Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 485: : I will not escape the adventure

The fighting in the scene has begun to move closer in an unfavorable direction.

Even those who are capable of thinking, it is impossible to continue to explode.

Flames, lightning strikes, frost, and all kinds of attacks still leave a trace of scars on Roger's body. Although it seems that the offensive is not reduced, every punch has the power to seem to subvert the world, but In his eyes, Roger had begun to slide towards the defeated balance.

Because his attack seemed completely useless.

"Interesting, really interesting."

Da She Wan's eyes fluttered with an obsessive flame, but his eyes were not on Roger, but on the huge monster in the picture.

How did it happen?

There can be no endless recovery, there must be some kind of energy to provide recovery, and the kind of lightning, flame, and even the power to control the weather. Without energy, it will not be deployed, that is, in this monster’s Inside the body, there should be some kind of "core" that provides energy.

"Captain Roger!" Robin shouted violently. "Tail! This monster has never attacked with its tail!"

"It turns out so!"

Da She Wan and Roger shouted almost simultaneously.

"Unexpectedly, even I didn't react for a while." There was a red tide on Dasha Wan's pale face. "Tail, although the snake wouldn't use the tail to attack, but only the head, but this It is not a normal snake, and the tail is not used to support the speed of movement. It is indeed abnormal."

The Baqi snake has eight heads, eight tails, and a body.

For such monsters, the tail should have been a weapon for attacking.

And, in legend.

The tail of the Baqi snake has an artifact-Tian Cong Yun Jian.


Roger drank a violent voice, and his strong thoughts were like burning, and the whole person burst into the light of the scorching sun. He burst his mind again to the extreme.

The whole person rushed towards the tail in the middle of the monster.

With the palm of your hand as a knife, hit hard.


The entire tail was severely cut off, and the broken tail flew out. Everyone could clearly see that in the broken tail, there was a hint of metal hiding.

"Really there is a cloud of sky!"

Roger was so excited that he jumped high and reached out to draw the sword out.

The whole body is white, with jagged lines all over the sword body.

This is more of a bone spur than a long sword.

Roger waved hard without feeling any special effects.

"Captain Roger! Be careful!" Robin's cry came from afar.

Roger turned sharply.

Face to face was a **** mouth, and sharp teeth spurted toward Roger with great speed.

Roger subconsciously wanted to avoid.

But after all, it was a little late.


The sharp teeth pierced Roger's shoulder, and he was jammed by the domineering and hardened body, but the blood still started to flow.

This is the biggest injury he has suffered so far.

"Are you close to the limit?" Xiao Nan muttered to himself.

If that shocking outbreak can last forever, it will be too scary.

Moreover, although the sword was found in the tail, it did not seem to play any substantial role.

The monster's offensive continues unabated.

The situation made Roger into a bad situation all at once.

The only thing he can expect is his sword.

It should not be really useless.


Roger clasped the teeth of the basilisk and snarled with all his strength. The swelled waves of the body boiled again. A little bit, the big mouth of the basilisk was opened and he jumped out.


The ancient sword in his hand cut away the body of the basilisk, and instantly changed from white to black, and the whole burned up.

The beheaded snake made an unprecedented whine.

In everyone's eyes, a little bit turned into ashes.

The eight-headed big snake, now, has become seven heads.

There is no recovery.

Roger looked at the sword, which also turned into ashes in his hands, and seemed to understand.

"Hahaha, that's what it is!" He laughed with his head up. "Pull out the sword first, then cut off your head!"

That's right, this is the correct strategy for this boss.

The head and the sword have two different attributes of strength.

Just cutting off the head, or only the tail, has no effect.


Pull out the sword and cut off your head.

There will be no recovery.

The silently designed boss is such a monster that needs to find the right way to attack. The first pass is the most rewarding and the most difficult. The latter will be easier, but the most powerful is definitely First pass player!

"Captain Roger!" Robin's warning came again.

The thunder roared, and it began to rain heavily, and the dense thunder continued to fall, illuminating the appearance of the monster frantically looking up and roaring.

The monster that lost a head started to go crazy.

faster! The attack is stronger!

Obviously it was a huge figure, so fast that he could see the phantom, and he rushed fiercely towards Roger fiercely.

More powerful than just now!

"Could it be that if you cut off a head, it would be stronger?"

Xiao Nan squeezed his fist slightly, it seems to understand that this monster is not for them to solve alone!

Even Roger has found a way to kill monsters.

However, he started to accumulate injuries, the same danger!


The dull impact sound came, and Roger was hit by the snake's head again. The whole person was smashed into the ground like a shell, and a long trace was drawn, just falling into Robin's side.

His reaction speed has begun to decline.

"No! Captain Roger!" Robin ran over. "It's impossible to win today. Retreat. We have found a way. We will definitely win the next time we come!"

This is the smartest approach.

This battle, because it consumed too much physical strength and accumulated too many injuries at the beginning, and the monster looked more powerful after losing a head, and there was no hope of winning.

Keep going will only increase the risk of your own death.

"Cough." Roger coughed twice and stood up.

The armed domineering body has dissipated, and anyone can see that his current situation is extremely bad.

The wounds pierced through the shoulders were still bleeding, and there were burning scars everywhere, as well as frostbite.

"Retreat first." Robin said again.


Roger exhaled slowly, turned his head, and gave Robin a bright smile, just like the smile on the execution table in the newspaper more than ten years ago.

"No matter what the adventure, I will not escape."

He said this, and then his gaze fixed, and the breath of his body boiled again.

Armed with color domineering, a little, covering the whole body again!

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