Maybe many people don’t know that I was a math class representative when I was in elementary school. Later, because of carelessness and preference for writing, my math grades were slightly worse. Later, I met my first love girlfriend, Z, who is among the top three in school performance. Z is the kind of girl who can use several algorithms to get the correct answer to the last geometry question on the mathematics examination paper, and I still want to skip the calculation process and use the protractor to measure it directly.

With Z's grades, she will inevitably enter the city's key high school. She has a high spirit and will not affect her studies for anything. If I play normally, it is at best the focus of the district. If we both want to study in the same high school, I must not ask her to accommodate me, and I can only work hard on my own. Never trust those who claim that distance is not a problem in the emotional world. That's right, this is very similar to the storyline of "3rd-layer door", but in "3rd-layer door", I had a bit of obscenity and wrote this feeling as a female protagonist. Finally, I deliberately smashed the focus of the test for love. But the male protagonist accidentally entered the city's key Qiongyao bridge section. This is the only power that novel authors can abuse.

At that time, the power of love definitely surpassed the teachings of my parents sensei. I began to listen carefully every day, preview and review, and after struggling for a while, I actually got full marks on a math test.

Yes, full marks. You must know that my class is a special class, which is the so-called good class or improved class. I vaguely remember that there were three or four full marks in mathematics in that exam. When sensei reported me full marks, the whole class was shocked. I looked out the window, and felt that the leaves were very green that day, even the birds were bigger. The first thing I did was to borrow a piece of letter paper, planning to write a little love letter to Z in a while, and put it to her after school. I can't take care of the words "Forget Me Not" and "Everything Reckless" on the letter paper. At that moment, my feelings for mathematics surpassed that of language.

One thing happened after that, and its shadow enveloped my entire teenage life. I remembered that after sending out the test papers, sensei said, Han Han has performed exceptionally this time, which is not in line with common sense. It shouldn't be cheating.

There was a quiet discussion among the classmates immediately, and I even heard some approval.

I immediately pleaded, sensei, the other two people who scored in the test were sitting far away from me, and I was impossible to peek at them.

Sensei said, you may not be looking at them. The students around you have better math scores than you, and you may be looking at the people around you.

I retorted, how is this possible? Their scores are not as high as mine.

sensei said, it's possible that you didn't read the problem they did wrong, and you did it right.

I said, sensei, you can ask the classmates next to me if I peeked at them.

Sensei said, it’s you who peeked at others, but not others peeking at you. How can the person being peeked know that they are being watched.

I said, then you put me in the office and I will do it again.

Sensei said, you know the question and the answer, and a full score doesn't mean anything, but you can try it.

The above dialogue is only a rough idea, because sixteen or seven years have passed. In full view, I went to sensei's office to do the test paper.

Because this test paper has been done once, everything went very smoothly. But I got stuck in only one place-the test paper printing process back then was very rough, and there were often smeared numbers. Naturally, I didn't think much about it, and asked sensei what kind of figure it was.

The mathematics sensei was shivered at that time and took away the test papers in an instant, saying, "You cheated, otherwise you are impossible to remember what this number is. The papers that have been done once, don't you remember?" You must have copied this question. Sensei also took out the test papers I was at the same table, pointed to the place and said, look, what he did is right,

And in the paper where you cheated, you are also right. This is evidence.

I was in a hurry and said, sensei, I only know how to solve the problem, I don't remember the problem. After saying that, I picked up the paper and pressed a few numbers with my fingers, and said, you are asking the question. Tell me what are the numbers I pressed.

Sensei naturally couldn't answer. After a long time, he only said something like "You are sophistry", and then called my father's unit.

My father drove there soon and asked sensei what happened. Sensei said, I have verified that your son cheated on the exam. Then came the education of my father. I interrupted next to me, Dad, actually I...

Then I was kicked by my father and counted away. Father hates this kind of things, and because he is busy with work in his unit, he is called to the school violently, and he is reprimanded in front of the other sensei in the office. He is naturally furious. After my father scolded me for a while, he apologized to sensei, saying that he would educate him after school. I didn't argue a word next to me.

sensei announced that I was cheating in the class. Except for a few good friends who know me, the students are naturally willing to accept this result, and everyone has no objections. It may be difficult for people who have not experienced it to understand my mood at the time. I think that people who have been wronged are prone to anti-social psychology. On the way back, the 15-year-old I thought of many ways to retaliate against the sensei, some of which were even extreme. In the end, I didn't do this, and slowly let go, just for one reason, Z, she believed me.

After returning home, I told my parents about the whole sequence of events. Father also apologized to me. My parents didn't have any power, and they didn't dare to offend sensei, and they didn't know this kind of thing, so they chose to endure it. The parents said, you only need to take a few more full marks and prove it to them.

But it turns out that this kind of reverse incentive is useless. From then on, I feel a physical disgust when I see math classes and math problems. As long as I opened the math textbook, I couldn't concentrate at all. After class, I didn't like staying in the classroom. Of course, I don't think the leaves are so green, even the birds flying by outside the window are small.

After that, I never got a perfect score in math. The reason why my mathematics scores did not drop was because I had to go to the same high school as Z, and there were not many new teaching contents at that time. And the commitment to Z, the preference of Chinese sensei for me because of my good writing, and the fact that I have published a few articles and broke the school record and won the first place in the district are all sources of confidence that support me. Fortunately, we passed the entrance examination soon. That time I actually got a math score... Sorry, not full marks, I let down friends who wanted to see inspirational stories. Fortunately, my math test was not bad in the high school entrance examination, and it was a period of hard study that was not in vain.

As soon as I arrived in high school, my math and science all collapsed. It’s not that I shirked my responsibility. Maybe, after I got a full score in the math test, this story can lead to a different result. According to my personality, there may be some websites you often go to. I have participated in programming. Maybe there is a science and technology. Ke's very good Weibo celebrity named Han Han often writes some good jokes and refits his car to look like a racing car, which is bumpy and noisy, making his mother-in-law very dissatisfied.

At that moment when I opened my letter paper to confess to Z, my interest and self-confidence in science could not be increased. But this actually only lasted one minute. Nothing is assumed. After going through this, am I stronger? Yes, I can ignore the eyes of more people and do what I think is right. I have a stronger psychological endurance. But did I endure it? Not necessarily, UU reading I subconsciously brought the prejudice against a sensei into my early works, criticizing and even insulting almost all teachers, many of which are not objective and narrow. Those resentments were buried in my subconscious, and I used my little voice to retaliate against the entire teaching profession. In my novels, few sensei appear in a positive image. All these revenges, these mistakes, I didn't even notice when I started writing. And my math sensei is she a bad guy? No, she was very serious and simple, stern and selfless. Later I learned that her marriage life had changed during that time. She might just say something unintentionally at the time, but in order to be prestigious among her classmates, she had to push on. For me, even though I was wronged, it changed the trajectory of my life. I spent all my energy on the places that are more worthwhile and better. My current career is my love, and I do a great job. Happy. As for those classmates, most people forgot about it at the class meeting ten years later. People actually will not take the innocence or grievances of others too seriously.

Ten years later, I also became a sensei. As the instructor of racing license training, those students in my class must get my signature to get the aptitude. Sitting in the car driven by the students and looking out the window, the leaves are still its original color, and the birds are still the size it should be. Once, a student who drove well rushed out of the track because of too much tension, and we were caught in a buffer zone, looking at each other in blank dismay. The student wiped his sweat and said, instructor, I can control this speed when I go through corners. I could do it every time when I practiced solo yesterday. I told him, yes, I saw it upstairs yesterday, and it was true.

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