Start With a Fake University

Chapter 510: In-depth visit to Huangcheng Forest Farm

North-west region.

Near Huangcheng Forest Farm.

The sun is scorching, and the sky is full of yellow sand.

A convoy drove slowly along the desert road, and the car was loaded by a news media team and several local guides.

"Uncle Liu, are you familiar with Huangcheng Forest Farm?"

In the car, Tian Jinliang, a journalism and media student at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, asked a local guide Liu Shu.

"That's very familiar. We used to bring tourist groups here to see Linchang Le, but it hasn't worked in the past few years."

The guide Uncle Liu nodded.

A piece of green in the desert is the best scenery in the world.

In the past, Huangcheng Forest Farm was very large and was the emerald pearl in the desert. It attracted many tourists from other places to visit and watch this great green project of sand prevention and control.

So at that time, Uncle Liu and the others were doing good business as local guides.

However, in recent years, especially in the past ten years or so, the Huangcheng Forest Farm has changed. It is no longer an artificial forest project in the eyes of the locals for sand prevention and control, but has become a place for some people to obtain benefits.

"Why can't it?"

Asked another female student Peng Hui.

"I have planted grapes. The trees and everything have been cut down. In the past, densely packed trees were used to prevent and control the deserts in the north. These years, grapes have been planted, and they have not been so good, and no one wants to. coming."

The guide Uncle Liu sighed helplessly, shaking his head.

"Huangcheng Forest Farm did this. Isn't it reported by the media?"

Female student Wang Xiaoping asked.

"No, you can't get in. People from the forest farm don't let reporters in. People from the local TV station used to come here once, but there is nothing to follow, and it's useless."

The guide Uncle Liu still shook his head helplessly.

A good forest farm has become what it is now, and it feels somewhat uncomfortable for the natives of Huangcheng who are born and raised.

"You are probably here for nothing this trip, you can't get in."

Another local, Lao Zhuang, shook his head and said.

"Master, we are here this time to report truthfully about the forest farm in Huangcheng. We will find a way to enter the forest farm and film the actual situation inside the forest farm to report. Master, do you have any good suggestions?"

Student Chu Xiao asked.

"Not very optimistic. There are people patrolling inside and outside the forest farm, and there are dogs. We will be spotted when we drive a little closer."

Uncle Lao Zhuang thought for a while, shook his head and said.

The news media team of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences said that this matter was a bit difficult to handle.

If you can't even get in, how can you report the situation of Huangcheng Forest Farm truthfully?

"Student Zhang, how did you get in last time?"

At this time, Tian Jinliang saw alumni Zhang Dehou and asked.

What happened to the Huangcheng Forest Farm was that after Zhang Dehou discovered it, he told Jia Nong, the dean of the Agriculture and Forestry College of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

Then Jianong reported it to President Ding, and President Ding decided to send a team of student reporters majoring in journalism and media from Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences to explore the truth of the matter and expose the report.

Zhang Dehou received news from Jianong, the dean of the department, and asked him to assist several alumni of the news media major to report on this matter together.

"The last time I came, it was based on exchanges with the forest farm. Maybe they were not very vigilant at that time, but when I told them about the destruction of the forest farm and the improper planting of grapes, their attitude towards me was not very good. Okay, then let me leave, never let me in again."

Zhang Dehou shook his head and talked about his own experience.

Zhang Dehou came here because a friend of a friend introduced him to Huangcheng Forest Farm to exchange professional knowledge about forestry.

But as Zhang Dehou said.

When Zhang Dehou saw the situation of Huangcheng Forest Farm, he asked the people in the forest farm why a large number of trees were cut down or burned, and then a large area of ​​the forest farm was used to grow cash crop grapes?

As a result, the staff of the forest farm immediately changed their expressions to Zhang Dehou, and then let Zhang Dehou leave.

This is not to say that economic crop grapes cannot be planted in impoverished areas in the northwest, but they cannot be planted in such important forest farm areas. What's more, after cutting down the trees that were originally used for sand prevention and control, the land after the felling of the trees is used to grow grapes. This is simply It is unacceptable!

"That's difficult."

Chu Xiao whispered.

"Yes, how do we get into real-time shooting when the time comes?"

Wang Xiaoping was also very puzzled.

If you can't enter the Huangcheng Forest Farm, isn't this trip in vain?

"Boys, we are going to the Huangcheng Forest Farm soon. Are we going to continue driving forward or stop?"

At this time, the guide Uncle Liu asked everyone.

"Let's stop for a while, if you drive over and let the people in the forest farm find out, it will be even more difficult to deal with, and it will be easy to get rid of the grass."

Tian Jinliang thought for a while, but decided not to go.

If people were blocked outside the forest farm in the past and couldn't get in, then the people in the forest farm would have increased their vigilance. By then, it would be basically impossible to enter the forest farm for interviews and filming.

The car braked to a halt.

Tian Jinliang, Chu Xiao, Wang Xiaoping and Peng Hui began to discuss countermeasures.

"Brother Liang, what shall we do then? We can't just leave empty-handed. Principal Ding is waiting for us to report this news."

Chu Xiao looked at Tian Jinliang and asked.

If you want to report on news, you must explore the truth of the matter and use objective facts to write news releases. You can’t just start reporting after hearing about it.

Nowadays, many media have less and less pursued the objective truthfulness of news.

If this is changed to other media, I am afraid that a press release has already been issued to guide the public opinion of the society before speaking.

But the news team of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences will not do this.

They must explore the objective facts before writing a press release to report.

Of course, on this basis, we need to pursue the timeliness of news.

However, news events like this are generally time-sensitive. Fortunately, they are relatively long. There is basically no big difference between what is reported today and what is reported tomorrow.

As long as it doesn't get listed first by other news media.


Now other news media, such as headline news, Penguin news, or Pengpai news, don't know about the Huangcheng Forest Farm.

If they knew about it, it is estimated that all kinds of press releases with rhythmic opinions have already swept the Internet overwhelmingly.

"It seems that it is impossible to enter the forest farm in a proper way. We only have to enter the forest farm quietly, and then take pictures of the situation in the forest farm, and then we will interview the Huangcheng Forestry Bureau with the shooting materials in the Huangcheng Forest Farm. ."

Tian Jinliang thought for a moment.

This is also a measure that there is really no alternative. Only by going in quietly in this way can I have a chance to get information about the situation inside the Huangcheng Forest Farm.

The situation information here refers to pictures, videos, etc.

"Ah, Brother Liang, what if we get caught?"

Chu Xiao asked worriedly.

"So everyone should be as careful as possible. When we are reporters, sometimes we do news coverage. Isn't that all the case? We have to take a certain risk. Think about those reporters who dare to enter the dangerous area, and even It is war reporters. As reporters, we must bravely fight injustice!"

Tian Jinliang said to the people earnestly.

When everyone heard the words, they all nodded, agreeing with what Tian Jinliang said.

"Boys, do you really plan to go into the forest farm to take videos or photos?"

Lao Zhuang looked at the students at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and asked.


Tian Jinliang said firmly, and then began to pack up the electronic equipment needed for shooting.

If you sneak into the forest farm of Huangcheng to shoot like this, you don’t need to bring too complicated shooting equipment. A normal mobile phone is sufficient, and it can also be used for communication. Of course, everyone wears a miniature camera in front of them. .

"Then I know a place where you can enter the Huangcheng Forest Farm, shall I take you there?"

Lao Zhuang said seriously.

Upon hearing this, Tian Jinliang and others suddenly showed joy.

"Really, Master Zhuang, is there a place to go in, is it safe?"

Tian Jinliang asked quickly.

"It should be safe. This place is considered a blind spot for the staff of Huangcheng Forest Farm to patrol." Uncle Zhuang nodded and replied.

"That's great, thank you Uncle Zhuang."

Chu Xiao excitedly said to Uncle Zhuang: "Uncle Zhuang, if you take us into the Huangcheng Forest Farm smoothly, we will give you some rewards."

"There is no need for the remuneration. We brought you here. Didn't we have already charged the fee? We also hope that the incident at the Huangcheng Forest Farm can be reported and attract the attention of the above.

Uncle Zhuang said with emotion.

As a local, I certainly hope that the Huangcheng Forest Farm will be exposed, and those who fell the trees will be punished, so as to restore the original appearance of the Huangcheng Forest Farm and continue to be the forefront of the sand prevention and control in Huangcheng!

"Then let's go, Uncle Zhuang!"

Tian Jinliang is ready.

This time, Tian Jinliang, Chu Xiao, Wang Xiaoping, and Peng Hui will go to the Huangcheng Forest Farm together. At the same time, a camera brother will also follow, but the camera brother will only follow the forest farm and will not go in.

After all, the camera brother is inconvenient to carry the camera, and it is too eye-catching.

Ever since.

The students from Wucheng University of Arts and Science followed the uncle Lao Zhuang, trekking through the desert and came to the vicinity of the Huangcheng Forest Farm.


Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is here.

Since Ding Yue sent his Wucheng University of Arts and Science majoring in journalism and media to the northwestern region to cover and report on the Huangcheng Forest Farm, he has never forgotten.

I don't know if these students will be able to report this incident smoothly.

Ding Yue asked Zhu Youzhao, the head of the Department of Film and Television to keep in touch with Tian Jinliang and the others at any time. If there was any new news, he would inform himself as soon as possible.

And Ding Yue's words, he continued to be busy with his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

At this stage.

Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is mainly to expand the scale of the graphene industry, and strive to build the graphene industry into the main high-tech pillar industry in the Wucheng area within one or two years.

Thus, Wucheng has become a city with high-tech industries.

Boom boom boom!

After the principal's office door knocked, Feiyue Group CEO An Yujia walked in.

"Principal Ding, are you looking for me?"

An Yujia came up and asked.

"Sit down, how did you talk to that big company like Warwick Technology Group?"

Ding Yue is more concerned about this matter.

Because only after winning orders from companies such as Warwick Technology Group, Rice Technology Group, and Penguin New Energy Electric Vehicles, can the graphene industry of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences have a better opportunity to expand and get the support of Wucheng City Government.

At the beginning, Li Chengzhu said that it depends on the strength of Feiyue Technology to expand the scale of the graphene industry, and on the other hand, it depends on whether it can win orders from large domestic manufacturers.

"Principal Ding, the progress of the matter is indeed the same as we originally expected, not so smooth."

An Yujia replied.

"I knew it."

Ding Yue smiled indifferently, and continued: "Those large manufacturers all want to get our technology package authorization at the lowest cost, but their abacus can't be done. Mr. An, I have an idea."

"Principal Ding, do you mean, let's release some news?"

When An Yujia heard the words, her eyes were indeed bright, and she looked at Principal Ding and asked.

Because An Yujia also has an idea, I don't know if this idea coincides with Principal Ding.

"He who knows me, Ann is always too."

Ding Yue nodded and said very seriously: "We have to make Warwick and Rice feel a sense of crisis. In addition, if Penguin New Energy Electric Vehicle Company, let's dry them first."


An Yujia can understand the matter of making Warwick and Rice feel a sense of crisis.

But let the Penguin New Energy Electric Vehicle Company dry, why is this?

After all, it is the Penguin new energy electric vehicle that can have the opportunity to compete with the Teyas electric vehicle in the Eagle Sauce Country.

The Penguin New Energy Electric Vehicle is a new energy electric vehicle manufactured by the Penguin Group in cooperation with domestic vehicles.

The sales of Teas from Eagle Sauce Country in China are quite good.

And most importantly, as Xia Guo pays more and more attention to environmental protection, the promotion and development of new energy electric vehicles will be a very large market for many years to come.

New energy electric vehicles that can be equipped with graphene are the kings in the field of electric vehicles, and there will certainly not be one that can be hit by the time!

"Principal Ding, do you want to be a new energy electric car?"

After hearing the words, An Yujia asked very curiously.


Ding Yue was taken aback for a moment.

I originally meant to hang out the Penguin New Energy Electric Vehicle Company, because the last time Q Entertainment Media made a trip to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

Although Penguin New Energy and Q Entertainment Media are two different divisions of Penguin Group.

But Ding Yue wants to let the people of Penguin New Energy know that it is precisely because of your Penguin Group's Q Entertainment Media that has affected our cooperation.


The words An Yujia said just now gave Ding Yue a new idea.

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