Chapter 209

Chapter 210 Rescue

Star United Airlines flight UA857 is a Boeing 787 passenger aircraft with dual engines and a range of 15,700 kilometers. The cabin layout has 223 seats. All seats are passengers. Among them, there are 30 Stars and 137 Dragons. The rest are Citizens of other countries.

At this time, flight UA857 encountered an unprecedented crisis.

One of the engines caught fire.

The captain is an experienced pilot who knows the Boeing 787 aircraft very well. Therefore, when he knew the specific conditions of the burning engine, he immediately judged that the aircraft could only make an emergency landing. However, due to the tight time limit, the aircraft There was no time to go to the nearby airport and had to make an emergency landing on the sea.

In fact, he knew that an emergency landing on the sea is more dangerous than an emergency landing on the ground, because the waves on the sea are constantly changing, and the angle of landing is slightly wrong, and the plane may disintegrate.

After the captain quickly explained the specific situation on the radio channel, he pleaded again: “We will make an emergency landing on the sea and request that rescue operations be arranged immediately.

At the same time, in the cabin, the passengers were all emotionally broken. They all picked up their mobile phones and called the person who wanted to say goodbye the most.

“My wife, there was an accident on the plane I was flying, and the engine caught fire 887. Now I am about to make an emergency landing on the sea. The success rate is not very high. If I encounter an accident, you…you can find another companion.”

“Tom, I’m still on flight UA857 and haven’t arrived at Yanjing. The plane was in an accident and the engine was on fire. I had to make an emergency landing on the sea. If I encounter an accident, you come to Long Country and take my ashes. Go home. Also, under that tree in the yard, two catties of gold are buried. Remember to dig it out.”

“Lawyer Zhang, there is going to be an accident on my plane, can I still make a will now… Listen to me, all my property is given to my secretary, not to my wife, that stinky lady, thinks me Don’t you know that she cuckold me? If it wasn’t for the transfer of property, I would have divorced her a long time ago.”

When these phone calls were made, the family members suddenly exploded, and the media quickly learned about it.

Penguin News reported the first time: “Star United Airlines Flight UA857, when it flew over the waters near Qinhuangcheng, the engine caught fire and was undergoing an emergency landing. Let us pray for the 223 passengers and crew on the plane.”

With media reports, the Internet has exploded. Many people are worried for these passengers because the survival rate of such accidents is too low.

At the same time, the Air Traffic Management Bureau also urgently contacted the relevant departments of Qinhuangcheng.It didn’t take long for the maritime department of Qinhuangcheng to dispatch a speedboat to the location where flight UA857 may land. Nearby ships also received broadcasts from the maritime department. I hope they Can immediately go to the place where flight UA857 is likely to land.

Coincidentally, there happened to be a large yacht in the nearby waters.

There are more than 20 passengers on the yacht, all members of the Green Leaf Alliance. Soon after the parasitic chloroplasts went on sale, they transplanted parasitic chloroplasts, at the cost of their hands and arms turned green. Later, Lu Li solved the problem of transplanting parasitic chloroplasts. When the problem turned green, they injected the medicine at the first time, which restored their normal skin color.

This time when they went out to sea, they wanted to dive into the sea together and have fun on the bottom of the sea. Unexpectedly, they received a broadcast from the maritime department before they went to sea.

Immediately someone picked up the telescope, looked at the sky, and then shouted: “Look! There is really a plane in the sky, and it’s smoking!

The others looked up and saw an airplane.

Everyone, “be ready to wait for the plane to make an emergency landing on the sea, and then we will save people.”

Shouted a man in swimming trunks and sunglasses.

Others nodded their heads and agreed. They all transplanted parasitic chloroplasts. Even if they were exhausted when saving people, they would not have any life-threatening danger, because they have a special way of breathing.

There was also a person who took out his mobile phone and started live (acbf) live broadcast, wanting to show the audience a picture of them waiting to save people.

The title of the live broadcast room is: “Qinhuangcheng sea area, found flight UA857.”

As major media are reporting on flight UA857, this live broadcast room quickly flooded with a large audience.

The aircraft is seen smoking, studio raged.

“I hope there is a miracle.”

“Pray for the passengers on the aircraft.

“Hey, I bear to go.”

Time is of the past, at the height of the aircraft falling, getting closer from the sea, only a few tens of meters.

See the audience between this scene, the passengers on the yacht and live, heart pulling up.

Some of the families of the passengers via live to see this behind the scenes, more directly emotional collapse.

At this point, everyone stared, because they see a huge green dragon fly over from a distance, the speed, like a bolt of lightning.

“Dragon! This is the dragon!”

“Dragon doing here?”

“It should be to save lives, right?

Then, for all to see all the shocking scene.

Dragon first aircraft to make their speed and consistency, then with his two front paws, grasp the wing of an airplane, the airplane so that the speed of decline is one of stagnation, hovering in the air.

“My God! Dragon this aircraft lift, and a great effort!

“Great, airline passengers were saved!”

“No, not yet saved the passengers, smoke more and more concentrated on the plane, have popped up fire, explosion may occur.”

It barrage burst of time in the studio, dragon slowly landing, the aircraft placed on the sea, because the zero speed landing on the sea, the aircraft has not been any impact, passengers on the plane were all intact.

“The plane may explode, you quickly open the door, come inside my body.”

Along with this channel sound, Dragon opened his mouth, his mouth pointed at the aircraft door.

Passengers and crew on board did not dare hesitate to open the aircraft door, scrambling to jump to the mouth of the dragon.

Studio once again burst the barrage.

Saved “, and the passengers were saved!”

“Hero! Dragon is a well-deserved hero!”

“We found no? Dragon’s body is lit, this is really amazing.”

“I’m very curious, this is the spontaneous behavior of the Dragon, or act in accordance with the command.”

Time is of the past, less than two minutes, more than 200 people on the plane were all jumped into the dragon’s mouth, Dragon also closed his mouth, start away from the aircraft.

However, at this time, accompanied by the sound of bombers, aircraft out intense fire.

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