Chapter 148 comes from Assassin in the shadows

For the current Ryuto, he's most fearless is death, anyway, at most one million yuan.

And what he fears the most is that Sony found out that he was hiding in underwear.

After all, although Ryuto is now committing a crime, he is also a dignified "kidnapping criminal" no matter how he put it.

But if someone is caught hiding in a pile of underwear, then it is not a "kidnapper" but a "underwear thief".

This class and style suddenly fell shua~ shua~ shua~, and went straight through the center of the earth.

So when Sonya said that he wanted to change his underwear, Ryuto only felt cold in his hands and feet, and his whole body was shaking.

No. No way? Actually, I think the underwear on the bed is quite suitable for you. Don’t come over, okay? Although Ryuto prayed continuously in the heart, it was obvious that his prayers had no effect.

Sonya walked over at such a leisurely pace and opened the door of the large closet.

oh la la! Noticing that Sonya opened the closet door, Ryuto swallowed a spit, and silently took out his Uzi submachine gun in his hand.

This gun is not for use against Sonya, but for suicide when there is no other way for a while.

If Sonya really found out that he was hiding in a pile of underwear, then Ryuto would really like to commit suicide and do it again, and then he would not hide in such a ghost place as a cocoon if he was killed.

Crunch When Sonya opened the small sliding door of the underwear compartment again, almost all of Ryuto's heart came out of his chest.

Fortunately, because Sonya has enough underwear and Ryuto is buried in the underwear, when Sonya opens the sliding door of the compartment, it is still not visible.

But if she rummaged in her underwear, she would soon find a man squatting shiver coldly inside.

Don't turn in, don't turn in, don't. Ryuto prayed again when he felt Sonya reach out and search for the upper underwear.

Now he is surrounded by soft fabrics everywhere, some of the fabrics are also laced, which makes people feel happy when they pass across his face.

I don’t know if the breath that pours into the nasal cavity is someone’s body odor or the smell of the clothes itself. The smell is pretty good, but Ryuto doesn’t have the mind to enjoy it.

After all, whenever Sonya picked up a set of underwear and looked at it carefully, Ryuto felt that the Eighteen Levels of Hell was a little closer to him.

Her pair of slender and powerful little hands touched it, and she could touch someone's head hidden in a pile of underwear at any time.

For Ryuto, this kind of situation that may be discovered at any time, and suicide is really too tormenting.

Or I would just go ahead and jump out and shout "surprise mother fuker!" to her. I wonder if Sony can take this as a joke? Just as the wonderful confusing thoughts had appeared in Ryuto's mind, Sonya's hand had already touched his hair!

Huh? what is that? Is there anything else in the underwear? The texture of the hair is obviously different from that of the underwear, so Sonya curiously reached out and grabbed it over there. "Hey! Sonya! Have you finished changing your clothes!"

At the moment when Sonya was about to grab Ryuto's golden hair and pull him out, there was a roar like a bear roar from the door of this top-floor villa! It's Saito Takehiro. There is probably no other man besides him in this building with such a majestic roar.

"Smelly father is so annoying."

After a mutter, Sonya turned around and shouted out the door: "Don't be noisy! I'll get out now!"

Should it be said that if there is a father, there must be a daughter? Sonya's voice was not much more convincing than Takehiro, and the roar of the Hedong Lion almost didn't shake the brains of Ryuto who was close at hand.

But the appearance of Takehiro apparently saved Ryuto's life accidentally, because after being urged by him, Sonya didn't have the mood to choose underwear.

So the girl turned her head straight back to the bed, picked up the first set of underwear and wore it on.

Phew. This kind of thing is really bad for the heart. I'm afraid that it won't scare me out of a heart attack if I come here a few times.

Ryuto, who hid in the underwear compartment, was slightly relaxed and looked at the silhouette of Sonya who was wearing clothes on the bed with a relieved gaze.

Sony over there quickly changed into her underwear, then curled her feet and put the pantyhose on her legs, allowing the white silk to wrap her slender legs.

Huh? Wait, isn't it good for me to stare at her like this?

It wasn't until Sonya put on the pantyhose properly that Ryuto realized that he seemed to have something wrong, and was actually attracted by the action of putting on her socks. He looked like an old-fashioned critic who had never seen Lori wearing socks .

So he quickly buried his slightly exposed head back in the underwear pile, and continued to pretend that he was part of the underwear pile.

Fortunately, it didn’t take long for Sonya to change clothes and tie her silver hair into a double ponytail with two shiny ribbons. It looked like someone was going out to participate. The same as Little Princess at the prom.

As the girl finally opened the door and walked towards the outside living room, Ryuto, who was hiding in the closet, finally got a "Viet Cong probe" and got out of the underwear.

Me. I regret me.

After taking a breath of sober air, Ryuto couldn't help but sighed deeply, but still slowly touched the direction of the bedroom door.

Judging from the situation just heard, Saito Takehiro should have handled Mizue's problem, and then ran up to see if Sonya was ready.

Now the time has come to about 7:30, Takehiro will go to the banquet hall below to give a speech, Sonya should also be ready to appear on stage.

Seeing Sonya dressed up in the living room, Takehiro, a little dejected, stood up immediately and praised with a thumbs up: "Ohhhhh! Our girl is so beautiful! It's really your mother's genes!"

Wait, why does this sound like a curse?

Sonya rolled the eyes to her father without a place, and asked suspiciously: "By the way, I seemed to hear some strange noises downstairs just now. Did something happen?"

When faced with the cute daughter's unlovable question, Takehiro obviously didn't know how to speak.

But he still reluctantly explained: "You Rudao Uncle had a little conflict with the guest, but the problem has been resolved?"

"A conflict with the guest? Here? When is it? The guests who were injured by him are okay?"

As if to have a good understanding of Saito Rudao's character, Sonya immediately frowned.

Although Sonya has almost no affection for Saito's people except for father, Saito Rudao is definitely the one she doesn't want to be close to.

Or it's not that Sonya doesn't want to approach, but she instinctively feels that Uncle is very dangerous.

In fact, Saito Rudao has indeed beaten people to death and disabled many times in various kicks and competitions. Saito Hall therefore spent a lot of manpower and resources to wipe his butt. It's a super troublesome character.

What made Sonya didn't expect was that this time Rudao kicked on the iron plate.

Takehiro hearing this immediately showed a weird smile and smiled and said to Sonya: "The guest is fine, but you Rudao Uncle is being rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment."

"Yi! Really?"

"Really, his face was beaten crooked, and he will have to wear an iron mask that covers the whole face in the future, puff hahaha!"

Speaking of this, Takehiro couldn't help but laugh, obviously he also dislikes his cousin very much.

No, or strictly speaking, Takehiro dislikes the overwhelming majority of Saito's family just like Sonya. He wants to live a free and unconstrained lifestyle.

Because of this, he ran away from home alone 20 years ago, went to the North, even violated the marriage contract made by his family, and formed a marriage with Sonya's mother there.

It’s just that before the death of Takehiro’s father, the former president still rejected the consensus and appointed Takehiro back to inherit the hall.

The reason for this is also very simple, because if Takehiro is absent, the successor to the president will be Rudao, who is second.

And anyone with eyes will never let Rudao inherit the position of president. That guy is a lunatic, how can a lunatic be the president.

"Takehiro, Rudao’s child’s parents passed away early, coupled with the cruel temperament and temperamental temperament which was caused by the natural cruelty since childhood. Therefore, “Saito Hall” must not be handed over to him. Otherwise, it will be a century-old foundation. It will be ruined once, understand?"

Facing the father's dying in the ward, Takehiro had no choice but to nodded and took the hot potato.

Over the years, Takehiro has been in intrigue with clansman such as Rudao, and has to deal with many foreign enemies outside.

Under hard work, UU reads www. made this majestic man everyday all exhausted, and his sharpness and vigor was also reduced a lot.

But even so, as long as he sees the smile of his daughter Sonya, Takehiro will have to fight this old fate. "Hurry up!"

Just when Takehiro is watching When Sonya's cheerful silhouette was immersed in her daughter's cuteness and beauty, there was an urgent roar from the corridor not far away! Takehiro immediately turned his head and looked over there, only to see a young boy with a familiar appearance in a waiter uniform, rushing towards this side quickly!

That is? Isn't he the waiter who ran away before? Why is he here? And what seems to be saying to me? Get away?

Before Takehiro could react, a horrible scene appeared.

A Hidden Blade, a Hidden Blade stained with blood, suddenly passed through Takehiro's back, penetrated clothes, skin, skeleton, and internal organs, and then came out from his chest. ! Huh? After seeing the Hidden Blade that suddenly appeared, Sonya instinctively looked behind Takehiro.

But I only saw a slender silhouette wearing a black jacket, retracting the blood-stained Hidden Blade into the sleeves (End of this chapter)

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