Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 648: : Members with strong desires

   Now, Alice Phil does not intend to hide it anymore.

   The death of Eomiya Kiritugu was like a sudden growth for her, because when she realized that she could no longer rely on her husband, the first thing she thought of was her daughter.

   and follow her story.

   Altria's face became heavier and heavier, and she even stood up abruptly, an angry flame burning in her eyes.

   "How can this be! How can they be like this!"

   She knew that Alice Phil was a human being, but she didn't know that not only she was the carrier of the Holy Grail, but even her daughter was also used as a tool for the next Holy Grail war.

   Are those people crazy?

   Altria even wanted to go back, let those people understand what is the king's anger.

   But Alice Phil was not angry.

When    talked, his expression was also very calm.

Even watching Altria's anger, she comforted with a slight smile: "I have understood all this since I opened my eyes. This is my destiny, and I have never regretted marrying Keishi. , Giving birth to Ilias Phil, this is my destiny, but..."

   When she said "but", the smile on her face finally faded.

   "I regret a bit now." She whispered.

   The death of her husband also means that Illyas Phil will inevitably face a more cruel fate than her.

   If you want your daughter to lose her father and mother, then step into this battlefield and lose everything.

   Then why are you born?

   This kind of sentiment, after learning about the death of Eimiya Kiritugu, kept coming out.

   This is the instinct of a mother. Since it is her own child, since she has given her life, she must be protected, and she must be able to enjoy life and this world.

   But there is nothing she can do.

   She is just an artificial person, a tool, and she has already accepted this in her nine years.

   So... she can only rely on the only person she can rely on, Altria. Even if she knows that Altria has little hope of winning, she has no other people to rely on.

   "Alice Phil!" Altria suddenly shouted, "Don't wait for me to win, let's do it now!"

   Alice Phil was taken aback.

"Go and save Ilias Phil!" Altria raised her hand and waved, "Even if my strength is extremely weak in this war, I will definitely help you. The Lord of Destiny didn't say Already? If you want to change your fate, you have to work hard!

   At this moment, Altria hated the word destiny very much.

   Why does Britain have to perish?

   Why Alice Phil and her daughter must accept this fate!

   Her own kingdom is indeed destroyed. She failed to save her people, but Alice Phil and her daughter are still there!

"I, I can't live." Alice Phil looked at Altria, looking flustered, "If I go to bring Ilias Phil out now, then you will be in the war. If they fail, they will still take her back, and the magic circuit on her body..."

"Alice Phil!" Altria grabbed Alice Phil's hands, half-kneeled in front of her, her azure-blue eyes reflected her face, "As the King of Britain, I really didn't know my fate. I failed to save my kingdom. I tried to erase my efforts, but now I understand! I have never regretted becoming a king, so I don’t want you to regret it! I don’t want you to have this Expecting to die clearly knowing that there are not many possibilities!"

   She and Alice Phil understand.

   counts on her to protect her daughter. First, she wants to live and become stronger.

   That's why Alice Phil's request is based on Altria's victory.

   But now, what is the probability?

   Even if someone finds them right now, it is not surprising that they can be killed easily.

   So, instead of letting Alice Phil die with this hope, it's better to let her fight.

   Alice Phil hesitated.

   But Altria clutched her palm harder.

   Alice Phil recalled her daughter's smiling face in her mind.

   gritted his teeth.

   seems to have finally made up his mind.

   "Okay!" She nodded, "Jiji is dead, I must save my daughter! No, I still want to survive the Holy Grail War, so that I have a chance to resurrect Qiji!"

   This sentence even she herself felt impossible.

  As the carrier of the Holy Grail, it is impossible for her to survive the Holy Grail War, because as long as the number of dead heroes reaches a certain number, she will not be able to persist and will become the Holy Grail.

   But if you want to resurrect Keiji, you must first be a member of the Chamber of Commerce. Secondly, only after the event is over, the local war dead members are eligible for resurrection.

   The conditions cannot be met at all.

   That's why she asked Altria to complete it for her.


  Even if you can't see the can't see the hope, Alice Phil hopes that she can do something.


   A figure penetrated the closed door, and walked in unhurriedly.

   "I seem to feel the breath of my wish." Looking at the two people with a silent smile.

   In fact, for the last second, the silence was still walking several kilometers away from this place, but it was indeed that a certain character's wish was ignited suddenly.

   Alice Phil is not a contender for this Holy Grail War.

   But at this moment, her desire to rescue her own woman is so strong.

   Silence has not forgotten, my job is still to find a role with strong wishes, sell them the jar, and give them a chance to realize their wishes.

   Alice Phil's eyes were round and round, and she didn't seem to expect that the Lord of Destiny, who was like a god, would appear in front of her like this.

   But she reacted quickly, and even forgot to salute, just pointed at herself and stammered and asked:

   "Me, I can..."

   "Of course." Silently nodded, "However, you are not a participant in this Holy Grail War event, and you are not eligible for event rewards."

   The characters with strong desires in this world are not just the master and the heroic spirit, let alone the magicians, which of the magicians are not deeply obsessed and strong.

  If it is open, there will be countless people in the whole world meeting the requirements.

   Even though it has not yet reached the public beta.

   Silence also plans to select a few qualified non-Holy Grail war players.



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