Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 727: : Features of Tony Series

Latest website: When many people talk about the word knowledge, their first reaction is actually different.

Some people think that knowledge is wisdom.

The more knowledge they understand, the smarter people will be, as if they can understand everything in the world. No lie can deceive them, and moreover they can control everything.

But the knowledge here is not like this.

Wisdom is also a part of personality. It's not a good thing to see through the world, see through emotions, and see through all calculations like a Taoist monk. At least for silence, it means the loss of self-personality.

So he will not give wisdom to others.

Not everyone is willing to be Chu Xuan.

Tony faced some small pots in front of him, and seemed to be a little impatient to open them.

The most in the jar of the knowledge series is naturally knowledge.

Although it was only a first-level jar, Tony's eyes lit up with the contents of the first jar.

"Basics of alchemy?"

Tony felt that the information directly input into his mind was only part of the alchemy basis written in an alchemist scroll. To him, it was like reading a thin book. It was a novel experience. .

And the alchemy described in it is also very magical.

Equivalent exchange, change material?

"Will this kind of thing really be useful?" Tony couldn't help but look into the silence. "I mean, this is incredible. Changing elements requires precise changes at the atomic level. If it can be done arbitrarily, then Isn't it possible to create any substance in the world at will!?"

For example, use the most common hydrogen element in the air to make gold.

This is what he said in the information he obtained.

If it can be done, it would be amazing. Especially for him, he is equivalent to an accurate lathe. He can even build a suit of mecha by relying on the air in a place with nothing!

"Alchemy does have such power." Nodding silently.

"Great!" Tony looked excited.

Although the information he opened is only a few pages, he believes that there will be more detailed knowledge in the jar behind.

"But—" Silence suddenly said, "What you have gained is knowledge, not alchemy. Therefore, you cannot do it in this world by relying solely on this knowledge, because this universe has no door to truth."

Tony's smile suddenly stiffened on his face.

It's as uncomfortable as eating something ugly and disgusting.

Can the knowledge of another world be used in this world?

What use is that! ?

"Is it useless?" Silence naturally understood Tony's thoughts, and couldn't help but shook his head with a chuckle, "That's why I said that the knowledge series is not useful for everyone. Your universe also has alchemy. I say that, do you understand?"

Tony's expression gradually calmed down.

It seems thoughtful.

He is a scientist and a genius after all, so he has understood the meaning of silence.

"What do you mean is that I can use the alchemy knowledge reserves of another world to study the alchemy of our universe? Through continuous experiments and research to determine the commonality of the two, and even explore each other's thinking and inspiration?"

Speaking of the back, it was already affirmative.

That's it! short essay

Alchemy is just an example, but he already understands the difficulty of this series.

"I have already told you that knowledge is not powerful. What is powerful is the wisdom that can turn knowledge into power." He said quietly, "There are all kinds of knowledge in the jar, and some people get it, but It is a mobile library, and some people can rely on the power of knowledge to become extremely powerful in any world-this is one of the strongest series and one of the weakest series."

The strongest and the weakest.

It seems contradictory, but it is taken for granted.

Rather than saying that Silence is a series specially prepared for Tony, it is better to say that Silence found the inspiration for this series in Tony's body. Only people with wisdom can feel the power of this series.

Silence has a hunch.

After the public beta, this series will definitely become one of the most attractive series of all series.

At this moment, Tony also felt its charm.

"This is interesting." He became more and more excited, "Getting power directly, how does it reflect the difference between me and Hulk, I feel right, this series is the best for me!"

He continued to open the jar.

Before the transfer without getting the destiny items, the jars in the big series were really varied.

Only you can't think of it, there is nothing that it does not exist.

Even the "Sow Nursing Encyclopedia" that had appeared in the other series was opened by Tony, making his face very ugly, because this is the way to pass on the light group, he was forced to accept detailed information .

There are also some seemingly magical knowledge, but it seems to have no effect at all in this universe.

For example-where is the magical beast Volume One, the precautions of the magical girl, the connection between the spirit beast and the spirit ability...

If this knowledge is obtained by ordinary people, they will definitely curse their mother directly.

But Tony didn't.

From the magical animals, he felt the empathy for the rest of the creatures, and he was even able to summarize some rules for treating special animals. In the matters needing attention of the magical girl, he realized the danger of magic and felt the extraordinary. As for the connection between soul beast and soul ability...well, I really don't know how to use this.

But it doesn't matter.

It's just useless now.

Even if there is no chance to go to that world, if one day meets a member of the soul master profession, then this knowledge can still play a role.

What's more, in addition to these less useful, useful knowledge is more.

For example, Gundam’s control skills, the nature of AT’s position,

Tony felt an incomparably vast world unfolding in front of There are even existences beyond people's imagination. He is eagerly absorbing knowledge, and his vision is continuously expanded, all kinds of wonderful Inspiration keeps coming up.

Just the feeling of gaining knowledge made him extremely addicted.

not to mention.

The treasures in the knowledge jar are not just knowledge.

Without a strong mental power, a strong memory, and a strong ability to return, it is impossible for a person's thinking to withstand such a messy and huge knowledge. Tony's mental power is constantly strengthening, and he feels that his soul is gradually divided into two. One part, one part is the library carrying knowledge, and the other part is one's own reason, emotion and wisdom.

And this feeling of constantly filling up the library's inventory makes him want to stop.

Finally, he opened the first prize in the second-level pot.

A very useful prize in the early stage.

——Implanted intelligent processing chip.

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