
So at noon that day, the corner of the garden exuding fresh fragrance.

Ruri and Ryuto ate with Yuna Senpai and told her what they found.

“No way? Was that association originally such a place?”

After knowing how strange his mother had entered, Yuna Senpai couldn’t help covering her mouth with an expression of disbelief.

Although she also disagrees with the mother’s practice of making herself the same as the old beauty in accordance with the “Great Beauty Association”, but she didn’t expect such a complicated situation behind it.

Although Yuna Senpai is relatively naive and doesn’t mix these weird things, she can also see that this shit association must be uneasy and kind. Sooner or later, Makoto will cause trouble if she stays in it for a long time.

In a hurry, Yuna picked up the phone and shouted: “No! I’ll call mother to withdraw from the meeting!”

But before Yuna could dial the familiar number, Ryuto lightly held her hand.

“Ryuto? You are”

“You call now to tell your mother these things, do you think she can believe?”

After hearing Ryuto’s words, Yuna was shocked, then sighed deeply.

Indeed, as Ryuto said, even if you tell Maqin to such undocumented guesses and inferences, she will never take care of it, and there is even a risk of beat the grass to scare the snake.

After all, up to now, the “Big Beauty Association” has indeed done nothing bad. They are just ordinary members to absorb and promote American culture, and there is no place where they can be responsible.

Thinking of this, Yuna not only sighed: “Is it so helpless? You have to wait until they have something wrong before you can do anything with them?”

“This is the case for the time being, but Yuna Senpai, I want to know what your father’s attitude towards this matter is, this is very important.”

“Father, he really doesn’t understand mother’s enthusiasm for the “Big Beauty Association”, but father always respects mother, so he would not interfere.”

“Then ask, in turn, can your mother interfere with some of your father’s decisions? As a member of “Dark Crow”, he still has a say in many aspects.”

Although some very special terms are mentioned, Ruri asks without the slightest hesitation, as if he thinks Yuna as it should be by rights knows what “dark crow” is.

However, Yuna scratched her head: “sorry, what is “dark crow”? I have never heard of this term.”

Later Yuna looked towards Ryuto, and Ryuto also shook the head, indicating that he did not know what “dark crow” was.

Ruri hearing this is on the patted forehead, and asked in disbelief: “No way? You two are all okay, so let’s start with “Yatarawu”.”

“What is Yatawu?”

“”Yatawu” is a secret association, and it is the oldest secret association in the history of this country, and it is also the “core center” that truly controls this country.”

What? Hearing this, Ryuto and Yuna couldn’t help but widen their eyes. After all, this kind of thing is simply too sensational.

A secret association is actually the “core center” that controls the entire country?

Of course, looking at the scope of the world, there are actually similar secret associations. The more well-known one is the legendary “Freemason”.

“Freemasonry” is the main manipulating force behind the scenes of high-level governments and political parties in Western countries, and is called the “shadow government”.

It is said that there are many celebrities among the members of the “Freemason”, such as American presidents, governors, justices, world-class rich and so on. The energy of this association is said to be enough to affect every corner of the world.

In the remote eastern island country, a similar huge association is what Ruri calls “Yatarawu”.

This secret association is said to have started in 660 BC, when the first Heavenly Sovereign “Kidney Wu Heavenly Sovereign” came to the throne.

“Yatarawu” was originally a small group composed of many nobles, and later gradually absorbed members to expand its sphere of influence,

Until modern times, it even became a real “shadow government”, which really controlled this island country.

The structure of “Yatarawu” is divided into three levels. The top three “Golden Yuan” have been held by top leaders in religious, political, and military circles throughout the ages. However, after World War II, Japan was not allowed to have an army. It was replaced by a leader in the business world.”

Having said that, Ruri took a pen casually and wrote carefully on the spread tablecloth.

“The structure of the Second Layer is “Dark Crow”. There are twelve members on this layer. They will select Yuna Senpai’s father Kyouji from contemporary political elites, noble families and business giants, and my mother Mizue. Is a member of “Dark Crow”.”

Mrs. Mizue is also a member of “Yatawu”? This kind of thing is never mentioned in the game.

After hearing that name, Ryuto couldn’t help but “hiss”, because it was something he didn’t expect.

After all, in the scarlet album 2Extinction, the protagonist as the player can only see the side of the game, and many things hidden under the water are not known.

Only in the second half of the game, after Nagahime brought her “Tenmoku Group” to public rebellion, it is said that hundreds of missiles blew up many aloof and remote old fogey. Wu” people.

When Ryuto was thinking over there, Ruri finally wrote: “The structure of the Third Layer is “The Last Feather”. The number of people varies from about 1,000 in the Peak period to more than 600 now. They are basically familiar. Big politician, Big Boss, or highly prestigious scholar, scientist, artist, barrister, etc.”

After speaking, the tablecloth in Ruri’s pen was densely packed with things, and she drew a three-layer structure of a pyramid, symbolizing the power class of “Yatawu”.

“so that’s how it is, it is worthy of the legendary secret association, it is really exaggerated.”

After listening to Ruri’s explanation and writing on the blackboard so intuitively, Ryuto couldn’t help but sigh.

“Golden Yuan”, “Dark Crow”, and “Moyu”.

These three levels belonging to the “Yatago” basically include the upper elite of Japan. Although the number is only six or seven hundred, it seems to be rare, but the influence is more than 100 million. People are stronger.

Ruri used the phrase “this association is controlling the core center of this country”. It is true that there is nothing wrong with it. That’s how it is.

Come to think of it, Kamiya Mizue and Tsukimi Kyouji, who are almost a powerful figure, are only members of the middle-level structure “Dark Crow” in “Yatawu”.

In other words, there are ten other members in “Yatawu” who are equal to the two of them.

Even if you don’t look at the three “Golden Yuan” on the top and the hundreds of “End Feathers” below, the twelve members of the middle-level “Dark Crow” alone are enough to be terrifying.

Only then did Ryuto understand what kind of organization he was fighting against, and what kind of organization Tenmoku Nagahime was fighting against.

From a certain perspective, Ryuto and Nagahime actually have the same enemy, “Yatahime”.

After all, if Ryuto wants to destroy the “House Monarch” system, it is useless to convince the “Kamiya family” that his enemy is simply not the “Kamiya family”, but the “Yatawu” behind him.

In particular, the top “Golden Yuan” includes two bigwigs in the religious and political circles, namely, the “Shintoist God Lord” and the “Cabinet Prime Minister”.

The House Monarch system passed down by the “Kamiya family” through the generations, to put it bluntly, essentially serves “Shintoism” and the “cabinet”, and is a means of strengthening lower-level management passed down from ancient times to the present.

To rule the lower ranks in the name of the gods, and to replace the priesthood is Kamiya.

Therefore, the existence of the “Kamiya family” is the signboard that the upper echelons give them the right to act as a priest, a shiny signboard that everyone can obey.

Therefore, if it is almost impossible to cancel the House Monarch system, it is smashing the “Golden Yuan” sign.

As long as the “Golden Yuan” is still there, UU reading can even wipe out the current “Kamiya family” and replace it with someone else who is willing to implement the House Monarch system. Just call the Kamiya family. As for whether or not the people are in it, it simply doesn’t matter.

Ryuto has said these things for the first time so far, but Mizue clearly knows them all.

Ryuto didn’t quite understand why he didn’t seek to escape from the shackles of the family with the strength of Mizue, and why he was willing to be locked up in the “Divine Palace” for twenty years.

Now he understands that the feeling is not that Mizue doesn’t want to resist, but that Mizue knows the existence of “Yatago” and knows that he can’t resist this huge institution.

No matter how clever Mizue is, no matter how she performs the calculations, one big difference between her and Nagahime is that Mizue does not have the madness and courage that can subvert the world like Nagahime.

In the original work, Nagahime basically feels mad at the back, throwing missiles directly to the group of Tokyo nobles taking turns bathing, no matter what your fucking status is, all living things are equal under the missile, don’t you understand? understand.

From this point of view, “Yatara” is not invincible in the whole world. Nagahime successfully killed them, proving that as long as the right opportunity is found, there is a probability of winning.

But the most troublesome thing for Ryuto is that he must deal with the “Tenmoku Group” while dealing with the “Yatawu”

After all, when Nagahime littered missiles after a while, she would not deliberately bypass Ryuto and the “Dragon Group”, as it should be blown up for you.

However, these things have nothing to do with Ryuto for the time being, and the current focus is still on the Queen’s sisters and the “Big Beauty Association”.

If Yuna Senpai mother is not resolved, there will always be a big weakness in the enemy’s hand, which will inevitably make them feel as if having a fish bone stuck in one’s throat, like a awn on their back, like sitting on pins and needles.

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