Chapter 833 Phase Cannon

  After harvesting the ‘Vilvi Star Thieves Group’ and the ‘Altar of the Liberation Society’ in the asteroid belt, the senior engineer did not plan to bother anymore. He and Du Fu Po had **** with each other every day, and the dog food was flying everywhere.

 The players who are far away from the frontier of the asteroid belt are constantly expanding outwards under the leadership of the Star Thieves.

And these interstellar gangsters finally realized that there are people in this world who are more ruthless than themselves.

For example, for fun, you tie yourself to the catapult of a spaceship, emit physical light bombs, and fly to the depths of the universe. Or, for example, you dare to fly a spaceship directly in a meteorite belt without practicing a few times.

At least half of the dozens of remaining small spaceships of the Velvet Star Thieves Group were destroyed in the hands of players.

 So after being accosted by players, these star thieves who drank a lot and ate meat became unusually cautious, and they never dared to point fingers at these ‘cruel people’.

What should I do if these people get angry and die with me?

 But from the player’s perspective, it’s another story—

 Many players actually didn’t like these ugly and vicious star thieves at first.

 For the fourth natural disaster, it is so uncomfortable to have the health bar not be cut.

But soon they no longer felt that way.

 Because these star thieves have missions.

 ‘Small Star Shuttle Driving’, ‘Elementary Starship Driving’, ‘Anti-Gravity Combat Skills’, ‘Shrek Knife Skills (Incomplete)’…

The rich interstellar survival experience of this group of star thieves makes up for the most missing link of the players, a group of planetary thieves.

This is not a map guide.

Your system, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, is also starting to deliberately lower the difficulty?

However, many players have recently discovered that the number of missions completed by these star thief brothers has decreased.

“Brother Nose Ring, do you really not want my help?”

At this time, in a star thief ship, I, the big muscle tyrant, reluctantly gathered around a strong star thief with horns on his head and a pierced nose, trying to forcefully clear the mission.

 ‘Brother Nose Ring’ was so frightened that he quickly waved his hands, and his tail with four barbs curled up in fear.

He remembered clearly that this guy's companion made a space jump on the spot without any warning as soon as he got on the tactical console. The entire star pirate ship hit a comet in the distance and exploded. A brilliant spark.

 Nearly a thousand people on board, whether they were players or star pirates, were all dead!

 It’s so cruel!

“You really don’t want my help? I can mop the deck.”

I am a big-muscled guy with a dog-licking smile, but to the ‘nose ring brother’, this is a devil’s smile.

 “Let’s go, let’s go, muscle tyrant, stop struggling and go mining with us.”

 Hello to a group of 'mining friends' next to the hatch.

“I don’t want to mine. Are you a pervert? Mining can make you addicted?” I complained as a big muscle tyrant.

"Nonsense, space mining is so interesting. Don't think about hunting and killing every day. I'll take you to watch the meteor shower."

 “Stay away from me, faggot!”


While the players were working conscientiously, the bored senior engineer was lazily floating on the deck. This advanced carbon-based species naturally does not need to wear a space suit. The bioenergy and internal respiratory system in the body are enough to solve the problem of large-scale problems. Most interstellar survival problems.

 The gravity-free vacuum seemed to him like being wrapped in marshmallows.

 He opened his personal system—

 Name: Gao Gong (Beast God) (Biocomputer version 6.0) (Bionic Human Blood Seal 9/9)

race: cosmic life

Bloodline: Life Fetal Sea (Level 4)

 Occupation: Flesh Assaulter

 Total level: lv104

 Main career level: 60 (not changed)

 Physical transformation: 521

  Consciousness: 3739

 Stamina value: 47530/47530

 Mechanical energy: 4900000

 Bioenergy: 4881100

 Personal attributes: Strength 330, Agility 332, Endurance 302, Intelligence 390, Perception 356, Character: -121

Advanced talents: 'Divine Consciousness' (Level 4), 'Giant Carpet of Flesh and Blood' (Level S), 'Fusion of Flesh and Blood' (Level S), 'Physical Absorption' (Level S), 'Energy Absorption' (Level S), 'Tyrant' (S-level), 'Field of Destruction' (level 3 talent), Return of Life (level 3), Advanced Information Virus Sensing Organ (solidification talent) (level 3)

 Skills: Overlord (Level 2 - Master), Explosive Grip (Level 2 - Master)…

 The skill bar is even more exaggerated, filling up three pages, and the entire panel is extremely gorgeous.

If you cover up the level and just look at the attributes, this is definitely the panel of a third-level top boss. Some people even believe it is a fourth-level panel - if you don't count the ascension talent.

Gao Gong glanced at his personal attributes and pondered for a moment. The attribute of character was the lowest.

 Sure enough, after not selling movies for many years, even his character has improved.

I will work hard from now on to improve my character.

 Gao Gong switched to the page of human body system modification—

 Mechanical rejection: 1200 Biological rejection: 1001

  Upper limit: 25%+50%+50%+75%+100%25%+50%+50%+75%+100%

 Personal system:

  300% (mechanized transformation)

  200% (biomodification)

exercise system:

 78% (mechanical modification) 24% (biological modification)

nervous system

  31% (mechanical modification) 40% (biological modification)

Endocrine System

  27% (mechanical modification) 30% (biological modification)

 circulatory system

 63% (mechanical modification) 20% (biological modification)

 Respiratory system

 9% (mechanical modification) 19% (biological modification)

Digestive system

  23% (mechanical modification) 19% (biological modification)

urinary system

  2% (mechanical modification) 8% (biological modification)

Reproductive system

 7% (mechanical modification) 40% (biological modification)

  Thanks to the mechanical technology tree of the Cyber ​​Proving Ground, the transformation of the mechanical system has reached the upper limit of the level.

  On the other hand, there is still 100% room for biological modification. In fact, from the perspective of senior engineers, the evolution of biological systems is more advanced, and even exceeds the limitations of ranks; just because biological computers are "system software" and not "human body hardware", they are not included in the transformation rate. .

 ‘When we arrived at the Fourth Ring Black Market, we had to collect some bloodlines of intelligent species. ’

 The transformation rate cannot reach the full level, which does not matter to the players, but for people like Gao Gong who pursue the "fusion of flesh and machinery", it is seeking death.

 Isn’t my exaggerated transformation ability because the balance between the two systems is maintained just right?

 Gao Gong thought again, now it’s almost time to consider renovating the space.

 The human body is not big, with only eight systems.

This place needs to be renovated more, and there will be less room for renovation in other parts.

 E.g. 78% of motion systems (mechanical).

 It has only 22% room for renovation left.

In the sports system, the large parts of the transformation (such as bones, knees, bone connections) have been completed, and the rest are small parts, such as 'skeletal muscles', or a small part of 'motor nerves' attached to the surface of skeletal muscles. '.

 There is not much room for improvement in these places.

 Unless it is a particularly good ‘plug-in’, once the transformation space is used up and the transformation rate does not reach 100%, it will be over.

 It’s like building blocks. The closer the ‘system’ is to 100%, the greater the risk of replacing plug-ins, which may lead to the collapse of the human body.

 And some low-transformation rate system modifications, such as the 'urinary system', will also be put on the agenda.

 Are there any humanoid species in the universe that can pee relatively far away?

Gao Gong rubbed his chin in thought.

 As for the large amount of experience, expertise points, and skill points on the reward column, including blueprints, mechanical puzzles, template fragments, etc.

Then you really can only look at it.

 There is no fixed production base, and it cannot be produced even if the drawings are drawn.

  After all, this is a virtual game world that claims to be 100% real.

By the way, Velvet said, what is the name of the resource planet conquered by the Walter Star Pirates Group?

Halwhal α

 I heard that the most abundant products on this planet are energy minerals and precious metals?


Just when the senior engineer was trying to figure out how to rob the rich and give to the poor, he suddenly received a special message from a player.

 A civilized fleet appeared in the meteorite belt! ?


After knowing the news about the fleet, the most excited people were not the players, but the remnants of the star thieves. The profession of star thieves is destined to be afraid of official forces. In fact, if it weren't for Velvet's suppression, this group of people would probably be thinking about it. He drove the spaceship and ran away.

Although Velvet appears to be as stable as an old dog, he is actually a little hairy.

These starships are not here to capture me, are they?

Who sold my news? How much did you buy? Can you give me a share?

 He is very clear about the conduct of his peers.

 Since he can sell the information about the four star thief groups to the new boss.

On the other hand, if others sell his information to civilized forces, Velvi will absolutely believe it.

“General, do we want to withdraw?”

Vilvi looked at his new boss nervously.

"Don't worry, you have to confirm what force is coming."

Gao Gong patted him on the shoulder, and the two of them flew directly into the void and moved towards the fleet in the distance.

Soon, the two of them saw what the fleet looked like.

It was a medium-sized fleet with more than 10 ships. The area of ​​the ships was larger than that of the Botan starship. Each one was a mushroom-shaped starship with a diameter of 100,000 meters. The surface of the 'mushroom' was an energy defense board thick as a city wall. Like pieces of silver-white iron sheet, inlaid on the surface of the mushroom, the gaps in the 'iron sheet' are filled with rich energy light. As for the 'shroom handle' of the mushroom, there are ion engine fireworks like Optimus light beams.

Vilvi's expression changed drastically after seeing it.

“This is the Juggernaut-class starship of the Galenic Republic.”

Although Wei Wei does not know the internal information of the civilization, he has a clear idea of ​​the armed forces of each civilization.

 The starships of the Galenic Republic are divided into four grades.

 Satellite level, destroyer level, master level, star level

Vivi has never seen a stellar-class star fortress, but he has witnessed the power of this 'Master-class' starship with his own eyes.

He had already seen the role of each other on the battlefield during the "Shrek Extermination War" when several civilizations jointly launched a joint operation.

 It is no exaggeration to say that if you shoot oneself, there will be no problem at all.

After all, the most outstanding thing about the Republic of Galen, apart from its starship construction technology, is the development of large-scale energy weapons, such as the Republic’s fist weapon, the phaser cannon.

Gao Gong also felt strong spatial fluctuations from these starships.

 (End of this chapter)

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