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Chapter 747: : God is an organization

Latest URL: That was already half a year ago.

Of course, Bucky is just the fuse.

The real conflict between them and Tony lies in the unrestricted expansion of Stark. For those who admire freedom, the birth of a giant company that can control everyone in the world is definitely not a good thing. This kind of influence, even if S.H.I.E.L.D. had never owned it.

Faced with the question raised by Banner, everyone was silent.

Although they wanted to say that when faced with difficulties, they should let go of the conflict and work together, but this time, Steve's friend Bucky is stained with the blood of Tony's father after all, which is a hurdle that cannot be passed.

"Tony is truly unforgivable, only me." Steve said slowly, "but there is not such a big conflict between him and you, you can go, he may also need your help."

"Are you sure he needs our help?" Hawkeye interjected, "Maybe he still feels that we are a drag, he felt that way before."

"..." Steve couldn't say anything.

"I think the key is not Tony, but God." Fury suddenly interjected, "Tony's power and arrogance come from God, if any of you can also get power from God, then everything will become Much easier?"

This is also a topic that has been discussed many times.

They watched how Tony made such a huge change overnight. It felt like a dream, as if as long as there is God, all despair is not despair, and all problems are easy.

The only difficulty.

It depends on how to get the favor of God.

Frankly speaking, there are many people here who feel that they should be qualified. For example, Fury, he has learned a lot from Tony. In terms of the intensity of his wish, he should be no worse than Tony.

In order to protect the earth and people, he can do whatever it takes.

But even so.

He couldn't walk to God and ask why he was not favored, so all his minds could only ask for it and struggle day by day.

"Mortals can't figure out the mind of God." Coleson looked at his former director and said with a smile, "God's favor may come at the right time, maybe it will never come, I don't think I should put hope here. The above is better."

"Well, maybe you are right." Fury was a little depressed.

The meeting seemed to be deadlocked.

There is no means to obtain information, and no means to break the situation. Although these people are aware of the crisis brought by Asgard and the death goddess Hela, they seem to be unable to do anything.

And just when they were silent.

The black panther's sister suddenly walked in from outside.

"This is a video that just circulated on the Internet. I think you should take a look."

The voice fell, and in the middle of everyone, a virtual projection opened, and Tony's haggard figure appeared on it.

"Has it started? Okay, let's start." Tony rubbed his eyes, tried to make himself look more energetic, and then said seriously, "Listen, I know we have a lot of differences. However, the situation is already very bad. First, Asgard was invaded by Thanos, Odin sacrificed, and then Odin’s sealed daughter, yes, Hela, escaped from the Sealed Land, she She is the real dictator. Her heart is filled with unparalleled ambition. All those who promised to oppose her were mercilessly killed. I tried to defeat her, but I failed. Her power exceeded my imagination. So, I need help...Uh, I don’t mean to let go of my father’s hatred, nor do I forgive you, but I think I can not think about that for the time being, yes, just for the time being... ..."

Excluding those arrogant words, Tony's purpose for posting this video is obvious.

He needs help.

Steve and the others looked at each other.

"So... who just said that Tony would see us as a drag?" Steve smiled first.


When Steve and others showed up at the secret base they once again, Tony showed some reluctance.

"Listen, if it weren't for God's request, I would never ask you for help."

"Perhaps the joy in your eyes when you say these words will look more like it." Natasha smiled, "You know, I am a master of micro expressions."

"Excellent, Master Madam, can you tell me what else you can see in my eyes?" Tony said grimly.

"There is fatigue, despair, and hope." This is what Fury said. "I think you can tell us, what does'God asks so' mean?"

Fury clearly found the point.

Maybe Tony really needs help, but their power may not be so strong that they need Tony to publish that kind of video to invite them.

The phrase "God requires" seems to answer a lot of questions, but it also brings more questions.

"This is not something that cannot be said." Tony sighed, "I want to tell you first, God... not only gave me strength, but at the same time I got strength, I joined an organization. , An organization containing countless civilizations and countless universes, and I want to become stronger only to complete the mission of the organization.

Tony’s explanation is very simple.

But the amount of information in it is quite a bit.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Join the organization? Can you become stronger by completing tasks?

"I never heard you talk about this before." Banner murmured.

"Because I only recently found out." Tony spread his hands.

"There is no reason." Fury frowned. "God can't do What tasks do you need to do? Wait—you said God is an organization? "

Fury took a deep breath.

Only then did he realize the point.

Powerful like that kind of existence, is it just a member of an organization? How horrible this organization should be, and what is their purpose? God is an outer **** from outside the universe. He calls himself a traveler, but he really comes to travel aimlessly?

Fury felt that his head was about to explode, as if an ordinary person had suddenly come into contact with a super secret that could subvert the universe.

This made him tremble all over, and even fell into the fear caused by various conspiracies he imagined.

It can only be said that all elite agents are victims of paranoia to a certain extent.

"Organization or something is not something we are entitled to worry about now. The biggest problem now is--" Tony's face was extremely serious, "Hela, our enemy is very likely to join this organization."

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