It seems that the profession of a teacher is not easy.

Li Ruisi started the car, turned his head and said with a smile, "How do you feel?"

Fang Ze swallowed a mouthful of water and said, "."

"No surprises and no disappointments."

Li Ruisi laughed out loud: "Captain Fang, who has been abusive all day long, has suddenly become a teacher."

"Old Fang, have you ever killed someone?"

Fang Ze put down the water bottle, and said casually, "I killed it, and more than one."

Li Ruisi glanced at Fang Ze and said, "If the students find out, I'm afraid no one will come to the next class."

Fang Ze said: "That's your idea."

"It is still acceptable for police students to shoot legally."

Li Ruisi stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped away.

"Not always."

Time flies, and half a month has passed.

Unknowingly, Fang Ze has been in Central South Public Security University for fifteen days.

In fifteen days, Fang Ze attended six classes.

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He perfectly demonstrated the subject of criminal psychology to students by combining theory with practice.

No one is absent from class.

One pass ten, ten pass one hundred.

Many students who missed registration rushed over.

Fang Ze broke a record.

The record for the largest number of students in a single class.

There were even some teachers who heard the news and attended Fang Ze's class.

The dean couldn't help sighing after hearing this, if only Fang Ze could stay in the university all the time.

Over time, many excellent police officers will be cultivated.

Fang Ze spent the past fifteen days very comfortably.

Apart from attending classes, this time he finally had time to appreciate the landscape of Zhongnan.

With a local like Li Ruisi around, Fang Ze naturally doesn't have to worry about direction.

Several friends in Zhongnan, he also visited them one by one.

Among them is Jiang Xiaoqi.

As a well-known doctor of Zhongnan International Hospital, Dr. Haigui.

Jiang Xiaoqi is still very famous in the medical field.

in spite of

Whether it is because of social relationship or friendship, Fang Ze needs to maintain the relationship.

What's more, Jiang Xiaoqi helped him a lot when handling the case before.

Inviting guests to dinner is a normal procedure.

Of course, Jiang Xiaoqi paid the bill in the end.

as a "landlord"

, how could she let Fang Ze, a guest who came from afar, spend a lot of money?

Inside Li Ruisi's mansion.

The two sat at a table by the pool, drinking and chatting.

"Old Fang, the arrangements for the past few days have been good."

Fang Ze shook his red wine glass, chuckled lightly and said, "I realized something."

Li Ruisi: "What's the matter?"

Fang Ze turned his head: "You can't imagine the happiness of rich people."

"Ha ha."

Li Ruisi raised his glass and touched Fang Ze, and said, "Have you considered resigning?"

Fang Ze said: "No."

Li Ruisi: ""

After chatting for a while, Li Ruisi said: "Next month, I'll take you to the concert, the tickets are all bought, the front area of ​​the infield."

"You can get close to the national idol."

Fang Ze was puzzled: "I don't follow stars as a national idol."

"Who is it?"

Li Ruisi said, "Zhao Yuling."

Hearing this, Fang Ze almost spit out his wine and said, "Who are you talking about?"

"Zhao Yuling, you don't know nonsense, do you?"

The corner of Fang Ze's mouth twitched, and he said, "I won't go."

Li Ruisi put down his wine glass and said, "If you don't go, you have to go!"

"Just stay with me, please please."

"I bought the ticket without telling Su Yao. Don't let her know."

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