Start with a Mechanical Hunter

Chapter 181: one man army

   Chapter 181 One-man Corps

   "Nice job!"

   Outside the battlefield, on a military aircraft, Zhang Feng stared at the scene of countless locomotives roaring on the ground and muttered to himself.

  Battle Sword Major General Zhang Feng, the strongest among the six major generals, is also the most ruthless, and only with such a character can suppress the warlords in the Land of Flames.

  In other deserts, the vigilantes rule the world, but here, the vigilantes and the warlords divide and rule.

   He spent a lot of effort, mercilessly cleaning up a few of the thorns, and only then managed to create a balanced situation.

   Among all the thorns, 'God' is the most thorny, and even dared to feed the messenger of the vigilante group to the dog.

  It wasn't a day or two that he wanted to clean up each other.

   There is no other reason for not doing it. Relying on the military power of a desert alone, there is no certainty to suppress the opponent.

   And the deployment of troops from other deserts is far beyond his authority.

   Now that someone has to deal with them, Zhang Feng is the happiest.

   After all, a certain person is also half of himself.

  The white fog grew higher and higher with the rush of the motorcycle party. In the fog, high electronic music and flames complemented each other.

   Compared with the tens of thousands of troops of the Flame Motorcycle Party, the mechanical hunter camp is up and down, even if the logistics are added, the number does not exceed 1000.

   The confrontation between the two is like a child fighting an adult strong man.

   However, the 'child' does not feel that he is a child, and even conversely, that the other person is a child.

  In the mist, huge shadows began to move.

   On the fastest rushing steel nail car, a flame boy was holding a flamethrower and spraying at random, yelling, his eyes were as dull and crazy as he had taken medicine.

   The next moment, his eyes were black, a metal fist with a thick water tank fell from the sky, his head was lightly touched, it burst like a watermelon, and then his body, two long legs.

After    this punch flattened the engine of the motorcycle, the fist was removed, leaving only a pool of sticky blood.

   One after another mechanical giants appeared in the desert, with thick and thick robotic arms, thighs as thick as robotic arms, round mecha cabins, and people shaking metal rods in the cockpit.

   "Die, trash!"

  Xiaoju, a very ordinary loli from a cable tribe, has now become a loli driving a mecha!

  The girl shaved a gourd head in order to control the mecha, and a large number of electrodes were attached to her head, covering almost the entire cerebral cortex.

  Through the external nerve connection device, some subtle movements that cannot be operated by the joystick can be transmitted through the nerves.

Xiaoju pulled the mechanical lever and stepped on a flame boy with one foot. She grabbed a locomotive with excitement and smashed it into the distance. On the opposite side was a hedgehog-like tank, full of steel spears. The appearance was quite troublesome, but when it was smashed by a locomotive, the bursting flame instantly covered the surface of the 'hedgehog car'.

  ‘ding’ ‘ding’ ‘ding’

  Three steel spears were inserted into the mecha cabin with great precision, and three layers of bulletproof glass blocked the projectile.

   "You have weapons, so do I!"

  Xiaoju pressed the weapon button, and the next moment, the lifting device on the spine pushed up the weapon on his back, the mecha grabbed with both hands, and soon, a large sword polished from the rib of a Grade A radiant beast was pulled out.

The    biological great sword swept across, and the ten flaming boys who rushed forward were cut off in the middle. No, it should have been smashed by the middle.

  Xiaoju's adrenaline was bursting, and the mecha pigs made rapid progress. Wherever the big sword in his hand swept, one locomotive after another was smashed.

   Finally, a slaughterer stood in front of her. As the 'guardian of the gods', this guy had a fat stature of two meters, and a huge iron ball covered with steel thorns on the mechanical arm.

  You're welcome, this guy can beat a hundred chrysanthemums.

  If Xiaoju got off the mecha and saw a strong man of this level, he would have to bow his head and take a detour.

   The opponent's arm is thicker than her waist!

   However, now, the mecha loli Xiaoju grinded the finely ground tooth flowers, her eyes were full of fighting spirit, she yanked the moving rod violently, and the huge mechanical body made a huge roar.

   "Fear it, stupid big one!"

  Empire's basic combat mecha, Berserker No. 1 grabbed its ten-meter-long giant sword with both hands, and slashed it down fiercely.

  The slaughterer shrank his eyes and slammed to one side, where a trench was blown up.

   Before he could get up, the great sword turned and swept across.

The slaughter hurriedly raised the robotic arm, and the thick arm baffle blocked the front. The next moment, at least 10 tons of gravity passed over. He stepped back, his legs sank deep into the sand pit.

   A distance of ten meters was abruptly plowed out of a tunnel.

   However, the mecha was like a real person, and the big sword fell like raindrops.

   For the first time, the monster-like slaughterer felt out of power.

   "Take me a trick that was handed down by the consultant," Xiao Ju said solemnly.

   "One hundred thousand stars and meteorites fell from the sky!"


   Watch these mechanical monsters wreak havoc on the battlefield.

   Zhang Feng's eyes widened and his mouth opened unconsciously. This kind of expression is rarely seen on the stern War Saber Major General.

   What the **** is this! ?

   Zhang Feng's first reaction was a large combat robot.

   but then rejected the idea.

  For no reason, this fighting robot is too expensive.

   A price must have seven figures.

   There are less than 300 such robots in the entire security corps.

   But what about these 'robots' on these battlefields?

   A ghost! ?

   "General, these robots seem to be piloted," a combat staff officer couldn't help but said.

   Zhang Feng forced himself to calm down, and soon he realized something was wrong. There was indeed someone driving inside these 'robots', and his heart moved.

   "They don't seem to need battle chips."

  The main reason why large-scale battle robots are expensive is that the battle chips are expensive, and their battle chips are all customized.

   And these 'robots' don't seem to need combat chips.

   This made Zhang Feng think of an ancient word, 'mecha'.

   This is very similar to the 'ancient mecha' in his memory.

However, 'ancient mecha' is also called 'land aircraft carrier', not only because of its large size, but also because of its clumsiness, just like aircraft carriers rely more on fighter jets and missile systems, this type of 'ancient mecha' Nor do they live close to the war.

   "It's actually a new type of mecha!"

   Not only Zhang Feng was surprised, but other forces concerned about this battle were also shocked.

  Black market, a similar picture is also played on the virtual screen.

   Watching the mechs show their might on the battlefield, their first reaction was, can this thing be sold?

  Where to sell? How much?

  Mechanical Corps naturally don’t have to worry about the cost, and large combat robots can be installed without money.

   But as a local force, you must consider the cost-effectiveness of everything you do.

   There is no doubt that this ancient mecha is very cost-effective.

   After all, human life is more expensive than chips.

  Many people have discovered that there are three types of ancient mechas, the melee type with thick hands and feet, the long-distance type with a stable bottom plate and tank tracks, and a heavy mecha similar to a giant bear.

   In terms of quantity, there are the most long-range mechas, followed by melee mechas, and the least heavy mechas like giant bears, only three.

  Three types of mechs are rampaging, and the number of flame boys is no longer a normal decrease, but an exponential decrease.

   There are mutilated bodies everywhere.

   "The Flaming Motorcycle Party is over."

   "No, it depends on whether the guards of God are dispatched. If the guards are dispatched, they have to fight."

On a platform made of electronic drums, the double-headed sacrifice was loudly calling for something. The next moment, a terrifying thick smoke came out again. In the thick smoke, a whistle seemed to sound. The next moment, a section Festival 'tank truck' sprang out.

   These 'tank trucks' are about 20 meters long. The surface of the tanker is thickly armored, and on the armor, there are heads.

   These heads seemed to be alive, screaming loudly one by one, with their mouths open, their charred teeth were exposed. The next moment, a column of fire more than 30 meters long shot out.

  On a 'oil tanker', there are about a hundred heads, scattered in all directions, all the heads open their mouths, and hundreds of fire pillars burst out.

   "Traveler, 'God' is indeed a lunatic!"

   "Are these monsters dispatched!"

   The extreme disadvantage on the frontal battlefield, normal commanders often gather the remnants first, and then find a way to counterattack.

   But 'God' is never so sensible.

  Even in the crazy flame land, 'God' is the craziest one.

  The first few mechs rushed up, and their weapons slashed on the tanker, but unexpectedly, the surface of the tanker didn't know what material it was, and the weapons with the large door panels couldn't slash.

   The next moment, a dozen or so heads turned around at the same time, and more than a dozen pillars of fire directly drowned the surface of the mecha.

The    connection device was cut off, and at the same time as the severe pain in the brain, the mecha cabin violently bounced back, but within three seconds, with a loud noise, the mecha exploded.

The    mecha cabin fell to the ground, and the smashed driver had a **** head and finally climbed out. Countless flame boys screamed and rushed over, drowning him all at once.

   These kinds of 'troll trucks' are quite ferocious and rampage, and melee mechs can't do anything about them.

   Of course, this is also because weapons suitable for mechs have not been developed.

The    frontline battle suddenly turned upside down.

   Comparing the manpower of the Flame Bikers and the Mechanical Hunters, the battle damage ratio is 10 to 1, even if it is 100 to 1, it is quite an uneconomical deal.

  Huang Wen frowned and said softly, "Now it's time for you to go out."

   Next, countless monomolecular lines were ejected, and various mechanical hunters rose into the air.

   Thanks to someone's good head, now they don't use monomolecular wires, they are embarrassed to call themselves a hunter.

   "Daisyla, let's compete to see who has the most heads!"

   In mid-air, Keiko Matsushima shouted.

   "There's no need to compare," Daisyla shook her head, "None of us can compare to Lao Huang."

   "Old Huang, isn't he involved in logistics?"

  Daisyra shook her head, and in mid-air, eight spider feet began to deform, and at the same time as they fell, they killed eight flame boys.

   "You have to understand one thing, with the popularity of hunter modules, I'm no longer the most advanced mechanical hunter."

   "No, who is?" Keiko was quite dissatisfied.

   "You'll know right away."

Daisila pointed to the sky, and saw a black spot in the sky. It was Huang Wen's drone. The drone fell like rain, and most of it fell into the sand. A small part fell on the hands of the flame boy and the locomotive spear.

   All drones deformed in mid-air, turning into 'hoops'.

   The next moment, the flame boy who was hit began to attack his own people.

  A metal loach burrowed out of the ground, and above the sky, the flashing finches were shining like flash bombs on the front line of the battlefield.

   A 'tight hoop' is hung on the head of every human and beast.

   under the manipulator module

  Huang Wen alone is a mechanical beast army.

   (end of this chapter)

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