Start with a Mechanical Hunter

Chapter 821: The fire is rekindled

 The big bug Emvir has a profound memory of the acquisition of this professional knowledge. This is not because of how important this knowledge is, but because it has a profound memory of all its memories.

It was at an interstellar transit station that he encountered a planetary civilization that was wandering the universe. This civilization had to choose a wandering planet because of the explosion of stars in the galaxy where it was located.

 The level of this civilization is just above level two and below level three.

At that time, in order to confirm the direction of the waterway, a senior official of this wandering civilization wanted to find an expert in this field, so he found it after someone recommended him.

Based on the principle of equal exchange of knowledge, it paid for the star map and received the ‘interstellar space station manufacturing technology’.

In fact, it wanted to obtain the other party’s planetary engine technology at that time, because every wandering civilization was very powerful in terms of ‘space navigation’.

  Unfortunately, this is the opponent's core technology, and Emvir did not get it.

 It even suspected that even this ‘interstellar space station manufacturing technology’ was not the other party’s civilization technology. It was either exchanged or excavated from an abandoned interstellar fortress.

 The wandering planet-type civilization has always been good at picking up garbage.

Emvir was relieved when he saw that the other party only took away this professional knowledge. The starship captain was not as greedy as he expected.

After the senior engineer arranged the accommodation for this alien bug, he returned to his captain's cabin. He suddenly showed a strange smile and stepped lightly. The next moment, the whole room seemed to be turned upside down 180 degrees. Once again, we came to the world of dimensions and wire boxes.

 Cosmic Relic-Civilization Modifier

The senior engineer had an idea, and the next moment, the professional knowledge "Interstellar Space Station Manufacturing Technology" got into one of the boxes.

 For a time, countless interstellar space station phantoms appeared, each representing a different technological direction, or a different model of the same technological direction.

The most powerful thing about this cosmic relic is not its combat power, but the evolution of civilization and knowledge.

Stimulated by this technological branch, soon, two more dimensional boxes rose up on the left and right sides. In one box, countless battleships appeared, one of which looked very much like a Cybertron model starship; and the other In the box, there appeared a 'virtual hive' similar to the mother city itself, but hundreds of times smaller.

 Level 3 professional knowledge: battleship system

 Level 3 professional knowledge: hive command AI

 The former is clearly a technology for building Tier 3 ships at a glance, while the latter is a branch of AI technology, generally used in the organization and communication of large fleets.

In interstellar wars, the distance scale is astonishingly large, often several light years or even dozens of light years. Moreover, there is no network in outer space, so it is difficult for signals to be transmitted.

At this time, the emergence of a "large-scale command AI" can play a key role in interstellar wars.

 The three types of professional knowledge, interstellar space station manufacturing technology, battleship system, and hive command AI, all belong to a third-level professional knowledge chain.

 This chain of professional knowledge is called ‘starship engineering’.

And this third-level professional knowledge chain also belongs to a third-level civilization, the ‘machinist civilization’.

It is a mechanical civilization that is very good at manufacturing. The specialties of civilization are space battleships, interstellar fortresses, planetary weapons, and even civilization giant structures. There are examples of successful construction, although there are very few successful examples.

 But this is what senior engineers value most.

 This third-level mechanical civilization is the goal of Gao Gong's future civilization evolution.

At this time, as the dimensions evolved, two numbers appeared under the ‘battleship system’ and ‘hive command AI’, one was 35th and the other was 20th.

  In other words, it takes 35 and 20 universe days respectively to evolve professional knowledge through the ‘Civilization Modifier’.

 With the successful evolution of these two pieces of professional knowledge, other professional knowledge in this entire professional knowledge chain will also evolve one after another.

 Finally, synthesize a complete professional knowledge chain.

This is why the high-level trade union is sure that even a ninth-level civilization will be very interested after knowing the function of this cosmic relic.

 This is a bug, and it is a civilization-level bug.

Even the master of the seventh-level civilization behind the Mother City may not know this bug clearly.

 Because the synthesis of cosmic relics has always been a metaphysical concept, not a scientific one.

If there was no interference from the memory worm, I'm afraid it wouldn't be in this state.

The big bug Emvir only knew that he had paid for an ordinary third-level professional knowledge. He never expected that the other party would gain a whole chain of knowledge.

 This is the information gap.

For players, this big cockroach-like alien bug is also very eye-catching. After all, for most players, this is the first time they have seen aliens, and people are constantly trying to talk to them. 'Alien missions' one after another.

 In fact, Emvir is also very interested in the natives of these planets.

It can be seen that the natives of these planets have left their planets for the first time. According to normal logical analysis, this is a relatively low-level second-level civilization, because the pace of a mature second-level civilization can at least expand to the entire star. system to colonize the planet.

 Could it be that this starship captain recruited natives from some low-level civilized planet?

However, it soon overturned its own judgment, because the modification plug-ins and weapons and equipment on these planet natives all showed that this was the space warrior equipment only available to a mature second-level civilization. ‘Semi-modified civilization? ’

‘Strange, what this kind of civilization is best at is progressing in wars. How could it develop so fast if it had not experienced interstellar wars and colonization? ’

Just as the alien bug was thinking secretly, some "meat mechas" moved from the mining area to the exploration area. The sight of these super mechas was so shocking that Emvir's eyes almost dropped.

It is certain that these super mechas with 10 million mechanical energy and 10 million biological energy, let alone the second-level civilization, even the elite units of the third-level civilization, can match them.

Where did this captain buy these ‘super mecha soldiers’? !

These arms can even participate in some advanced combat missions in interstellar wars, such as conquering interstellar fortresses and annihilating planet control centers.

From Emvir’s understanding, it does not believe that a starship captain has the technology to manufacture these ‘super mechas’.

 “You go this way.”

Emvir opened a star map. This star map is much more reliable than the 3 billion-year-old antique in Gao Gong's hand.

 Under its command, the speed of opening up the entire meteorite belt will be at least twice as fast.

 The reason why these meat mechas came here was to obey the command of this big bug.

I don’t know who said it, but every interstellar archaeologist is the best interstellar tour guide and interstellar engineer.

There is no reason for a senior engineer to leave such a fine piece of wood unused.

 dig a tunnel for me!

Emvir is not disgusted with this either. After all, it also knows that only by breaking through the meteorite belt can the interstellar shipping lanes be restored to smooth flow and it can return home early.

 And it’s fun to direct players.

He has rarely seen these crew members be so energetic during an interstellar journey for hundreds or thousands of years.

 There is a task that they risk their lives to do.

 There are no tasks, they create tasks to do.

  Could it be that they are all stamped with a ‘thinking stamp’?

Emvir muttered while assigning tasks to the players. Although the temporary 'translator' that the senior engineer gave him was not as easy to use as a general translator, simple communication was still no problem.

Furthermore, players were surprised to find that when handing in tasks for this alien bug, they could actually get additional rewards, either some skills or some breakthrough experience. Although they were not much, it was better than nothing.

Is tipping culture popular among aliens?

 Well done!

In fact, Emvir couldn't bear to see these 'Liver Emperors' who were dying at any time and were about to die at any time. Even a slave-type civilization would leave time for slaves to replenish their nutrition. These crew members have no intention of resting at all, and their subjective initiative is countless times stronger than that of slaves.

How about we discuss it with the captain another day and replace his brainwashing technique?


On the other side, in the center of the starship formation, that is, on the industrial ship, powerful energy fluctuations were rising.

 The energy fluctuations are so strong that they even emit blue light visible to the naked eye.

 The core of the energy fluctuation is in the core area of ​​the industrial ship, where the fire storehouse is located.

 The biggest reason for such a large fluctuation is the high-grade energy ore-'isopolymer' collected by players from the No. 2 Exploration Area.

Generally speaking, it is impossible to let go of energy ore of this purity as long as there is a force capable of space navigation nearby.

However, the asteroid belt is quite special. It is close to the cyber testing ground. Civilized forces dare not infiltrate, and ordinary star thieves would not think of mining. Therefore, this small high-level energy mine has been preserved until now, until it was Players dig it out.

 In the interstellar world, there are standards for high-grade energy mines, and their energy intensity exceeds the large energy reactors of secondary civilizations.

 A palm-sized energy stone has been developed and can supply energy to a technological city for a year.

At this time, the periphery of the fire warehouse was covered with such high-grade energy stones.

 The combined reaction of these energy stones even triggered a local energy tide.

As a tester, Dida has already entered the energy mushroom form, diving into the energy tide, and constantly reporting to the peripheral testers, asking them to adjust the density of the energy stones to facilitate the absorption of the fire storehouse.

This kind of work can only be done by a few players who can enter the energy state, and other players cannot do it even if they want to.

Under the influence of the energy tide, more and more Cybertronian machines were awakened, and countless mechanical parts were actively assembled, turning into humanoid figures tens or hundreds of meters high.

 Furthermore, among the fourteen largest fire warehouses, three of them had flaming figures walking out.

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