart.

He is no different from these crying, howling wastes.

Can't do anything.

I can only pray and then accept all the changes before me.

"Miss Tsuna..."

Sheng Tianzi was also a little flustered, but he didn't seem to worry too much about his own safety. He just turned his head to look at Tsunade and subconsciously wanted to seek an explanation.

"Nothing will happen." Tsunade's expression was rather calm, and she smiled at her. "It's better to say that this is to protect you, otherwise the two people will really let go and fight, your entire city is just afraid It's gone in an instant."

That is when her words fell.

The ground shakes.

In the terrified eyes of Tiantong Juzhi Cheng and others, countless cracks spread like spider webs all over the earth, and then completely collapsed, flying up one by one, carrying them up.

Looking around.

Everyone stepped on a similarly sized stone, suspended in mid-air, in addition to a large number of stones of different sizes.

It's like being in weightless outer space.

But they clearly felt gravity.

At the same time, a cognition poured into everyone's mind.

Competitive war map·Riddled with rocks.

Everyone suddenly realized that this was one of the maps of the competitive war that was chosen at random. In other words, these suspended stones spreading throughout the huge space are the characteristics of this map. How to use it depends on both sides of the battle.

"The whole world... is it really just a game of God?" Tiantong Juzhi Cheng stayed on his little stone and lost his eyes.

All of this is like a game.

But it really happened before him.

Not a game on a computer, but reality.

Their world, for the "God", is like a game designed by a programmer, a painting by an artist, a world described by a writer, how to change and how to twist, it is easy, under such power All the rights and tactics are too ridiculous.

The world has changed.

People who are favored by the "God" are the masters of this world.

But why...

God will favor monsters like monsters!

Tiantong Juzhi Cheng shivered slightly, looking at the children who were lying on the rocks not far away, excited and curious looking around, feeling very ironic.

But no one would care about his mood.

"Hello!" Tsunato suddenly raised his voice and shouted at Xiao Nan with a little curiosity. "How many points did this competitive war map cost?"

This scene looks much cooler than before.

The price is certainly not low.

Xiao Nan heard the voice of Tsunade, took out the badge and glanced at her balance.

The corners of his eyes twitched unnoticeably.

After you can't use treasure to redeem points, points become very valuable.

After all, it also needs to supplement the material of the symbol.

And the consumption of this competitive map ~ ~ has reached a point where she feels a little bit distressed, this is still based on the fact that the two sides share equally.

It seems that you have to get some points as soon as possible.

Xiaonan was suspended in mid-air, staring at the navy general from a different world in front of him, and then glanced around.

This map is in her favor.

Tsunade didn't get Xiao Nan's answer, and was consciously a bit bored. After carefully pondering the new rules, his eyes lit up.

"That One Piece." Tsuneo turned his head, and the stone flew toward Roger's position with his heart. "How about a gamble?"

"Do you gamble?" Roger understood what she meant, and his eyes lit up.

He is not a good bet, but when sailing on the sea, his companions often find something interesting to do.

Betting is one of them.

It's also fun not to bet on money, but on small things like catching prey.

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