Start with a Mechanical Hunter

Chapter 816: Evolving secondary civilization

The senior engineer took one last look at the meteorite belt not far away, then floated into the void and directly entered the U-shaped bridge of the Scimitar. The anti-gravity device on the bridge was activated, and a warm force field enveloped him, and then Just for a while, the sky was spinning wildly, and the wall in front of him continued to decompose. Finally, the senior engineer stopped in front of an 'offensive unit'.

This was originally a laser transmitting tower, but after the Scimitar was renovated, the laser transmitting tower was replaced by a signal transmitting tower.

The appearance of this tower is a bit like the Arasaka Tower. There are thick neon lights flashing on the outside, and there are staff coming and going inside.

 Second-order signal towers can emit electrical signals and optical signals, while third-order signal towers go one step further and can emit pure space signals. The speed of this pure space signal is 100 times that of optical signals.

Further up, there are quantum signals. Through dimensionality-raising and dimensionality-reducing signal transmission, instant communication across galaxies can even be achieved.

This is a third-level signal tower, and the blueprint was found from the Mother City database.

The senior engineer came to the operation console of the signal tower. A screen suddenly lit up. An image of a girl with bright eyes and white teeth appeared on the screen. She smiled shyly towards him and made eye contact. For a moment, the senior engineer seemed to have left his body. The shackles entered an electronic life form, and then drifted into the screen.

“Brother, you haven’t seen me for a long time.”

In the electronic world, light, shadow and neon flash, but today’s thirteenth level space has been compressed to the size of a data node, and the void in the distance is visible to the naked eye.

 “How are you doing here?” Gao Gong touched the other person’s little head and asked.

Gao Yuanyuan smiled and said: "It's very good. It's no different from before. It's just that the scope of activities of the data network is much smaller."

"This is natural. Unless it is an ascension civilization, no matter how awesome the virtual world is, it must be based on hardware. The previous hardware was a global mother city system, but the current hardware is just a signal storage on five starships. If the network speed is not enough to support the unit, most functions of the virtual world cannot be realized, and even you cannot get out."

Gao Gong explained.

"It's okay, brother, now I just need to re-learn the knowledge that Ms. Shenwang used to build cyberspace. When we have our own planet in the future, I will be able to quickly replicate a planet-level virtual network," Gao Yuanyuan hurriedly road.

Facing such a well-behaved and lovely sister, who had no shortcomings except that she couldn’t have sex, Gao Gong could only smile, change the subject, and said:

“Can signal towers now carry out long-distance signal transmission?”

 “Okay, no problem.”

Gao Yuanyuan waved, and soon, the surrounding virtual buildings disappeared one by one, replaced by three pulsars and an emission nebula. Among them, the area of ​​the emission nebula was very large, about the size of ten thousand pulsars.

However, in terms of brightness, this nebula is far inferior to those three pulsars.

“Brother, this is what I detected. In this star area, there is an open star capable of long-distance communication.”

Gao Yuanyuan paused and said uncertainly:

“However, when I tried signal retrieval, I found that there were many star-level signal encryptions. Because my ability could not be fully utilized for the time being, I gave up the check.”

“Brother, tell me, are there other civilizations in our galaxy?”

"Within a galaxy, 100 to 400 billion stars, and a breeding area for non-astral intelligent species, there is a high probability that there will be other civilizations, but there should not be level three or above civilizations." The senior engineer paused. Continued:

"Because the technology tree of a high-level civilization will have an indirect impact on the technological development of low-level civilizations. For example, an advanced mechanical civilization will most likely not have other types of civilizations around it. Therefore, high-level civilizations are choosing the location of a cyber test site. Sometimes, they will deliberately avoid the location of other advanced civilizations, because the evolution of the cyber testing ground may be interfered by the surrounding advanced civilizations. On the other hand, the civilization-dominated area of ​​​​an advanced civilization will not allow such a cyber testing site. It is a product of disordered evolution, so both sides will maintain a safe distance."

“And the bottom line of this advanced civilization is the third-level civilization.”

Gao Yuanyuan understood and said suddenly: "So brother, there is no third-level civilization in the Robert galaxy where our Mecha Star is located?"

"Yes, but this does not mean that there is no second-level civilization that has reached its peak." Gao Gong nodded and said: "The second-level civilization, also known as the second-level celestial civilization, can rule a star system. There is a high probability that It also illuminates the technology of light-speed navigation, enabling space navigation in the early stages.”

“This kind of civilization no longer has to worry about the energy crisis. Their energy extraction method basically relies on the star where the star system is located. They have developed stellar energy extraction structures, such as Dyson spheres and solar rings.”

"The loss and change of star energy can be easily detected by other forces. Once detected, it means that your civilization's living area has been confirmed by outsiders, and you have become a luminous prey in the dark forest; so , if you were the leader of this civilization, what would you do?"

Gao Yuanyuan thought for a while and said:

“Then it would be better to seal the entire star so that no signal can be emitted.”

Gao Gong said meaningfully: "So now you know what the signal residue detected before is."

 “So that’s it,” Gao Yuanyuan immediately figured it out.

“You are correct in not checking further. With the hardware devices on the spacecraft, it is difficult to use your full power, while the other party can just sit back and capture you, a third-level information life form.”

“Brother, I’m not that weak,” Gao Yuanyuan said coquettishly, holding Gao Gong’s shoulders.

The senior engineer shook his head and said seriously: "Brother is not joking with you. In the galaxy where the cyber test site is located, civilizations will deliberately suppress their own strength. After all, no one wants to be remembered by a seventh-level civilization. With the mother city The forces are gradually withdrawing from this galaxy. I believe that soon, several second-level civilizations in this galaxy will break through and enter the level of third-level civilization. After all, this galaxy has spent 4 billion years safely, and the accumulation of these civilizations can be It’s not fake.”       “That’s it.”

Gao Gong glanced at Gao Yuanyuan, but he still didn't say some words. After all, it was just a guess.

From his point of view, the power of the Supreme One did not directly attack the mother city, but contacted the secondary civilizations of this galaxy, promised huge profits, and let them act as white gloves to beat the drum.

For example, at the previous cloud noble meeting, the Miller family used threats to threaten other families to participate in the fall of the fortress. In the process, traces of the civilized fleet appeared.

 In the future, among the third-level civilizations that break through, there is a high probability that there will be some civilizations that participated in the destruction of the cyber testing ground.

Gao Gong's eyes flashed with contemplation, and he suddenly smiled and said: "Let's not talk about this anymore. I came here to ask you to launch something for me towards these three 'cosmic lighthouses'."

 The senior engineer opened his palm, the data in his hand changed, and an encrypted communication consisting of thousands of digital symbols appeared.

 “Brother, what is this?” Gao Yuanyuan asked curiously.

“This is the contact information of the star thief. The content is roughly that there is prey at our location. The danger level is ‘interstellar tourism level’. The prey will stay near the asteroid belt in the near future. It is of high value, so come quickly.”

“But brother, didn’t you say that you should hide yourself in the universe?”

“This is the new move my brother taught you, the second move of the Dark Jungle Law—Fishing Law Enforcement.”


 At the gate of Gaogong's fishing law enforcement, in Area 1 of the asteroid belt, it is an area of ​​1,000km with five starships as the core.

 400 koi fish named players are happily digging mines.

From the player's perspective, this is a sea of ​​meteorites, with various meteorites floating in the void. With the mecha's detection system, it can even see asteroids, asteroids and larger meteorites 200~300km away. There is almost no difference. If anything, there are even micro-satellites orbiting around it. The goddess of physics in the universe has revealed a little skirt here, giving people unlimited reverie.

However, if a dwarf planet is encountered, which is equivalent to a super asteroid the size of the moon, then there is great hope for building a planet factory.

However, at least in the areas explored by the players, there are no traces of dwarf planets.


There is actually an advantage to having players do the mining, that is, the players’ exploration skills are very useful here.

 [You found 2*6 square meters of carbonate crystals]

 [You found 11*54 square meters of carbonate crystals]

 [You found 20*30 square meters of gold crystals]


“Gold element crystal, isn’t this gold!”

I am a big muscle tyrant. I stared at the small golden mountain in front of me with a dazzling light in my eyes.

 “Brothers, I feel like I’m going to lose my temper!”

“What the **** are you doing? You can’t take this thing back with you. It’s neither a high-density alloy nor an energy ore. The system doesn’t recognize it.”

"And the secondary civilization forces can not only synthesize artificial diamonds, but also artificial gold. We can even synthesize precious metals of any single element. This thing is not even considered garbage in the black market of the universe. You can take it back It’s useless.” A mecha maintainer from the Du High-tech camp complained.

 Half of the first 400 meat mechas are maintenance players and engineers within the Du High-tech camp.

 “That’s it, it’s over,” I, the big muscle tyrant, looked disappointed.

 “What’s so good about gold? You guys are so weird...”

An unknown player's voice came from the communication system, but the voice stopped abruptly soon.

Other players are also not surprised. After all, this system is very special. Whether it is a forum or in the game, it is forbidden to talk about anything in reality. No matter what is said, it will be banned.

 So it’s possible that this player is actually a super wealthy person.

 “Ah, I found something good.”

 A player looked at a large burning red ore in front of him and made a sound of surprise.

 [You found 10*10 square meters of concentrated red burning rock]

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