Start with a Mechanical Hunter

Chapter 828: strange ruins

ˆ Emmetia protozoa, an extremely rare ‘reproductive’ information life.

Generally speaking, information life is difficult to classify from the perspective of carbon-based organisms. It embodies more, not biologicality, but virtuality. This "virtuality" is somewhat similar to the "big data life" Authority', but this 'authority' no longer relies on cyber networks, but is based on their own life structure.

 In other words, a ‘reproductive’ information life can really reproduce indefinitely—at least until it is suppressed by opponents of the same type.

 For example, Gao Yuanyuan.

As for how Velvi obtained this third-level information life, it was a chance encounter with his former employer. After forming the Velvi Star Thief Group, this Emmet protozoa helped him through countless crises, including Several important life crises.

Even the top cyber hackers have a headache on how to deal with the large amount of garbage data produced, because this is not a mountain of **** code, but countless mountains of **** code.

 As a veteran of virtual testing, the senior engineer expresses his feelings about this.

However, Gao Yuanyuan was very happy. With a simple call, the caterpillars got into the screen and crawled around on her hands. Her boss template 'Hyperlink Girl' can link any information life, and for Amy For Protozoa, an information life that has not given birth to AI, this link is equivalent to a recognition agreement, directly bypassing Velvet's control methods and signing an agreement with the other party.

Gao Gong looked at the screen, touched his chin, and suddenly said: "Have you had a breakthrough recently?"

Gao Yuanyuan was surprised and said: "How does brother know?"

It turns out that Gao Yuanyuan went from a planet-level cyber network to a small ship-based database all of a sudden. It really felt like she had fallen from a villa to a solitary room, not to mention that under the limitations of the hardware, the virtual world she created was a thirteenth-level space. 'Most features are turned off, which adds insult to injury.

However, Gao Yuanyuan is a strong girl. Under the restrictions of the small black room, she began to make fuss in the snail shell, and this is not entirely a bad thing. After she tried to change the underlying code of the virtual world from the standards of the mother city to When she met her own standards, her coding ability naturally improved. The underlying structure of the planet host and the teachings of senior engineer, were gradually integrated into her and became her own.

So, following the three boss templates of ‘Virtual Agreement’, ‘Hyperlink Girl’, and ‘Cyber ​​Engine’, a boss template was automatically generated. This template is called ‘Information Space-Time’.

 The strength of this boss template is far greater than the previous three boss templates. The first 'progress bar time' alone is enough to make Wilvey, a veteran, surrender voluntarily.

Progress bar time: Embed virtual code into the void to create a large-scale local area network, in which the progress of time can be adjusted.

This is not simply manipulating the various tactile sensations of living organisms, but real manipulation of time, just like temporarily creating an embedded page in the real world. Although it is temporary, the effect is very powerful.

For example, the reason why Wilvi did not enter the battlefield in time just now was because the time he perceived was passing a hundred times faster than the normal starry sky.

 But this is not an illusion. When he "disappeared" the five planets, they were truly gone from his life.

 He lost a little bit of his life.

And if Gao Yuanyuan wanted to, she could easily make the other party lose more lifespan, such as ten years or a hundred years. Unless it was a species of cosmic immortality, it would be an act of self-harm for any species to be an enemy of her.

 This is also the advantage of information life. The speed of light waves and electromagnetic waves in vacuum is the speed of light. Therefore, information life can be exposed to the speed of light and the rules of time at the speed of light earlier than species with other technological routes.

For example, Gao Gong can only touch the edge of light speed when he enters the physical and mechanical mode, but Gao Yuanyuan can enter the real information light speed channel as long as she thinks about it.

 This is not a special feature of my sister, but a unique advantage of information life.

But the problem is that after Gao Yuanyuan enters the light speed mode, the 'Gao Yuanyuan' who comes out will not be the same Gao Yuanyuan. Her original personality will 100% be worn away.

 This is also a characteristic of information life. The faster information speeds up, the more unstable the characteristics of life become.

But from a senior engineer’s perspective, this newly evolved ‘boss’ template is, in all likelihood, a reward for opening up a virtual camp.

 Just like in Gao Gong's "camp panel", every time the reputation increases by 50,000, there will be one more boss panel.

Although Gao Yuanyuan does not have a panel, the principle is the same. The ultimate beneficiary of the feedback from the evolving virtual world is herself.

‘Brother, I plan to use this ‘Emit protozoa’ as the core to build my own planet-level firewall. ’

 Such a sentence suddenly rang in Gao Gong's ears.

Gao Yuanyuan was reluctant to speak in front of outsiders. After saying a few words, she returned to the screen. But soon, Velvet discovered that all the star pirate ships under her were out of control. My slightly cautious mind suddenly became clearer again.

The senior engineer walked around the ship again and chatted with Velvet about the composition of nearby forces. Just when they talked about the location of the asteroid belt, which is the planet-level civilization near the three-ring Star Swirl, footsteps sounded, and the two Looking back, I found that the big bug Emvir was coming.

 “Scholar Emweil,” the senior engineer greeted casually.

 “General,” Emvir also called General after the fire machines. This is the new title of the senior engineer in the interstellar world.

Wilvey followed Gao Gong silently, without the arrogance of the previous star thief leader.

Emvir looked at Velvet curiously, but he did not show any disgust because of his identity as a star thief. After all, the profession of archaeologist naturally involves dealing with various underground forces in the universe, which cannot be done if you are a germaphobe. .

 The most important thing is that the Velvet Star Thief Group is not the same Star Thief Group as the Shrek Star Thief Group that originally attacked him.

“What are the scholars doing here? Are they here to visit?” Gao Gong asked.

“That’s not the case,” Emvir said respectfully: “It’s a ruin on a dwarf planet that was discovered by the general’s men. I would like to ask the general to witness it together.”

 Relics? After hearing this, Gao Gong became somewhat interested and nodded, "Then let's go and have a look."

All three of them have the ability to fly in a vacuum. Among them, Emvir's flying method is the most special. Its other parts quickly become smaller, turning from a human-shaped bug into a monster with a normal head but other parts of the body that are less than the size of a palm. My head seemed to be on an invisible slide, sliding in a vacuum.

 As a member of the super-memory civilization, Emvir's nervous system is the most developed and the most important. Other parts do not matter - anyway, except for the brain, everything else can grow again through mitosis.

Seeing how strange the other party was, Wilvi couldn't help but go over to say hello. Emvir also started chatting with the other party. During the chat, he said somewhat sadly:

“I think back then, I was forced to fall into a deep sleep due to the attack of the Star Thief Group, and it was the general who woke me up.”

“Which star thief group with no martial ethics actually attacks a famous archaeologist like you? It’s so shameless!”

Wilvey was filled with indignation. You must know that they only attacked civilian ships, and they actively avoided some scientific research and archaeological ships - mainly because there were usually people behind these archaeological ships.

Of course, this does not prevent him from photographing the opponent's horse.

"The war was in chaos at the time. I can't remember who attacked me, but in my impression, it was a huge black cruiser with a Skull Mountain logo. The enemy was very good at using phaser cannons to attack," Emwell said With a recalling expression on his face, Velvet didn't notice that Velvet's expression was getting more and more embarrassing.

“I remember, they were called the Shrek Star Thieves Group.”


 “What are you excited about?” Emvir asked puzzled.

Vilvi said with some embarrassment: "The last star thief group I worked for was the Shrek Star Thief Group."


The three of them quickly arrived near the 'Dwarf Planet Stonehenge'. There were already many players wandering around the perimeter. However, the perimeter was guarded by more than a dozen meat mechas and a bunch of fire machines. They couldn't even enter. Don't go.

 Seeing these top-level machines, Velvet's expression changed again. Each of those tall and weird humanoid machines gave him a strong sense of threat.

 He felt that even if he entered the 'devil' mode, he might not be able to defeat the other five.

 He is more honest again.

“According to my experience in investigating ruins, generally speaking, these ruins will have defenses left by civilization’s technology, and the first wave of people who enter are the most dangerous.” Emvir warned.

Gao Gong said "Oh" and pointed with his hand. Hundreds of players around him immediately received the task of "exploring the ruins" and rushed in with joy on their faces.


 Emwil admired the general's ability to manipulate people's hearts very much.

 Soon, the senior engineer saw the rapidly declining number of people on the task bar of the camp panel.





And among the players who had sneaked in, there were also bursts of screams.

  ‘Fuck, I was strangled! ’

  ‘I got shot in the head. ’

  ‘I was quartered by five horses. ’

 ‘Damn, who is so perverted? He exploded my **** with a red-hot steel bar! Fortunately, I lowered the pain level to the lowest level. Hey, it feels a little good. ’

 ‘There’s a real boss upstairs! ’

'I admire you. ’

  ‘Amazing! ’


Gao Gong was silently eating in the group, and soon pieced together the truth about this ruins from the players’ words.

There are various stone statues in the ruins. Each statue represents a civilized race, ranging from carbon-based to mechanical to energy-based creatures.

Each statue represents a way of death.

Whenever a player gets close, this "death rule" will be triggered, and then they will die miraculously.

 It is worth mentioning that after the first death, the ‘death rule’ will automatically disappear.

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