Start with Batman

Vol 2 Chapter 397: Aquaman Happy Bomb

The three of them were shocked for a moment, but they didn't pause for too long. After all, they are also the church's leading fighters, and they will not shrink back even in the face of enemies that are thousands of times stronger than themselves.

The strength of the opponent has undoubtedly exceeded their expectations, but even so, what they have to do has not changed. This is their post, and it is their duty to keep it here. If they are really invincible and send their lives here, it is enough to live up to their mission.

The heavily armored alien roared and punched him head-on again. He is still a tank, and only by drawing the opponent's attention can he create opportunities for his teammates to the maximum.

I saw that the huge metal palm of the bat armor on the opposite side slapped his heavy fist away, and counterattacked with a backhand. The distance between the two big guys is close to the face, and the long-range weapons are not as good as the original hand-to-hand combat when the power is in place. Zhenglian Destroyer hit the opponent's forehead with a slamming uppercut, and bright sparks splashed out from the collision of steel.

The aliens didn't care about it, almost ignoring their own protection and punching desperately. Almost all the energy of the armor was instilled by him as an output power, every punch was surrounded by an invisible energy halo, and there was a buzzing sound of punching through the air when it was punched out.

At this time, he realized that the enemy was powerful, and he had given up the idea of ​​retreating completely. He knew that it would be difficult to win the steel bat without paying a price in this battle, so he adopted a style of play that hurt both sides.

These people are among the best in strength in the church, and naturally they are not lacking in skills. This big man is especially good at melee combat. His boxing skills are completely different from the various martial arts systems created by humans, but they are also powerful. He traded his life for his own, and Batman was hit several times in a row, sparks splashed like blood on the thick armor.

The soldier's eyes were red with blood, as if he couldn't even feel his own injury and pain, he roared and threw out his fists alternately. His punching strength was already amazing, and it became several times stronger when he ignored the defense. Batman's armor was dented in many places, and after a few more punches, it was finally overwhelmed and cracked. The circuit board exploded, electric sparks splashed, and even one arm was torn off, looking very miserable.

The mecha was completely scrapped, lying on the ground with electric sparks. The alien stepped on the steel wreckage, and when he came back to his senses, he realized that he had actually taken down the enemy. He couldn't help but feel proud, and couldn't help but raised his head and laughed loudly.

But as soon as he laughed twice, he felt his throat dry up, and all the strength in his body seemed to be sucked away. There was a burst of golden stars in front of his eyes, and he took a few steps back in a daze, his mind went blank.

He collected himself and stood still, only to hear the whistling wind when he raised his head. With a bang, the heavy punch hit him in the face again. The heavily armored alien staggered back two steps, but saw that the armor that should have been dismantled by him somehow stood up again, and rushed towards him intact.

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He was taken aback, but managed to calm down and deal with it. The two mechas fought into a ball again, sparks splashed and the parts flew around, and after another almost suicidal punching, the bat armor was beaten into wreckage for him to step on.

The heavy-armed alien let out a couple of hails dryly, and then suddenly felt as if someone had hit his chest with a heavy hammer. He was dizzy for a while, and when he regained his composure, the armor that had been dismantled had stood up again, and punched him loudly.

The alien was stunned for a moment.

what's the situation? Unlimited Life Cheats?

Or... what other abilities?

Little did he know that from his point of view, he thought he was going head-to-head with someone, and he was so proud, but from the point of view of his teammates, this person was standing beside him like he was disconnected.

That's right, in fact, there are only two people left fighting the Justice League Destroyer at this time. And this big guy stood by the side in a daze like he was on-hook, no matter how his teammates shouted "Why are you just watching there", there was no movement at all.

He fell under the power of the "Rope of Deception".

An artifact on the magical side. We all know that Wonder Woman has a lasso of mantra, which can force the bound to tell the truth, which is a very high-grade artifact. But few people know that there is a rope corresponding to the noose of the mantra, and the nature of the ability is not the truth but a lie.

The rope of deception was woven by the strongest Greek craftsman Vulcan and the **** of craftsman Hephaestus. It was found by Master Wayne after wandering in the world many times. The ability of this rope is to lie, it can create lies and force the hit person to believe, in other words, it is actually similar to some kind of illusion. Even Wonder Woman, who has the highest magic resistance in Zhenglian, can't resist it, which shows how effective it is.

This heavy-duty alien is just caught in the noose of the rope of deception, immersed in the lie of "I kill the other side alone", and cannot extricate himself from the infinite loop.

Three done, two left.

Speedsters are also easy to handle. He looked like a ghost, circled around the Zhenglian Destroyer several times, and fired three kinds of weapons to attack, but they were all isolated by the plasma shield.

He kept moving at a high speed, and continued to try to switch to other weapons to find opportunities. Unexpectedly, his foot slipped suddenly, he didn't take a steady step, he staggered and fell to the ground, his body rolled forward continuously like a ball.

It turned out that the ground under his feet had been covered with an unknown coating, so smooth that there was almost no friction. Frictionless surfaces have always been the natural enemy of speedsters, just as The Flash often stumbles when dealing with his old enemy Captain Cold.

Of course, frictionless only exists in theory, but Master's black technology has developed a smooth surface that is infinitely close to zero friction. This special coating is specially designed to fight against the Flash, and the faster the speeder, the bigger the fall.

This alien has never seen such a dirty routine, slipped and rolled out immediately, and slammed into the wall. Before he could get up, a lump of clay-like jelly exploded on him with a bang, throwing him against the wall. After struggling for a long time, he couldn't move, so he could only yell "despicable foreigner" there.

Four done, one left.

The last one is easier. The man was covered with liquid armor, with erratic shapes and functions, both offensive and defensive.

Batman carried a few more shots from the armored plasma barrier, and at the same time used laser missiles to force him to move, and shot out a ball of jelly when he saw the timing.

The man couldn't dodge in time, and he was also caught in the lake with a But he was not in a hurry, and immediately activated the ability of the armor to try to escape. His armor can change freely, and in the liquid state, it is permeable, as long as there is a little gap, it can penetrate out.

But he never expected that, with all his strength, the armor could not shake the shackles that bound him in the slightest.

It was as if every drop of liquid metal separated, was immediately absorbed and dissipated by the substance that bound him, and escaped his control.

This person was taken aback, and hurriedly increased his strength, but no matter how much liquid metal he output, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, and he couldn't feel it immediately.

"You... what did you do!?"

He looked in astonishment at the Batman who came forward, and the latter punched him with a heavy iron punch without saying a word.

It is another weapon specially prepared by Zhenglian Destroyer, a high-concentration foam shell that can absorb all liquid molecules.

Also known as, Neptune Happy Bomb.

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